Author Topic: I am sickened  (Read 5017 times)

Offline Pongo

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I am sickened
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2005, 12:14:11 AM »
I love a good reason for a new computer.
I havent noticed any drop in frame rates..but there is a bit of hesitation arround trees.

Offline WMLute

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« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2005, 12:40:18 AM »
it all comes back to gameplay.

"Lower your sliders to help your fps" you say....
sure...that works, but then you can't see ack's at bases until your on top of 'em, and GOOD LUCK spotting ground vehicles.

Nobody is saying that the eye candy stuff isn't "neat", it's just not more important than a stable game playing enviroment.  I could give two flips about pretty leaves on trees, if I can't see that enemy ostwind until I am 500 feet away from it, AND most likely dead at that point.

Really, REALLY don't need pretty fluffy clouds, I DO need to be able to dive in on an enemy plane and not be watching a slide show due to horrible FPS.

Awww...aren't those dust clouds cute comin' from the back of then tanks....  errr...wait...I can't see the tanks, my friggin' sliders all the way to the right.

Come on HT...  this has got to stop.  Way to take a perfectly decent flight sim, and choke it full of garbage that has NOTHING really to do with the MAIN point of the game which is to fly and fight.  That is the point of Aces High right?  How about some help on making the FIGHTING part better.

 Dale, here's a suggestion.  Grab yourself a min. speck tower.  That would be a 850mhz and 32mb vid card.  IF you can get it to run smoothly on that tower, then code it.  IF you can't, then don't.  The operative word there is SMOOTHLY.  Why the FUG would you code something that won't even run?  Either that, or maybe up the min. specs. to at least a 2.0 ghz machine, with 128mb card, and at least a gig of ram, so new players will at least know what to expect.

Can we try a bit harder on getin' the game to run STABLE as opposed to PRETTY.  I know modeling that nice water effect is far more enjoyable than tweaking code to get it all to run smoother, but come on...what's your bread and butter here?  If you care so little about you HUGE player base that doesn't have a machine like Skuzzy's, then fine, bite the hand that feeds you.

Geeezzzz...come on guys, it's not very hard to figure out that if the gameplay sux, then your subscriber base is gonna look elsewhere.
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— George Patton

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Offline mechanic

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« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2005, 12:45:21 AM »
lute's solution:   ignore ack and GVs, concentrate on killing planes.
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline WldThing

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« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2005, 12:50:02 AM »
Originally posted by Elfie

Not everyone can afford to do upgrades right away, some of us have to save for awhile to do them :)

I've been saving for 4 years..  Well not really :D  

My machine seems to have run fine before this last patch,  FPS 30's,  Furball down to single digits,  but still fightable!

And my specs are!
1.1 Ghz Pavilion
128 MB

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2005, 01:02:56 AM »
Originally posted by WldThing
I've been saving for 4 years..  Well not really :D  

My machine seems to have run fine before this last patch,  FPS 30's,  Furball down to single digits,  but still fightable!

And my specs are!
1.1 Ghz Pavilion
128 MB

I consider fps in the low 30's to be the minimum playable, fps in the single digits is a slide show and unplayable for me heh.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2005, 01:38:36 AM »
"We" need all of them.

 You guys define "we" as something that does not change, born before 1970, remembers the days of text-based games on "calculators" rather than "computers" when compared to today's standards, and think that version of "we" is the only one who can dictate the needs of this game.  

 Well, the "we" changes constantly in reality. In a few years, "we" are gonna start refusing to play in the low-polygoned, solid blue skies, solid green terrain, bare and devoid of detail, with simple sprites for graphics.

 It's sensitive material to talk about, I know.

 But really, everybody needs to keep up with the change and invest a certain amount of money to their computers so it doesn't lag around, because, these games are definately not gonna wait for you to evolve from the stone age to the metal age.

 If somebody can't keep up with it, then they are left behind. It's a lost customer, for sure. But then again, the guys left behind are not the ONLY customers around.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2005, 03:37:35 AM »
Lute, I have tons of respect for you man, but honestly, come on.  Its a business.  For each one of the handful of guys here (like yourself) mad and hollering because they have an older system that cant handle the upgrades to the software, theres 10 wanting just the opposite.  

Ok, thats said.  Now, stop and think for one second.  Did they have to go back and try to make AHII compatible with older systems?  Did they have to work with you to make this thing work on compters that are 2 generations old?  Computer generations that is.  No, but they did.  If it comes to a point where the old hardware absolutely will not work anymore, I'm sure they'll say so before that patch comes out.  Goin off like that serves no purpose, and IMO is just plain ungrateful for all the headaches they have gone through to try to make this work for guys with older systems.  If saying that offends you or makes you mad, I'm sorry.  But you are smarter than that.  You are a nice guy, and a good stick.  The last thing I want to do is argue with you.  But if you feel you must tell me what a rotten so and so I am, or vent even, go ahead.  Meanwhile I'll cross my fingers that a way will be found for you to keep going.  


Offline Skuzzy

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« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2005, 06:45:51 AM »
My office system is an 850Mhz Pentium III with an ATI8500 video card.  Previous patch I was hanging in the 30's to low 20's in frame rate.
With 2.03, I start in the tower at 50+ FPS and drop to around high 20's FPS.  Very playable.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Vad

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« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2005, 06:56:24 AM »
Originally posted by Skuzzy
My office system is an 850Mhz Pentium III with an ATI8500 video card.  Previous patch I was hanging in the 30's to low 20's in frame rate.
With 2.03, I start in the tower at 50+ FPS and drop to around high 20's FPS.  Very playable.

Skuzzy, would you be so kind to tell me where are your performance sliders for this setup? Are they all on the right? What check boxes are checked?

I have 3.2 Ghz Intel, 1Gb memory and ATI9600, which gives me more than 80 FPS at alt, but on the top of the trees I have less than 20 FPS after the latest patch. It is playable, but...

Offline straffo

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« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2005, 06:57:13 AM »
I noticed something strange :
in a 1908A idle on runway I'm at 65fps
As soon as I open fire framerate drop to 13 fps

Offline SkyWolf

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« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2005, 07:02:10 AM »
Originally posted by WMLute
it all comes back to gameplay.

Geeezzzz...come on guys, it's not very hard to figure out that if the gameplay sux, then your subscriber base is gonna look elsewhere.

:rolleyes:   Well... not the whole subscriber base. I'm waiting on a new machine so I CAN subscribe. It'll be here Monday. MY current POS runs AHII marginally (AMD 1 GHZ, 32MB Video, 512MB Ram)
and  runs Warbirds perfectly. Unfortunately Warbirds sucks rocks and I don't want to play it. I want to play AHII.... which is the best thing going. So I bit the bullet, scrimped and saved, cut out some of the extras, and ate Purina for dinner with my mutts. NOW I'll be able to play. Up and on man. Things have to progress. I was disappointed when I found out my current system wasn't good enough to play and I understand what it must feel like to worry that you won't be able to play. But gaming has always required bleeding edge equipment and that's not going to change.  Sorry... but the "everyone will leave" argument isn't true.


Offline Eagler

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« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2005, 07:09:32 AM »
"you can make some of the ppl happy, some of the time but you can't make all of the ppl happy, all of the time"

haven't spent much time with new patch but what I have, my fps seems to be better, graphics are better and the 109f and 190a are great!

HT - thanks for your hard work/long hours on this latest release
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: I am sickened
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2005, 08:05:16 AM »
Originally posted by red420
Leave it to HT to throw more crap into the game.. I just got my frame rate to a decent level and HT kills it with this crappy patch. You can have the crappy trees, and clouds and all the other bs.. I don't care about scenery. I would trade it all for a more diverse selection of planes and vehicles. Down with the eye candy, show me the fun

I play this game with a:

Pentium 3 - 800Mhz
384MB - RAM
GeForce 3 Ti200 - 128MB (Have tried to overclock this, but upon restart, the "overclocking" goes back to default)

The Secret to me running AH2 with FR's of 20+ in decent size furballs, is the following:  OLD NVIDIA driver 44.45(?).

I even tweaked the Services down.  I'm still at 34 Processes running (Am afraid to turn it down anymore, unless someone has a "cheatsheet" for me to use).

Now ONE THING that is true, in all of the 3 years that I have been playing AH, I have never ONCE in the MA, whined about a Warp, etc.  

HTC puts the product out, it is up to the consumer to keep up with the Sign of the times in the game.   To blame HTC is sheer lunacy.

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Offline scott123

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I am sickened
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2005, 08:09:39 AM »
My fps Have stayed the same,between 60 & single digits in certain situations,on my crappy system. I think HTC have done a great job with Aces high keeping graphics good and not damaging gameplay

            I'm happy:aok

Offline Howitzer

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« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2005, 08:35:32 AM »
Originally posted by Elfie
I consider fps in the low 30's to be the minimum playable, fps in the single digits is a slide show and unplayable for me heh.

Your eyes can only see around 30fps anyway, the rest is just a bonus   =)