Again, a lot of things are wrong in this article. Many of these have been poitned out before, ie. the mixing of K-6 charts labeled as K-4 etc, maximum performance of the K-4 drawn with lines that are barely visible, flawed translation of original documents with a complete different meaning in than the original. The 1.8ata climb chart are also wrong and show performance WITHOUT MW-50... I don`t understand why these errors are left in the article, if they are known and pointed out already, and they were shown to you. The details are in my article if you missed them.
Another thing is representing the fact that the DB 605 DB`s max boost was 1.8ata... how is this supposed to prove the DB 6605
DC [/U] was not cleared for 1.98ata? Why was the DC table cut off from the document...? The DB was never supposed to run on more than 1.8ata with B-4 + MW, the DC could either run on 1.8 or 1.98ata with C-3 + MW. Mixing the two can be misleading.
I have compiled an article correcting in point,and it can be read here. It will be soon updated if further errors are found in the article on SP. view of the written orders by the OKL, the statement that there`s no evidence to 1.98ata being used by operational units can hardly be sustained. I am looking forward that you point out this fact in your article.
Acording to a classified order dated 20th March 1945 from the LW high command (OKL, Lw.-Führüngstab, Nr. 937/45 gKdos.(op) 20.03.45) :
"The development in the equipment status of day fighter units is based on the standard types laid down in the emergency program and anticipates :
for Bf 109 units : K-4
for FW 190 units : D-9, D-12 with changeover to Ta 152 H and C
The arrival of the Ta 152 and it`s assignment to FW 190 units will result in an improvement in the equipment status of these units.
Essentially Bf 109 development will conclude with the K-4 an will inevitably lead to the conversion of Bf 109 units - those not scheduled for disbandment - to TL (jet fighters). Homogeneity of the equipment is to be strived for, combination of similar types is temporary and to be accepted based on levels of production."
The proposed changes to units equipped with Bf 109 were as follows :
OKL, Lw.-Führüngstab, Nr. 937/45 gKdos.(op) 20.03.45 No. Unit Present type Convert to Notes
1. III./ JG 1 Bf 109 G-10 He 162 (April/May) -
2. II. / JG Bf 109 G-10 K-4 when deliveries permit -
3. III. / JG 3 Bf 109 K-4 no change -
4. III. / JG 4 Bf 109 K-4 no change -
5. IV. / JG 4 Bf 109 K-4 K-4 -
6. III. / JG 5 Bf 109 G-14 K-4 when deliveries permit -
7. IV. / JG 5 Bf 109 G-14 K-4 when deliveries permit -
8. III. / JG 6 Bf 109 G-14/AS K-4 when deliveries permit -
9. II. / JG 11 Bf 109 G-10 K-4 when deliveries permit -
10. I. / JG 27 Bf 109 K-4 no change boost increase to 1.98 ata 11. II. / JG 27 Bf 109 G-10 K-4 when deliveries permit -
12. III. / JG 27 Bf 109 G-10 no change boost increase to 1.98 ata 13. I. / JG 51 Bf 109 G-14 K-4 when deliveries permit -
14. III. / JG 51 Bf 109 G-14 K-4 when deliveries permit -
15. IV. / JG 51 Bf 109 G-14 K-4 when deliveries permit -
16. II. / JG 52 Bf 109 G-14/U4 K-4 when deliveries permit -
17. III. / JG 52 Bf 109 G-14 K-4 when deliveries permit -
18. II. / JG 53 Bf 109 K-4 no change -
19. III. / JG 53 Bf 109 K-4 no change boost increase to 1.98 ata
20. IV. / JG 53 Bf 109 K-4 no change boost increase to 1.98 ata 21. I. / JG 77 Bf 109 G-14/U4 K-4 when deliveries permit -
22. II. / JG 77 Bf 109 G-10 K-4 when deliveries permit -
23. III. / JG 77 Bf 109 G-10 K-4 when deliveries permit -
24. III. / JG 300 Bf 109 G-10/R6 via K-4 to Me 262 planned, deadline
25. IV. / JG 300 Bf 109 G-10/R6 via K-4 to Me 262 -
26. I. / KG(J) 6 Bf 109 G-10/R6 K-4/R6 when deliveries permit -
27. II. / KG(J) 6 Bf 109 K-4 K-4/R6 when deliveries permit -
30. I. / KG(J) 27 Bf 109 G-10/R6 K-4/R6 when deliveries permit -
31. I. / KG(J) 55 Bf 109 G-10/R6 - -
32. II. / KG(J) 55 Bf 109 K-4 - to industrial defense
33. Ist Italian FG Bf 109 G-10 K-4 when deliveries permit -
34. IInd Italian FG Bf 109 G-10 K-4 when deliveries permit -
35. IIIrd Italian FG Bf 109 G-10 K-4 when deliveries permit -
Source : Fritz X. Kober - Jakob Maria Mathmann : The Messerschmitt Bf 109 Vol.2. Schiffer Publishing, 1996. This order, apart from ordering 90% of the existing 109 units to convert to the Bf 109 K-4 as soon as deliveries permit, also notes in relation of I./JG 27, III./JG 27, III./JG 53, IV./JG 53 to increase the maximum boost pressures to 1,98 ata manifold pressure. It is not known if and how many units had converted to 1,98ata before that order came, but it should be noted these units, in particular III./JG 27, III./JG 53 and IV./JG 53 were the major users of the Bf 109 K-4 in the Lufwaffe.
I might add that in view of these errors, these articles that concentrate on positive things for the Spits, and only the - sometimes unsupported - negatives of the 109s effect very negatively the credibility of your site in the flight communities.