Author Topic: Evidence for life on Mars  (Read 3622 times)

Offline Seagoon

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« Reply #165 on: March 08, 2005, 01:18:01 PM »
Hello again Siaf,

Originally posted by Siaf__csf
Seagoon, please don't. It's clear to me that you've dedicated your life to the cause you firmly believe in and I can only respect that. So it would be merely a waste of your time for you to start explaining the verses one by one (I believe there were hundreds of examples.) It would be an act of futility as it would not change my opinnion.

I'm just teasing Jackal at this point to see if he finally realises that the flood story in the Bible is simply impossible to have happened the way he believes it was. Even if that won't happen, I'll still get a few chuckles out of it.

Ok, my sincere thanks for being so honest about it. I have to admit that my heart really wasn't in it. To tell the truth, this thread has expanded into too many different sub-arguments for me to follow and respond to without my head hurting. I'm one of those guys who has difficulty walking and chewing bubblegum at the same time so when a thread begins to look this way I generally bow out.

A few random responses though:

1)  A far wiser man than I warned me a long time ago the folly of trying to be an expert in too many fields, and I've already witnessed too many pastors making fools of themselves by attempting to be amateur scientists and politicians. As R.B. Kuiper put it so well:
"Just because the preaching of the Word is so great a task the church must devote itself to it alone. For the church to undertake other activities, not indissolubly bound up with this one, is a colossal blunder, because it inevitably results in neglect of its proper task. Let not the church degenerate into a social club. Let not the church go into the entertainment business. Let not the church take sides on such aspects of economics, politics, or natural science as are not dealt with in the Word of God. And let the church be content to teach special, not general revelation. Let the church be the church."[/b]

So whenever I blunder into discussing aspects of non-historical general revelation, and science in particular I have to do so acknowledging that I am a complete bumpkin and that this doesn't fall under the commission I am given in Matthew 28:19-20.

But a few points regarding the Ark from Gen. 6. The Ship itself was fairly immense, about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high with multiple decks. I don't personally rely on General Revelation to "prove" special revelation - thus I don't heave a sigh of relief when I find Jesus mentioned by the contemporary Jewish/Roman historian Josephus, but it is worth noting that both historians and other archaeologists have found evidence of other ancient vessels of immense proportion, so the idea that "no wooden ship could be so large" is groundless. It's also worth noting that the pyramids are also technically impossible given what moderns believe the ancients were capable of doing, yet they exist.

As to the worldwide flood, both Sumerian and Babylonian accounts chronicle their own version of the flood, but ultimately I'll admit that I believe it because I trust the biblical account and not because I am credulous, but because I trust the author. the universal Flood is mentioned as a fact by Christ in Luke 17:26-27, by the author of Hebrews in Heb. 11:7 and by Peter in 1 Peter 1:3:20 & 2 Peter 2:5, so this isn't just a quaint little narrative from the OT Christians can take or leave.

2) On to Science (village idiot hat on). Regarding Darwinian evolution, even the late Stephen J. Gould (a noted atheist and famous prof. of Geology, Biology and the history of science)himself noted in his essay "Darwinian Fundamentalism" the distressing tendency to make this paradigm the new unshakable faith of the period. He and his peers, for instance, criticized the willingness of education establishments to continue teaching portions of Darwinian evolution that had long since been scrapped and their unwillingness to embrace modern theories such as the "wonderful monster" concept of change via simultaneous rapid mutations. In fact, although he held creationists in utter contempt, he too was embarassed by the tendency of text-book publishers to print pictures of hypothetical "transitional life forms" that no fossil evidence has ever uncovered and which are biologically untenable.

For instance, Gould and his colleagues were only too well aware that a structure in-between an arm and a wing that was actually neither, made for a life-form that even under the concept of "survival of the fitest" would be "deleted." As most modern paleontologists point out, we have fossil arms and we have fossil wings, we have fossil arms and fossil flippers, but no transitional forms in between. They've generally given up on searching for biologically untenable "links" so the modern explanation for this is usually rapid mutation. I.E. Mamma lizard gives birth to a bird, said bird finds another similar mutant and the bird species begins. Christians of course say simply Special Creation, i.e. God made Lizards and God made birds. Which is of course laughed at, but then again it is also being laughed at by people who prefer the idea of UFO tinkering with human development to the idea of a creator.

In Creation, it really is a case of "Ex Nihilo, Nihil Fit" - From nothing, nothing comes If at one time there really was nothing, there would still be nothing today. Even the big bang theory doesn't explain the generation of the matter that exploded. Matter is not self-generated.

Either you have a creator who has revealed himself to his creation via general and special revelation, or you are still left with the unanswered childs question: "Where did everything come from." and the depressing answer "I don't know" (or worse, the existentialists "I can't know" or the nihilists "Stupid flabby child! Nothing exists!")

PS: Vorticon, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who bursts out laughing at the "my doctor has forbidden me to push" point in Thomas the Tank Engine - my kids look at me like I'm crazy.

I mean when I do that... you know, laugh at Thomas the Tank Engine.

Ok, they think I'm crazy most of the time.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2005, 01:21:33 PM by Seagoon »
SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
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« Reply #166 on: March 08, 2005, 01:24:11 PM »
Common sense, do what it will, cannot avoid being surprised occasionally. The object of science is to spare it this emotion and create mental habits which shall be in such close accord with the habits of the world as to secure that nothing shall be unexpected.
Anything undeterminable by nature (no pun) is a waste of braintime.
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Offline Raider179

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« Reply #167 on: March 08, 2005, 01:53:33 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon

But a few points regarding the Ark from Gen. 6. The Ship itself was fairly immense, about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high with multiple decks. I don't personally rely on General Revelation to "prove" special revelation - thus I don't heave a sigh of relief when I find Jesus mentioned by the contemporary Jewish/Roman historian Josephus, but it is worth noting that both historians and other archaeologists have found evidence of other ancient vessels of immense proportion, so the idea that "no wooden ship could be so large" is groundless. It's also worth noting that the pyramids are also technically impossible given what moderns believe the ancients were capable of doing, yet they exist.  

thats it? 450x75x45, that doesnt sound large enough to hold 2 of everything, food for all of them, remember ceratin species will only eat certain food, (Koalas for example)Heck that is not that much larger than an old victory ship. I also wonder how 8 people could feed so many animals every day. Predatory animals would kill off the herbivores in quick time after they were released. Unless Noah took enough food to keep the carnivores happy until the other animals had time to get their numbers up. what would that take a few generations so 40 or more years. Hope its got a big cargo hold.

 But what gets me the most is he only took family members so that means if its true we are all related to each other can anyone say incest.(he took his wife and his 3 sons and their wives) gross.Please correct me if this is wrong I would like to be wrong about this part especially but that is my read on it.

Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #168 on: March 08, 2005, 02:46:38 PM »
Seagoon I don't know where you got the 'no wooden vessel could be so large' claim - it wasn't from me at least.

What I was trying to say is that if this event did occur merely 4300 years ago, there would be no way that we'd have a population this large today (without even thinking about the racial versatility if we're supposed to be all Noah's descendents.)

Same applies to animal population.

The fact that no transitional forms have been discovered through fossils is indeed weird. Then again, how many millionths of a percent of all animals that lived fossilized not to mention were found by archeologists.. The lack of fossile discovery in itself proves nothing.

Then again, there's no absolute evidence pointing that creation couldn't possibly be true so it's pretty much academic. Although in my opinnion every fact so far points to the way of evolution instead of creation. At the very least if there was indeed creation, there has been evolution after that. Most likely humans will never really know the ultimate answers to things like this. Those who are puzzled think about it, others do research. I never felt the need to find an answer to questions like 'why am I here' or 'where did all this come from.'

But what gets me the most is he only took family members so that means if its true we are all related to each other can anyone say incest.(he took his wife and his 3 sons and their wives) gross.Please correct me if this is wrong I would like to be wrong about this part especially but that is my read on it.

You're correct. The bible was written on a time when nobody knew the word 'political correctness.' It has texts which severely undermine female rights, violence, incest and more.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2005, 02:54:01 PM by Siaf__csf »

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #169 on: March 08, 2005, 02:53:24 PM »
Originally posted by Siaf__csf
Seagoon I don't know where you got the 'no wooden vessel could be so large' claim - it wasn't from me at least.

I think there is some kind of theory or law that any wooden vessel over 200 feet leaks profusely.

Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #170 on: March 08, 2005, 03:01:43 PM »
It seems it's called 'hogging' basically the wooden structure flexes too much which will eventually break the ship.

But to be honest, the size of the ship would be the least of the problems.

Offline SunTracker

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« Reply #171 on: March 08, 2005, 03:28:28 PM »
The fact that no transitional forms have been discovered through fossils is indeed weird. Then again, how many millionths of a percent of all animals that lived fossilized not to mention were found by archeologists.. The lack of fossile discovery in itself proves nothing.

But how could a fish move from the sea to land?  Lets ask our buddy, muddy the mud-skipper who loves land.

Offline Skydancer

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« Reply #172 on: March 08, 2005, 06:23:21 PM »
I wonder if hats are tasty? There ought to be a few eating them right now.

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #173 on: March 08, 2005, 08:19:55 PM »

Now that this has progressed to this point I have a couple questions.

First you mentioned you believe the bible because of the author. In this regard are you implying of a single author for the entire volume, both old and new testament. Are you speaking metaphorically or specifically? Please note this is not in any way a dig at yourself or your faith, it's an attempt to discuss some items that were brought up in a philosophy socialogy classes back in college.

Secondly, how literaly should the bible be taken in detail? I know that is a broad spectrum question but it leads to other questions I have had rattling in my skull for some time. I prefer a scholarly discussion vs the usual prosletyzing type of discussion.
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Offline Holden McGroin

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« Reply #174 on: March 08, 2005, 08:59:05 PM »
Originally posted by Maverick
First you mentioned you believe the bible because of the author. In this regard are you implying of a single author for the entire volume, both old and new testament. Are you speaking metaphorically or specifically?

I would think that Seagoon believes that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as well as the other writers where but pens in the hand of the master rather than authors.

But I could be way off.
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Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #175 on: March 09, 2005, 08:11:51 AM »
Originally posted by Siaf__csf

What do you refer to with the dance and squirm? Or are you afraid to answer that too.

Heehee... coming from someone who has been avoiding it like a rattlesnake , that`s not even a good attempt. You can address it or continue to overlook it.
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Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #176 on: March 09, 2005, 08:27:17 AM »
Answer the question, please.

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #177 on: March 09, 2005, 08:44:52 AM »
You answer it. You are the one who keeps dancing around it.
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Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #178 on: March 09, 2005, 08:57:15 AM »
Rofl! Are you retarded or what?

It's a simple question. Answer it. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #179 on: March 09, 2005, 08:59:54 AM »
Sorry, I didn`t get the memo stating it was "Make A Poor Excuse For A Troll`s Life Easier" day.
You can either address it or keep dancing around it. Kicking and screaming is not gonna help ya. The page links are still gonna work.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.