Author Topic: How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?  (Read 637 times)

Offline Traveler

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2005, 01:38:10 PM »
Originally posted by SKJohn
That's really cool!  You have a job most of us would give our left .... for!
Please don't take my previous post the wrong way.  It was meant in a toungue in cheek manner.  Hence, the smiley  after the post.  As you may or may not know there was recently a person on here claiming to have 500 hours or so in a P-51, but when people asked him for his credentials, he disappeared.

Again, I think you've had what most of us here would consider to be a dream job.  I know that I'm defintely jealous!

I understand and I was just trying to be clear, also it's not a full time job, and the truth is I'd pay them to do it, but lets just keep that between us.  

Because Eastern, ("The wings of Man") went belly up before I could afford to retire, I ended up with a  full time job, that has little to do with flying.  I still  teach flying on weekends, as a flight instructor, but again only during the summer and fall, winter and spring I teach sking at a hotel resort part time, and make more money then I do teaching flying.
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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2005, 02:20:13 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak

I did not say AH was realistic.  I said that having the engines break from one flight at higher than cruise power was not realistic.  The same is true of IL-2's engine overheating.  It is not realistic.

As for the arena yu want, ToD is in production and it sounds like it will be more of what you want, though you'll still have to forgo the warm up I'd imagine.

Why you'd want limited fuel is beyond me though.  It's not really fun when you can't fly at all.  The novelty wears off quickly.  The MA used to be that way, all along the front there would only be 25% fuel available.

Karnak, I disagree with you, an engine could be damaged by miss use, to the point of needing to be replaced after just one flight in the real world.   That was the reality.  

Yes I have heard about ToD, been hearing about it for a number of years now,  I'll believe it when I actually sign in to the ToD arena.  

My reasons for wanting a more realistic arena are because I enjoy strategy type games, which is what Aces High was originally packaged and sold as, a WWII Flight Simulation.  In recent years it's become more of an arcade type game.  Strat targets have become almost meaningless.  There is a limitless supply of aircraft and fuel and willing pilots to furball.  

There appear to be very few pilots disciplined  enough to organize detailed missions, not because they wouldn’t like to, but because they know no one will join.   I mean, if AHII is a WWII Flight Simulation, then what must have happened during WWII was the United States must have sent a lot of pilots to England and the Pacific given them a lot of aircraft and said, “now go win the war”.  Those pilots  in turn all jumped into what ever they wanted to fly and took off to go shoot down an nme aircraft.  No plan, no missions, no assigned targets. No wingman.  Just here is a plane, now go do it.  

I fine that type of game play to have become boring.   What the strat targets used to allow was for a greatly outnumbered side to slow down a larger force by hitting at the strat targets and denying the nme the ability to make war and advance.  What I’m interested in is Flight play, Squad play and Team play, what this game was originally all about.
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Offline Karnak

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2005, 02:30:32 PM »

Yes, it could be damaged like that.  Of course, it could also be damaged flying at cruise settings too, though less likely as the stresses are less.  The request I was responding to wanted them to always be damaged if flown above cruise settings.

As to what AH was, you must have been playing a diffierent game than I was.  I played the beta briefly and subscribed when v1.03 was released.  Unless v1.00 through v1.02 were dramatically different AH has never been a strategy game and has always been an air combat game with unlimited aircraft.  I do know what you mean about missions though.  I have had to try to recruit for missions, but you get very little response.

As to ToD, well, apparently that is what the programmers are focusing on now, which has never been the case in the past.  Maybe we'll see something this year.
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Offline Sikboy

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2005, 03:22:37 PM »
Make Everyone fly Yaks. You'll learn to love Cruise speed lol.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Sikboy

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2005, 03:30:12 PM »
Originally posted by Traveler

There appear to be very few pilots disciplined  enough to organize detailed missions, not because they wouldn’t like to, but because they know no one will join.   I mean, if AHII is a WWII Flight Simulation, then what must have happened during WWII was the United States must have sent a lot of pilots to England and the Pacific given them a lot of aircraft and said, “now go win the war”.  Those pilots  in turn all jumped into what ever they wanted to fly and took off to go shoot down an nme aircraft.  No plan, no missions, no assigned targets. No wingman.  Just here is a plane, now go do it.  

If you're up late tonight, you might want to give Squad Operations a shot. It runs Friday Nights from 2300-0100. A bit late for us easties, but like Monday Night Football, we have to make allowances for our West Coast overlords. If you have the time and inclination, send me a PM in the SEA tonight and you can fly with my guys.

Also, I believe that we still have some Divebomber spots on Team Alpha in the Coral Sea Scenario:

The event isn't until April and May, but we've already started Practices.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Rino

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2005, 06:49:37 PM »
Originally posted by Traveler
There is a whole business world out there built around the Air Show.  I happend to have  worked as a flight instructor and banner tower for an operator  that shared space with a company that also supplied WarBirds to airshows for fly bys and static display.  They had a P40, F4U B25 and TBM and two A6's.  They were based at Allair Air Park, now called Monmouth Executive Airport in NJ.  I have thousands of hours in 727's and flew the line for Eastern Airlines for many years.   I also towed banners up and down the Jersey shore for a lot of years and have thousands of hours in tail dragers, J3, supper CUBs C180.  I owned my own J3, a 1946, 65HP which was also displayed at many airshows as a static display for 20 years.  The owner of the War Bird business asked me if I'd be willing to work for him ferring the aircraft from time to time.  His insurance company liked the fact that I was airline trained ex Military and I flew with a check pilot in the A6 for 25 hours prior to getting the keys to the F4U.  I've flown the P40 and the F4U and aside from doing unusual attatudes and stalls in the A6, it's all stright and level, point A to point B and return when flying the P40 and F4U.  The company gets 5K a day for static displays and an additional 2.5K for flyovers.  If you are in the Jersey Shore area between Sandy Hook and Atlantic City on any given day in the Summer Time after the heat of the day has passed, you can see a flight of three or four sometimes five aircraft, flying up or down the coast at a 1000 feet giving the oil coolers a workout and keeping the engins sealed.  You will hear us before you see us and once you look up and see us, it's a sight that you will always remember.

     I imagine he works for Jeff Clyman, just out of curiousity
Traveller, you know a guy named Dan Damio?  He flies the same
birds you do, just at airshows ;)
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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2005, 08:50:12 PM »
Amazing how people will moan and groan about realism.
this isnt realistic. that isnt realistic.
But only for the things that suit them.

Dunno bout the warm uptimes though

If nothing else

 I think this fuel limiter is a major step in the right direction IMO

I personally would like to see engine damage when run too hard too long.
Or guns overheating and jamming from holding the trigger down too long (would cure alot of spray and prayers from that bad habit)

Another  thing that should be added is recoil on the Bomber guns.
Entirely too easy to aim now.

Wouldnt mind seeing (experiancing) thermals too particularly when flying over a burning feild or strat target

Pilot blackouts at high alts for planes that werent equiped to go that high.

I could go on
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Offline DaddyAck

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2005, 03:18:47 PM »
I agree on the improtance of the strategic targets, The whole point to taking them out is to allow for the weakinging of your enemy's suply chain; which, in turn hands the advantage to those whoo took the initative to take them out in the first place.

As far a missions, I am disapointed by the lack of quantity and overall quality of missions lately.  It seems that it is all straight shot to target, release ordanance, then return to base totally ignoring the enemy radar or fighter screens, whigh as an aside hardly ever are present.  The majority of what you are left with is endless LA7 and N1K Furball turnfights.

Oh well, what are we to do?  I can talk till blue in the face, but as long as the interface stays the same (no wind, cloud layers, night time, or and variables) we are powerless.

Just my two cents on the matter.

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2005, 08:57:33 AM »
Originally posted by Karnak

As to what AH was, you must have been playing a diffierent game than I was.  I played the beta briefly and subscribed when v1.03 was released.  Unless v1.00 through v1.02 were dramatically different AH has never been a strategy game and has always been an air combat game with unlimited aircraft.  I do know what you mean about missions though.  I have had to try to recruit for missions, but you get very little response.

AH1 allowed you to take a field fuel down to 25%.  The best you can do now is take a field down to 75%.  You can fly most anything to any fight on the map with 75%.  Striking at the fuel factory destroyed or slowed down the ability for a field to recover from say a fueling state of 50% back to 100%.  Today in AH2, it has no effect, sure you get points for hitting the fuel factory as a target, but no residual effect like there was in the past.
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Offline thrila

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2005, 09:08:19 AM »
Upping the minimum field fuel could be porked too was one of the best things HTC did.  Entering the arena to find all front bases porked down to 25% and most secondary bases was not fun.   Often i would login, look at all the porked bases and log out, i was even considering quitting it was so bad.  All it took was a single guy to make a base useless- it only took a couple of suicidal guys to render a whole front useless.  Often both sides of the front bases would be porked to 25%.
"Willy's gone and made another,
Something like it's elder brother-
Wing tips rounded, spinner's bigger.
Unbraced tailplane ends it's figure.
One-O-nine F is it's name-
F is for futile, not for fame."

Offline Traveler

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2005, 10:01:52 AM »
Originally posted by Rino
I imagine he works for Jeff Clyman, just out of curiousity
Traveller, you know a guy named Dan Damio?  He flies the same
birds you do, just at airshows ;)

No, I don't know Dan Damio, I didn't fly in the AirShows.  I pre-position the aircraft and ferry them prior to or just after the show.  Usually fly them in on a Thursday or Friday afternoon and fly them out either to the next show or back to the barn on Monday.

Mostly east coast, Boston down to DC area, West to as far as Chicago Area.  No O2 in the birds so it's all below 12K.  Wouldn't want to take an un-pressurized bird much  above 18K at my age anyway, just to uncomfortable.   But each aircraft does have enough equipment to be able to file IFR if required.  Ever notice how just before an airshow or just after, the weather really sucks.

Before 9/11 I was ferrying the F4U back from DC to NJ , coming up the coast, I had borrowed a friends, portable O2 tank and was cleared by Washington Center for a block of airspace from 15K to FL 180.  I was flying between layers when the controller asked me if it would be ok if I was the target of an exercise.  I said sure thinking they wanted DF targeting or some other radar training execerise.  Next thing I know I’ve got two  F18’s on my six,  looking me over.  They flew up into a lose formation and even rolled up inverted as we passed through a layer, trying to give me the impression that I was inverted.  That lasted for about 10 min then they split off, 5 weeks later I got an envelope from a Navy Commander, inside was a letter along with a Certificate of Appreciation and several photos taken from his gun camera.  The Commander wanted to assure me that he first killed me with his primary weapon at 40 miles, but when told what type aircraft I was flying he requested a close in pass to “confirm the target”  That is when he killed me with his Cannon.  Lucky for me, he was only shooting pictures that day.
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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2005, 10:45:22 AM »
Originally posted by thrila
Upping the minimum field fuel could be porked too was one of the best things HTC did.  Entering the arena to find all front bases porked down to 25% and most secondary bases was not fun.   Often i would login, look at all the porked bases and log out, i was even considering quitting it was so bad.  All it took was a single guy to make a base useless- it only took a couple of suicidal guys to render a whole front useless.  Often both sides of the front bases would be porked to 25%.


Had HiTech tried to sell me on a WWII flight Game.   I would not have bothered.  I signed on for the Simulation.

The situation you describe is exactly my point about AH2 being more of an arcade game rather then being what it was originally advertised to be, a WWII flight Simulation.  The fact is that front line bases were fighter bases during the war, from which fighters launched on very short range missions, to defend.  Long range missions and heavy strike aircraft, seldom launched from front line bases.  

But what happened over the last two years in AH is a new player group has joined the game and that player group enjoys furballs.  They fly only to engage in a furball.  As a result game play has changed.  The new group has demanded changes to the game to increase the number of fulballs because that’s what they want to do.    There is no more night, effectively it is always light out.  Fuel is never limited, thus allowing the furball to continue.  Strat targets do not limit plane production or fuel production or ammo production,  nothing that might effect a furball is in the game.  Strategy is not needed.  Fewer missions are planned and flown, fewer people join the missions that are planned.

But the good news is that the only constant in AH is the constant of CHANGE so I’m sure that at some point things will move back toward the middle ground.  ToD may provide the type of arena play and simulation  that many of us seek.  The furballers will have the MA for their game and the Strat players will have the ToD for the simulation.
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Offline DaddyAck

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2005, 11:15:31 AM »
Originally posted by thrila
Upping the minimum field fuel could be porked too was one of the best things HTC did.  Entering the arena to find all front bases porked down to 25% and most secondary bases was not fun.   Often i would login, look at all the porked bases and log out, i was even considering quitting it was so bad.  All it took was a single guy to make a base useless- it only took a couple of suicidal guys to render a whole front useless.  Often both sides of the front bases would be porked to 25%.

I disagree, The element of defending strategic targets is and should be important to prevent such "porkings".  Personally I think that taking out a suply chain should have an effect on combat.

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How to make emphasis on cruise speed ?
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2005, 05:57:11 PM »
Traveller, what is 1 guy having the ability to pork a whole field's fuel supply  in 30 secs simulating?  Fuel was far too easy to knock out- it was a joke!  I can't see why people who enjoy strategy can't target the FH's which has the same effect of stopping planes from upping.  Sure it's tougher, but it stops a single suicidal pilot from effectively closing a field- which was heavily involved in fuel porking.  There was no strategic thinking from fuel porkers, it required no thought or planning- just a single volunteer willing to sacrifice himself to close a field.  Fields can still be closed, it just now requires more thought than "lets pork field x fuel".  A couple of days ago knits closed a front with atleast 15 buffs, knocking out 4 bases, shutting down the bish front.

The main reason why i don't like it because it just wasn't fun.  What is fun about not being able to fly, sure it's simulating the fact i can't fly- but where is the fun in that.

I've no disagreements making factories more involved.  At the moment their used for little more than bomber guys to pad their scores.  It would be nice to intercept the odd mission inbound to destroy them.
"Willy's gone and made another,
Something like it's elder brother-
Wing tips rounded, spinner's bigger.
Unbraced tailplane ends it's figure.
One-O-nine F is it's name-
F is for futile, not for fame."