Author Topic: Up OR Down Vote(S)  (Read 1293 times)

Offline Hajo

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« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2005, 02:19:22 PM »
Spits just like any other plane in the AH inventory.

No matter what plane you fly...if you fly mistake free no matter what you're in the majority of the time you'll win.  If you get shot down it's your fault anyway for placing yourself into a position to be shot down.

For my money I would like to see all prop planes "unperked".

They can be beaten by any other plane that is not perked.

So what's the big deal here about revising the spit?

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« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2005, 03:03:26 PM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
Aces High is supposed to be fun.  I already work for a living, so why would I do the same in my spare time?  Spits are, pound for pound, the most fun thing to fly in the game for me.  It's not about working for it or proving one's manhood; it's about having fun with the time we have to play.  If flying something that makes you "work for a living" does it for you, that's great.  Don't expect that I'm going to share your enthusiasm however.

Honestly, I'm not sure I understand why you're so concerned about what others fly or how others perceive you based on what you fly.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Thats cause pound for pound they are the easiest to fly. Little to no skill required. But if you do have skill. spits turn ya into a superduper pilot because they require so little work.

Now I know your a good pilot. It saddens me to see good pilots in a spits because they dont need that kind of crutch to be successful. Yet they do.

  Concerned though?  No. Nor am I concerned how I am perceived on any level or in any realm.
  Im not going to like or respect anyone any more or less because of what they fly

I just dont view taking the easy way or in beginner mode as being fun.
 I have my most fun on the harder levels where yes I have to (here comes that dirty little word ) "work" a little for a living.
I find it far more rewarding and enjoyable.

But by all means if playing the equivilent of the entry level of Pacman over and over is what gets you off go for it.
I'd rather play chess.
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Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2005, 03:27:58 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Thats cause pound for pound they are the easiest to fly. Little to no skill required. But if you do have skill. spits turn ya into a superduper pilot because they require so little work.

Now I know your a good pilot. It saddens me to see good pilots in a spits because they dont need that kind of crutch to be successful. Yet they do.

  Concerned though?  No. Nor am I concerned how I am perceived on any level or in any realm.
  Im not going to like or respect anyone any more or less because of what they fly

I just dont view taking the easy way or in beginner mode as being fun.
 I have my most fun on the harder levels where yes I have to (here comes that dirty little word ) "work" a little for a living.
I find it far more rewarding and enjoyable.

But by all means if playing the equivilent of the entry level of Pacman over and over is what gets you off go for it.
I'd rather play chess.

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Offline Kev367th

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« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2005, 03:33:17 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Too much is made about speed. Speed isnt everything. I welcome planes with speed because I find they are easier to avoid and the very slowness of the spit and its ability to manuver and climb while being slow is one of its greatest assets IMO

Speed is good if your running or chasing or B&Zing but in an eyball to eyeball knife fight Speed can be a liability rather then an asset. E manegment and the ability to manuver at low speeds is your best ally.

Well in the current MA speed IS everything, try chasing one of the 4 speed demons in a Spit 5 or 9, see how far you get when he keeps on going. I have a tough enough time catching them in Tiffy without a big enough alt advantage.

OK so you avoid, he keeps on going, what you going to do apart from wait around till the next one comes in? Go chasing them hoping that one will turn and fight?
Either way it gets very frustrating.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2005, 03:37:54 PM by Kev367th »
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Offline 1K3

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« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2005, 07:49:25 PM »
ahem... now back on the track...
Another UP or DOWN vote...

1. Perk the Spit XIV to a single digit value

2. Use the PROPER DATA for Fw-190A-5 (R.L.M's evaluation of Fw-190A-5)

3. Like what we've seen with Spitfire V, and La-5FN, Fw-190A-8 needs a new engine (replace BMW 801-2 with 801 F/TS/or TU)

btw, can someone shed some light on the history (like did it play a major role? Did they foght on air on a regular basis?)  of Spitfires 6, 7, and 8? Most of us regular guys believe that only the spit 9 saw mid war to late war service and anything from spits 6, 7, and 8 are just experiment planes that we believe did not see service.

Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2005, 11:22:14 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Now I know your a good pilot. It saddens me to see good pilots in a spits because they dont need that kind of crutch to be successful. Yet they do.

Here you go again.  Define "successful" please.  I'm willing to bet that your definition doesn't even come close to mine, and yet here you are applying your sense of fun to mine and assuming it fits.  A Spit isn't a crutch, it's just good fun.  A jaunt in a P-47 is different, but it's just as fun too.  What you are completely missing here is that people don't necessarily fly Spits to "succeed;" they fly Spits because that's what they consider fun.

Concerned though?  No. Nor am I concerned how I am perceived on any level or in any realm.
  Im not going to like or respect anyone any more or less because of what they fly

Your words suggest a different sentiment.  You seem to feel that those who fly "easy" planes are either inferior to you or copping out.  By stating as much, you are disrespecting them whether you admit it or not.

I just dont view taking the easy way or in beginner mode as being fun.
 I have my most fun on the harder levels where yes I have to (here comes that dirty little word ) "work" a little for a living.
I find it far more rewarding and enjoyable.

Most of your kills come in 109Fs, 109G-10s, 190A-8s, and 262s.  All of those planes are faster than the Spit V, and all but one sport far more lethal armament.  I'm curious... as someone who claims to enjoy "working" for your fun, why do you fly such survivable and incredibly lethal planes?  Surely someone who enjoys working for kills would partake of the P-40B challenge or fly 202s at least a little bit each tour.  Why no 109Es?  Vals are fun too.  Why no Val flights?

I bet I know why you don't fly those planes.

But by all means if playing the equivilent of the entry level of Pacman over and over is what gets you off go for it.
I'd rather play chess.

Oh, please.  Aces High is Aces High.  Claiming you're some kind of chess master for flying a 109F rather than a Spit V is a stretch at best and laughable at worst.  Enjoy the game for what it is, and what it is neither Pac-Man nor chess.  Sorry to burst the bubble.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline pellik

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« Reply #36 on: June 05, 2005, 11:42:40 PM »

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #37 on: June 06, 2005, 12:15:41 AM »
Originally posted by Guppy35
LFIX was the mainstay of Fighter Command from 43 on.  It was the preferred Spit IX variant by those who flew Spits.


You mean the Polish Squadrons that literally saved Britain?


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Offline Big G

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« Reply #38 on: June 06, 2005, 12:22:42 AM »
Quit picking on the spits ! some of us are trying to learn advanced ACM in them lol
Perk the La-7 or slow it down so the V's or the Seafire can catch em !
Big G

Offline Kev367th

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« Reply #39 on: June 06, 2005, 12:23:24 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
You mean the Polish Squadrons that literally saved Britain?


Ooh WTG to pee off -
Czechs, Aussies, Kiwis etc.
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« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2005, 12:44:01 AM »
Burst my bubble? LMAO you are funny.
No bubble burst here.
Go back a ways you will see I've also flown as my "regular rides" Tiffy. FW A5,NIKI, FM2's, F6's  P51b's And  have dabbled a bit in Yaks,Jugs Ponies and 110's
And yes I even dabbled for a while in your precious Spits.

262s FYI I primarily use as a base porking weapon. I consider getting kills in that as a bonus as thats usually not what Im after when Im in a 262.

And while the rides I fly can run. I usually dont. and if I do its not very far. Or because Im out of ammo

No, only the very good pilots are copping out flying spits and I dont consider anyone inferiour to me. Hell I only consider myself a decent pilot and certainly not "great" as there are quite a few that are a hell of alot better then I am. Oddly enough I typically dont see them in spits either

Im usually outnumbered and if you see me over 10-15 K its in all likely hood because I was afk a while or dealing with wife/kid ack.

So as often as not I'm dealing with people that have an alt and in the end a speed advantage over me

109s are not as manuverable as spits. particularly at low speeds.
Which more times then not is how I end up and is actually my preferred way of fighting. And the view sucks. which only adds to the challange

What you dont see. or mention is in all these planes I rarely B&Z unless Im going after bombers. in each including the FWs I usually turnfight em

Why dont I fly those other planes? Simple. because I havent gotten around to them YET. But mark my words. I will.
ONLY reason I dont fly the E very much is ammo load is too small.

But as I've said I have flown your precious little tricycle so no bubble burst here,and I stand by my words about it.
Why dont I fly it? Cause its too damn easy.

You or anyone else find flying in EZmode fun hey, whatever makes your boat float. I just dont see the challange in them
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« Reply #41 on: June 06, 2005, 12:51:45 AM »
Originally posted by Morpheus

No ,honesty.
which is often mistaken for arrogance.
Typically because the honest word is not necessarily the word people want to hear.
And people dont like it when they hear words they dont like no matter how honest they are. So they label it arrogant.
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Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #42 on: June 06, 2005, 12:55:38 AM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Go back a ways you will see I've also flown as my "regular rides" Tiffy. FW A5,NIKI, FM2's, F6's  P51b's And  have dabbled a bit in Yaks,Jugs Ponies and 110's

What?  No 202s?  P-40Bs?  109Es?  I see there either fast planes or great turners or both.  Hm.

262s FYI I primarily use as a base porking weapon. I consider getting kills in that as a bonus as thats usually not what Im after when Im in a 262.

Why do you feel the need to defend how you use a 262 to me?  I don't care.  Use it any way you desire.

What I see here is a lot of defensiveness.  You just spent an entire message defending what you fly and how you fly it, and yet I don't really care what you fly or how you fly it.  Sure, I'll rib you because you aren't flying the most challenging planes, but that was just in fun.  So why are you wasting your energy on this?  I thought you didn't care?

Well, keep on "working" at it, big guy.  I'll have fun my way, and you have fun your way.  :)

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline pellik

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« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2005, 07:09:32 PM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying

  I'll have fun my way

-- Todd/Leviathn

I hope you don't get caught, as I hear the laws against your kind of fun can be pretty harsh.


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« Reply #44 on: June 06, 2005, 08:18:03 PM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying

What?  No 202s?  P-40Bs?  109Es?  I see there either fast planes or great turners or both.  Hm.


Why do you feel the need to defend how you use a 262 to me?  I don't care.  Use it any way you desire.

What I see here is a lot of defensiveness.  You just spent an entire message defending what you fly and how you fly it, and yet I don't really care what you fly or how you fly it.  Sure, I'll rib you because you aren't flying the most challenging planes, but that was just in fun.  So why are you wasting your energy on this?  I thought you didn't care?

Well, keep on "working" at it, big guy.  I'll have fun my way, and you have fun your way.  :)

-- Todd/Leviathn [/B]

Defending, No
Explaining yes
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