Thank you mrfish! Deja, did you miss Dowding's point completely? Do you lack the ability to generalize? An act of terrorism is an act of terrorism is an act of terrorism. Thats what it is!
Wow octavius.. I must be pretty decent at understanding Dowding, but you must be pretty diddlying bad at understanding me.
They are not all the same. We already now the horror of "home-front" terrorism.. this is not the first time we've been exposed to it. Somehow.. magically... this is implied.
The IRA made things bad in Englad. An ex military gunner made things bad in Oklahoma. Planes have been hijacked in all countries. Things have been happening in this country as much as others.
For some reason, people think the US has been imune to terrorism... that is not the case. We are accustomed to being targets.
This is a completely different situation. The diddlying short term memory of all those implying that somehow we are finally a member of some kind of fraternal terrorism victim club is simply pathetic. The implication that since terrorism has FINALLY reached the US and that only NOW we are willing to do something about it is simply ludicrous.
This is not an act of terrorism. It is an act of war. We are exposed to terrorism as much as anyone else. Nobody is used to what happened in New York/D.C. on Tuesday.
Please don't get the "boo hoo feel sorry for me. I DESERVE attention" attitude. Thats probably just the anger setting in. Now we're on the same level as the rest of the world. We need to unite regardless of how many times we've been punched or kicked. That goes for all nations.
I don't believe I asked for pity and I'm pretty diddlying sure I don't expect it. What I'm really not looking for is condescending "welcome to terrorism USA" tones coming from threads like this and posts like yours.
<edit: Dowding... Don't take this personally... I know what you were trying to get at and I think you know what I was trying to say. This was directed at someone else>
[ 09-13-2001: Message edited by: AKDejaVu ]