Nuke you are completely in error.
Once again the Bible didn't spontaneously generate itself. For years there was no 'Bible' and there were 'Christians'.
There were faithful Christians who didn't base their 'theology' on any written book. The sacred traditions and teachings that were practiced by the early Church come from many different sources both written and oral.
There are many other 'Gospels' that exist and are not included in what we call the "New Testament". The 'Bible' was compiled from many sources to provide a basic 'Theological' guide book to compliment the Sacred traditions not the other way around. 'Christianity' came before the Bible.
The Bible can not be correctly understood if you fail to comprehend the context in which it was intended
Of course it's the inspired word of God but its obviously been re-interpreted many times. That's why you see the hundreds of various sects. Each 'want to be Pope' re-interpreted the Bible on his own. All claim to be the 'true teachings of Christ'. All claim that their 'interpretation' is supported by the 'Bible'. You make some nonsensical claim that 'Catholicism' has changed. You can't even point out how, where or when. OTOH I can fill another thread with Protestant adaptations and re-interpretations. The Orthodox Churches trace their lineage right back through Peter to Jesus Christ. All others get no further then Luther at best.
With out understanding the context you can't just pick up the Bible and find truth.
If each man can 'interpret' the Bible any way he sees fit then that destroys the whole idea of 'universal truth' and as such truth becomes as subjective as each individual.
So what guidance, education or study have you made of the Bible? Who is your teacher? What Church do you attend?
'Bible' worship won't get you any closer to Heaven then 'Idol Worship'.
That's not to say honest men can't disagree. But when some one like yourself makes absolute claims with out understanding 'context' and by making insulting judgments it's clear you haven't got a clue.
You can believe whatever you want to believe but there are 'facts' and there are 'lies'. The original questions in this thread and based on lies and false premises. Your accusations against 'Catholics' are lies and false premises. Your 'interpretation' of the Bible are lies and false premises.
If you are insulted when folks call you on it then good you should be.
Again what domination and or Chruch do you belong to? I only ask this question because I suspect much like your claim about going to Catholic school you don't attend any.
If you get a chance read through the below link:
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy, by V.Potapov