Author Topic: I am sickened  (Read 5055 times)

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #105 on: April 16, 2005, 11:59:53 PM »
Look thats all fine and dandy Skuzzy, but most of these guys have numerous progs running, possibly spyware on their systems and who knows what else.

When I start AH I have 13 proggies listed in the task manager. I use multiple anti-spyware proggies to protect myself while surfing the net. Even though I have been able to fine tune many things to help the game run smoother, it still bogs down way to soon for a system running twice as fast as min specs. Imo, the min specs are to low.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline TequilaChaser

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I am sickened
« Reply #106 on: April 17, 2005, 12:31:11 AM »
Originally posted by Howitzer
Your eyes can only see around 30fps anyway, the rest is just a bonus   =)

webpage that discusses  framerate and the human eye,  this is the beginning, the 3rd page is the meat of the theory.

for anyone who is interested

"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline Suave

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« Reply #107 on: April 17, 2005, 07:32:48 AM »
AMD 2600 here 1.9 Ghz
radeon 9600 128mb

Res 1024x768
Max Texture size 1024
Preload all in memory checked
Horizon checked
transitions checked
Terrain Mip mapping checked
Level of Detail 50%
Displayed object size 80%
ground detail range 60%

Unless I turn on animated water my fps stays at 44, I have max fps set for 45. Is there any reason not to have it set at 45?

When I turn on animated water my fps drops into the twenties. So I hapily leave it off.

So for me, luckily, everything is quite good, the same as it was before the patch.

Oh and I use enditall2

Offline Flit

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« Reply #108 on: April 17, 2005, 07:40:28 AM »
Originally posted by flyingaround
Is this ID old 'nuff?  or do I have to dig out the one BEFORE this back from my AirWarrior days?

 Um, Like I said, I 'm not pointing any fingers, I was noticing that most of the complainers had been here less then a year.
It was a simple observation, not a accusation:D

Offline guttboy

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« Reply #109 on: April 17, 2005, 08:43:01 AM »
Does Preloading textures in mem help FR and gameplay at all?????


Offline WMLute

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« Reply #110 on: April 17, 2005, 12:57:07 PM »
Originally posted by Flit
Um, Like I said, I 'm not pointing any fingers, I was noticing that most of the complainers had been here less then a year.
It was a simple observation, not a accusation:D

good.  can't 'member which I.D. I used that far back.  I know I got one around here from 2000 or earlier.  What sux, is most have missed the point of the thread.  

Now me for example, I run a p4 1.3, 128MB cruddy Nvidia 5200, and have 512ram.

I have tweaked, and streamlined my system to the point that I fly with frame rates in the mid to high 20's in furballs/low to the ground, and it's VERY rare for me to drop under 20 for more than a second or so as the textures load.

I can see high 40's up high (think have it limited to 40, or 45 whatever).

I can PLAY the game as is.  with little or no tweaking from "default" video settings I get those results.

I never said "don't add eye candy, or improve AH2's graphic engine"  Never said it.  Nor did the threads starter.

More what I was trying to get across was that I feel that HTC should try focusing a bit more on creating a stable platform for us to play on.  They should focus a touch more on GAMEPLAY features.  Tweaking FM's, or bringing all the planes to the hi-res textures.  

Here's a simplified example.  Last night I was flying around, and noticed how many trees were clumped together on the sides, and tops of the mountains, and I was thinking "how dumb".  All they are doing is dropping my fps, and add nothing to game play.  Wouldn't it make MUCH more sense to only clump these frame rate killer trees around areas that you would have ground vehicles in or around????  Sure it would take more time, and you would have to "fug" with each map to do so, but let's say you did just that.  Sat down for a couple hours on the "baltic" map, and removed all the trees that were un-needed.  HOW much would that help smooth out the playability of the game?  We are talking about some pain in the tuckus tedious work there, BUT it would help out sooooo many peoples game experience.    By thinning out the vast forest climbing up the sides and tops of areas where no ground vehicle WOULD go, or CAN go, most would see their fps raise up tremendously (or at the lest noticably).Possibly HT could code trees so they only were placed in "GV zones" or near/around fields/spawns/drives from spawns to fields.  (Bolded out 'cause I feel that's a good idea)

Just a thought that would help out so very much to make my flying experience that much better.  It's the little things that help sometimes.  The small tweaks that take time, and help so much.  I could use many diff examples (FM's, various little bugs etc) so please don't think this is a post whinin' 'bout trees.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
— George Patton

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Offline baine1

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« Reply #111 on: April 17, 2005, 03:06:56 PM »
But what is stable gameplay? Bug free or beeing able to run on your 10 year old rig?

The problem isn't people with 10 year old rigs. The problem is with people with 2 year old rigs.
You mention minimum system requirements. I believe the minimum system requirements as listed by HTC are somewhere in the neighborhood of 800 mhz.
I can't figure out how anyone would be able to play with that.
I've got an AMD Athalon 2400 (that's 2 ghz in real speed speak). Well above the "minimum system requirements."  Can I play AHII? yeah. Is it fun seeing my FPS drop to 8 or 9 when someone dives to the trees? No.
I would love a bug free game. That's most important. And if I had a screaming high-end machine I would love the eye candy.
I like the trees in AH when I'm in a gv. I like em when I'm hunting Gvs who are closing in on my base and they are hiding in the trees.
But I really doubt that anyone says "Oh look, they've got trees scattered on hills and dales that no gv is ever going to cross. I'm going to quit playing IL2 for free and plop down $15 a month to play here." I doubt many people notice. Unless you suddenly see your machine slow to a slide show when you approach the foliage.
I don't think people here are saying stop making improvements to the game. I'm not. But I (I can see how much you hate the word we) am saying that graphic improvements should be balanced with a thought to gameplay for all customers.
Instead of making me love AH more, all this stuff, after the "Isn't that cool" factor wears off after 5 minutes, just bogs things down for me.
Is it fair the guy in the LA with the latest hot machine might not be able to fly or fight, but can get away because when he gets down low my machine turns into a slide show and I can't hit him?
(BTW, I think the new trees are a huge improvement over the old ugly ones, I just wish there weren't so dang many of them).
I would rather see HTC spend its time making improvements in other areas of the game, like more sophisticated damage modeling, improved control of buff drones, more new gvs, more new planes, individually controlable  destroyers.
Or maybe they could work on coming up with a graphic slider system that doesn't impact gameplay (with disappearing gvs and suddenly appearing trees) that would give a lot more flexibility without making me, at least,  feel like I'm flying and fighting with one hand tied behind my back.

Or they could just cut down on the number of trees scattered all over the map.

It would be different if HTC came out and said the minimum playable machine was somewhere in the neighborhood of a Pentium 1.5.
But if they want to keep the game strong for everyone, then they have to consider the system requirements of their broad base of customers, because right now games like LOMAC (which have similar min sys requirements) run a lot smoother on my machine in hyperlobby than AH does and I find I'm spending a lot more time there than here.
I would think HTC would want to draw as wide a customer base as possible. I thought that was why they lowered the subscription rate to $15. But, if they only want people with screaming high end machines, then they can keep doing just what they are doing. I don't think that's good for the game, the people who depend on a strong subscriber base for their living or the people who play it. But who am I to say?

Offline Suave

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« Reply #112 on: April 17, 2005, 04:03:53 PM »
baine1 why do players with weaker machines than yours have much better fps in AHII ?

Offline LTARokit

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« Reply #113 on: April 17, 2005, 04:19:45 PM »
Originally posted by Suave
baine1 why do players with weaker machines than yours have much better fps in AHII ?

_____________________________ ______________

Good question :p   You've described a better than average puter that ur running.  Is it possible uv overlooked something??  Like what's running in the back ground while ur online, virus control, spam controls, any number of a hundred different things, not related to HT, can affect FR.  Just a thought.  Private message LTARmoil for advise, the dude know his stuff about puters, guess he should since he owns and operates custom puter store....regardless he may be able to assist, or advise:)

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #114 on: April 17, 2005, 04:26:10 PM »
Baine you can adjust your detail sliders to the right to improve your fps when you are down near the deck. You can also reduce the screen resolution and max texture size. Both of those things make the game uglier, but ugly is better than a slide show :)

Also, make sure you shut down all unnecessary background programs before starting AH. You dont need anti-virus, anti-spyware, im proggies etc running while you are playing AH.

One last thing. I noticed you are using an AMD cpu. Are you also running a VIA chipset on your motherboard? If so, are you using a Sound Blaster sound card? If you have a VIA chipset and SB sound, pull the sound card out and replace it with a non-SB card. That alone will boost your performance significantly. It did on my machine for sure.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Baine

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« Reply #115 on: April 17, 2005, 05:36:47 PM »
baine1 why do players with weaker machines than yours have much better fps in AHII ?

Ahhhh, one of the two great mysteries of my life. The other is why do super models seem to always hook up with guys not nearly as good looking or well-endowed as I am.:rolleyes:
I betcha Tex only gets off his screaming fast machine when Elle McPherson shows up at his door.
I run a clean machine with as few programs running in the background as possible.
I do have a Via MB, but I don't use a SB sound card or the onboard chip.
In general I don't have too much of a problem, in 30s or 40s, with my vis set for medium, my sliders on medium and my fingers crossed, except when I get down low, and then no slider in the world is going to help me. (One of my big questions about AH is why all fights seem to take place  on, or wind up finishing on, the deck).
That's why my complaint about trees being everywhere instead of only in places where trees actually affect the gameplay.
I'm also a worrier, and it just concerns me that all the changes we are seeing are eye candy. Each patch seems to eat about 5 FPS on my machine. Soon my day-to-day flying is going to wind up being like it is flying close to trees now

Offline LTARokit

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« Reply #116 on: April 17, 2005, 06:06:33 PM »
Can relate to the constant worries.  Just spent big chunk of change on new rig this past Nov.  No complaints, needed to do it, to keep up.  However, I'll not let the grass grow up around my feet again, I'm constantly on the look out for upgrades, new and improved what evers, to keep well ahead of the game.  It's never ending..........Oh The Horror of It :eek:

Offline bj229r

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« Reply #117 on: April 17, 2005, 08:04:26 PM »
Ya dont need spyware if ya set properties to 'prompt' when some site wants to plane cookies---I run adaware after a week or 2 of that, have NONE. (except 1 or 2 things, like my bank's web site, which demand them)
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers

Offline Edbert1

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« Reply #118 on: April 18, 2005, 07:50:34 AM »
Most of you seem to appreciate the gameplay complexity for the GV war that the trees have added. While I am sure to be in the minority here, I feel the trees add to the airwar complexity too. I am having great fun maneuvering amongst them in a duel-in-the-dirt, slip your wings perpendicualr and dip one wing into that gap then pull...and watch the guy following you (or trying to) splatter among the branches. Great fun!

Besides, having barren landscape with only clumps of foilage around GV spawns would be pretty...whats the my opinion. Most of these maps represent a European, Pacific, or Baltic map (where the trees are not overdone at all), perhaps if we had a map of the great plains or another desert representation I could go for a more barren landscape. Why don't some of you download the map editor and give us one? Too bad the name Kansas is taken, guess we could have a Nebraska though!

PS, while I have a fast CPU my video card is an old 9800-pro-128, due to be replaced as soon as my FPS dips below 50.

Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #119 on: April 18, 2005, 08:57:37 AM »
Just installed the latest version and all hires patches 'n stuff to my 4-year olds gaming machine.

It's a A64 3000+ 512mb ram radeon9500 pro system with integrated ac97 sound and XP home.

Meaning you can get an upgrade consisting all those parts for $300 right here right now.

H2h arena, 85fps in flight (vsync), 60fps while looking at a smoking field. 1280x960.

At fully smoking field it got 20fps next to flames. Quality sliders over midrange (meaning higher q not lower.)
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 09:09:08 AM by Siaf__csf »