Originally posted by Siaf__csf
What this article failed to realize is that the value of the scandinavian system is based on fair distribution of wealth.
That statement in itself says it all... now I see where the liberals get their training, they goto Europe!
Tell ya what. When the day comes that the government feels that it needs to redistribute the majority of my money to those that are "less fortunate" or do not have the gumption to work harder or put themselves out to get ahead, is the day I will participate in the rise against the system. What you are peddling is nothing short of socialism that in the end stifles the individual for the supposed good of the whole.
To get it straight, I have no problems with economic assistance to those that are less fortunate, but I do have a problem with those that abuse that system. We, in the US, do not have a model system of welfare, as a matter of fact, it is abused horrbily and sponsors much waste and corruption. That is the result of a two party syustem that seem to do nothing but fight back and forth over whose way is better, neglecting the people in the process.
My thought on the perfect welfare system, is one which denies no one health care, and teaches economic responsibilty and the need to work to those dependant on the system. They can do as they like with their money when they are out of the system, but while on it, they will work, will take birth control, and will be responsible with their monies which includes groceries for their families and contribution towards getting off welfare (future career). If they want to go to school, fine, thats great, all for bettering ones self. They will maintain a part time job while doing such, whether it is a state sponsored job, or they find it themselves. In the end, I feel these ideas could and would help to make a better society, and might even bring back some of the work ethic that much of this country is missing, and show the folly that socialism really is.
That said, I still feel our way is better, with all it's warts, which is why we are still existing and thriving.