Author Topic: REN and BK fight  (Read 3934 times)

Offline Morpheus

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #75 on: May 22, 2005, 11:24:53 AM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
In your opinion.

Lets face it the facts. We know we're right and there is no changing that. You know you're right. And no mater what we say, you will still think that.

So whats the point?

I rest my case.
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Offline Vudak

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #76 on: May 22, 2005, 11:26:41 AM »
What I find interesting is that Ren actually thinks that he is not also acting like a 6 year old.
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REN and BK fight
« Reply #77 on: May 22, 2005, 11:34:22 AM »
Posted in format you might comprehend (but I doubt it).

Originally posted by DamnedRen
I couldn't agree with you more Wadke.
No you don't, see Slap's post.

It doesn't take many mouths to really bring down a squad. Don't you guys have any pride in your members?
That's the question I'd ask you. You make the Damned look like idiots too.

If the truth be known:
You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ***.

I'd say around 75% of the Damned have been trainers at one time or another over the past 17 years or so.
Talk about getting old. "I'm a trainer, I'm a trainer!" That's all we hear from you. I've seen all of the BKs helping new folks in the MA and DA to improve. We just don't boast about it non-stop.

99% of the Damned do not bad mouth anyone on the boards, ever.  
Yes and you are the 1% that makes the rest look bad.

All Damned are friends with each other and help anyway they can.
Same can be said of the BKs.

All Damned go out of their way to help anyone and everyone who wants it.
Same can be said of the BKs.

The Damned have been in many games online for the same number of years.
Same can be said of the BKs.

They are respected for playing the game without prejudice to anyone.
If you support lamers who run and bail that's your problem.

There are many other squads who have come and gone and are in AH now who became respected members of the community. They are respected for their actions toward other PEOPLE within the game and what they bring to the game to help others.
Those are the BKs I know.

So, tell me where you're little group earns respect from anyone with their daily crap and whining about every little thing that doesn't go their way. They turn the general discussion boards into a "Why can't I have it my way whine" or "You're a gamer because you won't die for me and just run way or bail" . You'd think it was the end of the world for these turds. Someone DARE run away from me and bail!!! Maybe it is. :ROFL
Haven't seen the BKs "whine" about anything but we DO tell it like it is (goes back to the 'truth' thing...).

So yes, it is getting old. However, the BK's, are unlike the Damned as >>

we enjoy the game and people who come to play the game and go out of our way to help them and not to boost our own ego's.
Same can be said of the BKs except we don't constantly tell people we are TRAINERS! to boost our own egos.

 It's not my place to ask you control you members no would I ever want to.
You are right this time, it's not your place to do or say ANYTHING about members of the BKs.

 But you have to accept the loss of respect and shame they bring down on you. That's something the Damned will never have happen to them.
Then I hope you accept it. It is happening to them now, every time you post.

Your select few sure are a buncha winners! :ROFL
You are a hero Ren. A trainer! Don't forget it... Nobody else will I'm sure. Who knows at this rate maybe someday you'll get bit by a scorpion too. ;)
The Damned

Offline SlapShot

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #78 on: May 22, 2005, 11:39:56 AM »
Originally posted by DamnedRen
Blah Blah Blah, won't wash. Typical crap answer from a tard. You have always been wrong and until you wise up and learn from your mistakes and get along with the rest of the community you'll always be wrong. Anyone who respects your way of treating people needs to start a tard squad so we know who's who without having the few dudes hidden in other squads.

Call yourself the Tard Squad. You don't need any respect or need to try and help anyone in the community. You can be the King! It's good to be the King, right? At least then the few won't bring down their old squads with that trash you try to heep on everyone. :ROFL

The Damned

Your turn......:D

Opps edited as this was meant for Morp, but it sounds like Slap is gonna be fighting morp for the position of King of the Tards. Sorry it hurts you so slap. :rofl

No it doesn't hurt Ren ... I am too old and have been around the block too many time to let name calling hurt me. As for being King ... the position is way to overrated and I already have my hands full.

I will admit that this whole thing has gotten out of hand and only want it to stop.

I only wanted to voice my opinion that I thought that it was not in the best interest of overall gameplay that someone bail when engaged ... thats all ... I really didn't try to make him play "my way" ... I simply voiced my opinion which I believe that I am entitled to do.

He can continue to "grief" all he wants ... no skin off my back ... I just didn't think it was the right thing to promote ... nothing more ... nothing less.

Squad trashing is not the way to go here. Anybody, in any squad, is foremost an individual. Individual people will have their own opinions on any topic. That does not mean they speak for the squad.

I have had the pleasure of meeting NoBaddy, DmdMax, DmdChief, DmdDano, and my "WHO"S YER BUDDY" DmdCoach. Fine people that I would love to meet with again and have some more drinks and laughs with. Never, would I try to trash these guys and their squad because I have had words with someone else in their squad ... I just can't generalize like that.

In closing Ren ... I won't apologize for voicing my opinion and still stand by it ... I despise all forms of "griefing", but I do apologize for this getting out of hand and having this topic get as down and dirty as it got. Again, I speak as an individual.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Max

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #79 on: May 22, 2005, 12:20:23 PM »
Alright fellow Knights, let's call a moratorium to the eye poking. Nuff's enough.


Offline culero

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #80 on: May 22, 2005, 12:25:09 PM »
Yanno, I find myself seeing merit in both sides here.

I've always been on the side of those who believe that newer players and the playing styles they bring to the game are not something that should be griefed for being what they are. Its (the Melee Arena, I assume that's what people here at AH mean by MA) rather like an open forum, people who meet requirements for entry then have as much right as anyone to play as they wish (within the TOS of course).

But, OTOH, communities that develop around this kind of game develop cultures. Its also IMO perfectly valid for veterans of those communities to exert pressure on the noobs to respect traditions within those cultures - even to the extent of some good-natured hazing about it.

I used to fight with both sides of this same argument at Air Warrior.

I alienated myself with some long-timers there when I refused to accept their claims that they deserved to "have it their way" because of their tenure in and past contributions to that community. I regret that alienation, but I wouldn't go back and change my attitude at all. Communities grow, new members IMO deserve the same respect as older ones.

I also used to engage in some not-so-subtle hazing of noobies there, regarding some of the same traditions I fought with others about in terms of their demands their wishes be enforced, however. Plus, I used my bully pulpit there to encourage new players to play the game in ways that were traditional.

For instance, when I was responsible for a one-year experiment Kesmai ran (a free-of-charge "New Players" arena, designed to attract new players and retain them at a higher rate than normal by giving them specific aid in learning the basics) I and my staff all taught things like "points are for dweebs" "the arena is just a place to practice for scenarios" and "don't whine or run, learn to fight". We worked with the AWTC to move new players into their classes ASAP, where A2A was the main subject. We taught that the game was a fighter pilots' game, and encouraged all new players to explore that.

I can understand folks beating each other up over these issues. As I said, I've done my share of that exact same thing.

I just don't understand WTF slinging squad names around has a place in the discussion. Squads are an in-game thing, individuals in the boards are individuals (well, unless its some hokey "General Maxissimo Blah-blah" talking for his squad of 1 or 2 idiots, but that's another discussion ;))

I have no problem saying The Damned are a bunch of steenking Bish (or whatever, who cares) and that the BKs are a bunch of h@XX0r (R33p$, but that's in-game banter and entirely appropriate.

I do think that even though Ren has a lot to say here that's valid, he's been out of line in the way he's conveyed it.

I also say that the folks slagging him because he's a trainer are way out of line, too. Anyone who devotes personal time to help other players learn the game deserves that to be respected, no matter what else they say or do. (Ask me about a guy named KenJr if ya wanna open a real can-O-werms :))

I'd appreciate it if both sides here would stand down and STFU about it, whoever said its getting tiresome was right.

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Offline culero

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #81 on: May 22, 2005, 12:25:56 PM »
Originally posted by DMax
Alright fellow Knights, let's call a moratorium to the eye poking. Nuff's enough.


LOL, thx Max (that was much more elegant than the WOT I just posted :))

“Before we're done with them, the Japanese language will be spoken only in Hell!” - Adm. William F. "Bull" Halsey

Offline NoBaddy

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #82 on: May 22, 2005, 12:30:26 PM »
First, special thanks to the weak-knee, pot stirring lamer that decided to restart a fire that had been extinguished and then throw gas on it...considering that it was really none of his business....WTG Dweeb.

Over the years, I have played this game with and against the BK's and I have the utmost respect for them as AH players. When it comes to opinions, there are some BK's that I don't see eye to eye with. However, they are as welcome to their opinions as I am to mine. Variety is, after all, the spice of life.

I knew Ren from before I started playing AH. While I know he has a good heart, I also know that he can be irasable and abrasive at times (and too often...tenatious).

The bottomline for me is that when this went from a difference of opinion between players to name calling of squads, it crossed a line. I don't know or care who started it...I just know it should end.

In the immortal words of ESPN Radio's Mike & Mike in the Morning...JUST SHUT UP! .... especially the idiot that reopened this.
NoBaddy (NB)

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #83 on: May 22, 2005, 12:31:54 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot

I will admit that this whole thing has gotten out of hand and only want it to stop.


Cool post.

Offline Ichabod

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Re: Re: REN and BK fight
« Reply #84 on: May 22, 2005, 12:36:11 PM »
I couldnt agree more....  Its their own fault.....  Or maybe its in there genes....

Originally posted by DamnedRen
What you fail to realize is it's not a Ren vs BK fight. It a Ren vs any tard's who put down other players because they chose to play the game their way and not those of a few select BK's. The issue is they just gotta make sure everyone see's what a buncha tard's they are.

Think about it for a second...some dude is with others trying to take a field. He suckers a buncha tards away from their trying to protect the field and drags them a few miles clear of the field. He then bails laughing his butt off because they were stupid enough to follow him. They call foul. What a jerk he is for not fighting them at the field and dying all over the place just for them. Makes ya wonder what kinda tards they are for all trying to chase him all over the place for a kills. MUAHAHAHAHA! So now they all get up on the BB and tell the whole world what a buncha of tards they are by whining about this dude. He reads it and laughs in their face just as many of us where doing. Then they begin telling all how he is ruining the community. For a group that prides themselves on not taking fields or whatever it is they do or don't do they sure whine about it. Hell. I'm not sure what they do anymore. They don't furball? They do furball? They don't take fields? They do take fields? They're bored. Isn't what you hear from whiney babies all the time? "Mommy, you buy me everything I could ever possibly want but I'm so bored, because I have so many thing given to me and I'm a tard, I just can't think of anything to do so I'll whine at you." Mommy says, "now dear, why don't you go play AH for a while or have fun writing to your little friends there. You notice she doesn't want you hanging around bugging her so we now have to suffer. :rofl And, all these tards  seem to do on a daily basis is come to the boards and whine about what someone did to them, complain about the game because its not doing what they want or attack some dude for playing the game. If that's not a group of tards I don't know what is.

An easy fix is let them use their own website to make up thier own little BBS where they can post all they're crap so they can laugh and whine to each other. See how many go there to read that crap. Wait!!! That's no good for the ego's of these tards. So we'll never hear the end of it! Can I help it if most of them are bk's? I think Mommy needs to up their dose of retlin.


The Damned
« Last Edit: May 22, 2005, 12:42:24 PM by Ichabod »

Offline SlapShot

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Re: Re: Re: REN and BK fight
« Reply #85 on: May 22, 2005, 12:47:19 PM »
Originally posted by Ichabod
I couldnt agree more....  Its their own fault.....  Or maybe its in there genes....

The topic that started all of this has been beaten to death.

Members from both squads and trying to quell the fire, yet you insist on coming in here and try to fan the fire.

Take your can of gasoline and go elsewhere.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline DamnedRen

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #86 on: May 22, 2005, 01:01:44 PM »
Slapshot, as my squadmate said...Enuff!

I hate to say it but the rest of the BK's have a long road to haul to get alot of people's respect back.

Only time and actions will tell the tale.

Oh yeah, you say you have the upmost respect Coach, Max....the next time you talk to Coach and Max you might ask them who had a hand in training them, not only in dogfighting and in respecting others in gameplay. They brought respect for others with them and earned the respect of not only this community but others as well.


The Damned

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #87 on: May 22, 2005, 01:22:50 PM »
Originally posted by NoBaddy
First, special thanks to the weak-knee, pot stirring lamer that decided to restart a fire that had been extinguished and then throw gas on it...considering that it was really none of his business....WTG Dweeb.

Over the years, I have played this game with and against the BK's and I have the utmost respect for them as AH players. When it comes to opinions, there are some BK's that I don't see eye to eye with. However, they are as welcome to their opinions as I am to mine. Variety is, after all, the spice of life.

I knew Ren from before I started playing AH. While I know he has a good heart, I also know that he can be irasable and abrasive at times (and too often...tenatious).

The bottomline for me is that when this went from a difference of opinion between players to name calling of squads, it crossed a line. I don't know or care who started it...I just know it should end.

In the immortal words of ESPN Radio's Mike & Mike in the Morning...JUST SHUT UP! .... especially the idiot that reopened this.

bite me jackprettythang....

you name says it all your nobaddy...

and morph why add the newb thing?

i didn't expect this thread to go this far..infact i thought it would get deleted..i had a small teeny tiny hunch that i have a chance at opening the hornets nest but get this...

this might sound guys sitting down? the easiest way to stop it is to....

stop posting! OMG bet ya never thought of that. or maybe ya did but your ginormous soul devouring egos wouldn't let the other get the last word. It's like argueing about politics or religion no one is going to win and it will go on forever.

Nobaddy don't call me names because your squaddie was wrong and all you got left to do is name call. I called ren a cool dude twice and gave him a freindly opinion. then he trashes me. I didn't get in on the arguement unless someone talked about me.

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #88 on: May 22, 2005, 01:25:42 PM »
Anyone who adds to this post, from here on, goes to the back of the line of the Spring AH Con BBQ Tailgatin Party I'll be holding out in the parking lot.

Don't piss me off :)


Offline Seeker

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #89 on: May 22, 2005, 02:02:21 PM »
Originally posted by DMax
Anyone who adds to this post, from here on, goes to the back of the line of the Spring AH Con BBQ Tailgatin Party I'll be holding out in the parking lot.

Don't piss me off :)


