Author Topic: Now I completely understand America  (Read 3227 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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Now I completely understand America
« on: June 04, 2001, 07:40:00 AM »
Now I Understand (and I might add, all the law suits below were won as a result of liberal judges)

Let's see if I understand how America works lately. . .

If a woman burns her thighs on the hot coffee she was holding in her lap while driving, she blames the restaurant.

If your teen-age son kills himself, you blame the rock 'n' roll music or musician he liked.

If you smoke three packs a day for 40 years and die of lung cancer, your family blames the tobacco company.

If your daughter gets pregnant by the football captain you blame the school for poor sex education.

If your neighbor crashes into a tree while driving home drunk, you blame the bartender.

If your cousin gets AIDS because the needle he used to shoot up with heroin was dirty, you blame the government for not providing clean ones.

If your grandchildren are brats without manners,you blame television.

If your friend is shot by a deranged madman, you blame the gun manufacturer.

If a crazed person climbs into the cockpit of an airliner and tries to kill the pilots at 35,000 feet and the passengers kill him instead, the mother of the deceased blames the airline.

If a women is accused of embezzeling $250,000 from her employer, she can use the defense of 'addicted to shopping' and get off scott free.

I must have lived too long to understand the world as it is anymore.

So if I die while my old, wrinkled bellybutton is parked in front of this computer, I want you to blame Bill Gates, OK?


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« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2001, 07:55:00 AM »
I already blame Bill Gates for everything that is wrong in the world.

Windows becomes increasingly popular and so does the internet.

Law suits are on the rise, oddly enough coinciding with the extreme increase in the Windows operating system and Personal Computing.

Oh yeah and the Government is out to get me!

Doh! That's cuz I work for them! So much for that theory.

Offline Zippatuh

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« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2001, 10:28:00 AM »
I think there would be one adjustment to our system of justice that could solve some problems.  “Looser pays”, all the court costs, attorneys fees, etc…

It’s too easy to sue anybody for anything at anytime without any consideration.  Whew, did I use any enough?  There can be some of pitfalls with this type of system but I think it would help curb the tide of law suites going on.


[This message has been edited by Zippatuh (edited 06-04-2001).]

Offline buhdman

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« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2001, 10:54:00 AM »
Hey Rip,

From a liberal's perspective, I think these lawsuits are stupid, too!  Except maybe the one about the ill-mannered grandkids and the TV.  Some of the "role model" material we put on TV is downright horrible.  And to think our kids don't learn from it is downright naive.

But I don't think they are representative of the American way of life, just a few stupid people.  Just because some people don't take responsibility for their lives doesn't mean ALL people don't.

So don't loose heart.  Some of us liberals are actually capable or rational thought.

Buhdman, out

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2001, 11:22:00 AM »
If a women is accused of embezzeling $250,000 from her employer, she can use the defense of 'addicted to shopping' and get off scott free.

"scott free" is somewhat misleading.

Its strange, but this very thing happened in my parents neighborhood and may be the story you are reffering too.  The similarities are glaring.

A lady is an accountant for a family owned buisness.  She has been keeping the books for years.  The company decides that they'll go to computerized accounting software and the accountant refuses to do so... so addimantly that flags are raised.  An audit shows some $400,000 embezzled over the period of 10 years.

The lady has been using all of this money for two things:  Supporting the shopping network almost singlehandedly and re-modeling here home with such lavish things that it was simply rediculous... like an all Teac deck that surrounded the house.

Her shopping addiction was prevelant as she had to rent mini-storage to keep all of her purchases stored.  All worthless junk that was still in the mail packaging (never even unwrapped).

She was caught and may have gotten out of jail time, but she lost her house and all those neat little purchases.  The family buisness never saw all of the $400,000... but the father is now living in a house with an all teac deck surrounding the house.


Offline Creamo

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« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2001, 11:22:00 AM »
So don't loose heart. Some of us liberals are actually capable or rational thought

Yah, and to think TV is a role model in a home with strong parents?

No wonder I despise you tards.

Offline Dinger

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« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2001, 11:38:00 AM »
Many of the problems referred to their can be traced to one cause: our antequated tort law system.  At a time in history when the jury-trial method of proof was proving unworkable and being scaled back (in the UK) to specific criminal cases, some moron enshrined it as one of our precious rights never to be abridged.  So if you can convince 12 professional ignoramuses that the preponderance of evidence in a field they know nothing about shows someone else to be at fault (add in your favorite "deep pockets" law here), not only can you win a nice award, but those same ignoramuses get to pick it.
In short, it's an out-of-date notion enshrined in the constitution that's causing all kinds of problems today, kinda like our right to a well-regulated militia (G, D, R).

As for the needles, well we don't blame the government, but we do point out that free distribution of needles is an inexpensive way to keep the incidence rate of seriously nasty diseases down.  Folks who are addicted to heroin don't particularly care about their lives, but their illnesses not only add to the state's expenses, but also contribute to the spread of the epidemic.

And well kids have been disrespectful to Grandparents forever.

It's not a problem of "liberal judges".  In these cases, the judges do not decide, the juries do.

[This message has been edited by Dinger (edited 06-04-2001).]

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2001, 11:56:00 AM »
Dinger, just for the record , some cases were decided by jury (ends to the means?) and some by the judges. (I know for a fact that the lady on a shopping spree was let off by a liberal Federal judge, since it was just in the news recently)

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2001, 12:25:00 PM »
Stumbled across the article you were reffering to Rip.. not the same as my parents neighbor.  The $$$ involved were much less with this one.

It didn't mention that she had repaid all of the money to her employer... and that she now has a felony fraud conviction.  She wasn't sentanced to serve time in prison, but she still received a sentance.

I've seen 2 people (vendors) try to get access at our site with fraud convictions on their record.  I imagine the same holds true at Boeing.... its not gonna happen.

She didn't get off easy by a long shot.


Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2001, 12:51:00 PM »
Deja, what the judge did was confirm that she does have a shopping disorder, ie. an excuse as to why she did what she did, thus the reduced sentence.  Now that this precedence was set, expect to start seeing it quite often in future cases in order to get reduced sentences for anyone that steals.  Big topic here on talk radio, both KVI and KOMO.

Offline miko2d

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« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2001, 02:17:00 PM »
 The government should never distribute the needles because it is too controversial an issue - it goes against moral and/or religious principles of many citizens/taxpayers (for example I think that people who get sick using dirty needles while taking drugs should be allowed to die and no state/federal money should be spent on their treatment, some other people would think such program would be condoning or promoting the drugs).

 On the other hand, the needles are cheap and charities can distribute them at low cost and without any moral issues. But you need a prescription in order to buy those needles.
 Why is that? I can (barely) see a need to require prescriptions for deadly poisons that can be used to harm other people or things that are considered addictive narcotics (as long as we fight illegal ones), but needles?

 Government should get out of the way in that case. Not take responcibility for anything, just allow the needles/syringes to be sold freely.


Offline Mickey1992

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« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2001, 03:01:00 PM »
How about:

If, because of a medical condition, you are unable to walk a golf course, you sue the professional sport's association and the Supreme Court forces the association to change the sport.

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2001, 03:33:00 PM »
Originally posted by Mickey1992:
How about:

If, because of a medical condition, you are unable to walk a golf course, you sue the professional sport's association and the Supreme Court forces the association to change the sport.

What ever came of that?  I remember hearing about it going on, but don't remember any resolution.  Though, I think in this case it's a little different than a person spilling hot coffee on themselves and then suing the restaurant.  

proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2001, 03:44:00 PM »
Originally posted by buhdman:
Except maybe the one about the ill-mannered grandkids and the TV.  Some of the "role model" material we put on TV is downright horrible.  And to think our kids don't learn from it is downright naive.

Is it the fault of the TV or the fault of the parents of the children that kids are learning from the not-so-wholesome TV aspects?  

Your comment is right though, kids DO learn from the TV.  Especially when the parents use it as a babysitter.

IMO, it's up to the parents of the children to monitor what their kids watch.  That responsibility doesn't go anywhere else, with the exception of movie theaters.  TV does it's part by putting guidelines/ratings on shows and movies.  What happens with the kids rests solely on the parents (and the movie theaters that actually ID and turn away kids from R movies.)

My point in all of this is in most cases, you can blame the parent for the kid's lack of respect/good behavior.  Don't go blaming TV or computer games.  Most of that stuff is made for adults (or at least older children), so the parents should do their best to keep the children from it, or better, educate them as to why it's not representative of good behavior.  My mom did the latter with me, and I think I turned out ok.  I'm a little messed up, but in good ways!  

proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2001, 04:00:00 PM »
"It's not my fault! its theirs who can't roll the dice of blame on anyone else"