Author Topic: The blame game  (Read 2969 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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The blame game
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2001, 11:05:00 AM »
Originally posted by fd ski:

And many people don't buy the story that all presidents before and after Slick Willy were saints.
Only difference is the scale of witch hunts, in Cliton's times they exceeded everyone's expectations.

There are documented cases of presidents who lied directly and indirectly. Some presidents had more bellybutton in WH then Clinton even dreamed off. Just in the past it was "his and his family" problem... till it became convinient to drag president though the mud for political purposes.

For political purposes?! LOL for chrissakes, the man LIED UNDER OATH!  I personally don't want a man who lies under oath to have his index finger on a nuclear button, whether it be Tricky Dick or Slick willy!

Offline Gunthr

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« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2001, 11:43:00 AM »
Raubvogel, if that was all it takes to earn the diagnosis of sexual addict, I'd be one too  :)... I'm relying here on the comments of some mental health professionals I've seen interviewed over time, who were commenting on the known sexual incidents that came to light in Clinton's public life. (too long to list here lol) These analysis' indicted that Clinton is indeed a tad compulsive in his sexual conduct.


And many people don't buy the story that all presidents before and after Slick Willy were saints.
Only difference is the scale of witch hunts, in Cliton's times they exceeded everyone's expectations.

I've never heard anyone say that "all presidents before and after Slick Willy were saints." I don't defend any immoral, dishonest, self serving or compulsive conduct by any public official - ever. Your argument is lost on me.

And if you call the events that took place around Clinton during his time in office a WITCH HUNT, then Clinton certainly jumped up onto the stake and lit the fire himself!

And what about that cigar thing? Where was the liberal outrage when Clinton encouraged a young person to use a tobacco product?  ;)
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Offline 38isPorked

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The blame game
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2001, 11:47:00 AM »
Rip, you sound surprised. Dont you know that the best liar is the one that gets the office? Its a universal all countries and throught all time.

Xbat, the UN is for all purposes, a puppet of the US. That it has limited powers because other nations in the UN can veto or block an action, perhaps..but thats where "economical" power sets in. Im wondering how many deals, favors, threats and trade benefits were given to pakistan for "helping" against Afghanistan.. and the same can be said for Saudi Arabia and all other countries that hosted UN forces in the gulf war. Not to mention the pressures to be brought or deals made to secure a vote in your favor during a UN session. $$$ is where its all at.

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2001, 11:50:00 AM »
Originally posted by 38:
Rip, you sound surprised. Dont you know that the best liar is the one that gets the office? Its a universal all countries and throught all time.

Well, I'm not quite that cynical(sp?) of our system of Gov't...after all, we wouldn't have the lifestyles we have if all politicians were crooked.

Offline 10Bears

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« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2001, 11:53:00 AM »
taken from Bartcop,

When Bill Clinton was president, we had peace.
 When Bill Clinton was president, Greenspan had to constantly apply the brakes
   to the economy because it was white hot with a smart president working full-time.
 When Bill Clinton was president, the stock market tripled.
 When Bill Clinton was president, all we argued about was how to spend the Clinton surplus.
 When Bill Clinton was president, we still had a Bill of Rights.
 When Bill Clinton was president, a citizen's vote counted for sometime.
 When Bill Clinton was president, New York was intact and swaggering.
 When Bill Clinton was president, the First Lady didn't wear a Taliban muzzle.
 When Bill Clinton was president, people smiled when they thought about the future.
 When Bill Clinton was president, criminal trials were open to the public
 When Bill Clinton was president, we worried about his sex life, instead of whether or not
   the president's evil crime family bungled us into a big-ass war like his crooked father did ten years ago..

 ...but then that thieving son of a squeak stole power, with the help of a potato court.

heheh thought you'd like that

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2001, 12:13:00 PM »
So many inaccuracies in that too 10bears, LOL, where does one begin?

Peace with clinton? Want to tell that to the Bosnians? Or Somolia? Or Sudan? the list goes on!~  I could tear that apart, but I have neither the time, nor the patience, to train ignorance.(not you personally, 10bears, just ignorance globally)

Offline 38isPorked

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« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2001, 12:25:00 PM »
"Well, I'm not quite that cynical(sp?) of our system of Gov't...after all, we wouldn't have the lifestyles we have if all politicians were crooked"

You have it because they didnt get cought and their buddy-buddies cover for 'em.  :)

BTW, its not the system of govt. The system controls and regulates them politicians. But its the slyest liar that learns to avoid, twist and bypass those controls in *legal* ways.

Wasnt it Bush that said he was anti-tobacco on his campaign..and he owns a huge tobacco plantation? Wee willy...

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2001, 12:45:00 PM »
38, see my post above, last paragraph.

Offline Eagler

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« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2001, 12:54:00 PM »
Originally posted by 10Bears:
taken from Bartcop,

When Bill Clinton was president, we had peace.
 When Bill Clinton was president, Greenspan had to constantly apply the brakes
   to the economy because it was white hot with a smart president working full-time.
 When Bill Clinton was president, the stock market tripled.
 When Bill Clinton was president, all we argued about was how to spend the Clinton surplus.
 When Bill Clinton was president, we still had a Bill of Rights.
 When Bill Clinton was president, a citizen's vote counted for sometime.
 When Bill Clinton was president, New York was intact and swaggering.
 When Bill Clinton was president, the First Lady didn't wear a Taliban muzzle.
 When Bill Clinton was president, people smiled when they thought about the future.
 When Bill Clinton was president, criminal trials were open to the public
 When Bill Clinton was president, we worried about his sex life, instead of whether or not
   the president's evil crime family bungled us into a big-ass war like his crooked father did ten years ago..

 ...but then that thieving son of a squeak stole power, with the help of a potato court.

heheh thought you'd like that

ah, nevermind...

if you really believe half this crap, you are hopeless.

one note, the economy upswing started in the late 80's (right after we crushed Japan - financially), the perv willie was just in the right place at the right time - Elmer Fudd couldn't have held it down but maybe he could have controlled the bubble that is bursting all around us now better. But slick like the distraction as everyone had their heads in their wallets, letting everything else go - including a responsible gov.
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Offline 10Bears

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« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2001, 01:11:00 PM »
So many inaccuracies in that too 10bears, LOL, where does one begin?

go for it

Peace with clinton? Want to tell that to the Bosnians?

Ok lets ask them Hey Bosnians, wheres Slobo?

Or Somolia? Bushdaddy put troops in there, Clinton pulled em out
Or Sudan? Did we get hit with chemical weapons?
the list goes on!~


I could tear that apart,

Tear this apart; Did the stock market triple?
Did he build 5,000 new public schools? Did he put (close to) 100,000 new cops on the street?
Was crime and abortion the lowest in thirty years?
True or false; Was there more new home buyers then at any time in American history?

but I have neither the time, nor the patience, to train ignorance.

Yep must be tough for you and Newsmax, Rush, and Fox news to train ignorance.... especially educated Americans.

Hey Rip you know bills of attainders are illegal. You can't make a law against one person. Try and bring a civil suit to Geroge Bush and see what happens.

You don't think the whole Paula Jones thing was even a tad political? If not, why were there no questions about Paula Jones during the testimony?

(not you personally, 10bears, just ignorance globally)

Ah thats swell boss thx

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2001, 01:53:00 PM »
Originally posted by miko2d:

 Of course the scientists may discover the workings of the brain some day and find a way to ensure minimum IQ of 115 for the whole population - then things can become different.

lol - another static forecast against a dynamic system.

all they'd do then is raise the iq bar a few points and make everything harder. people group naturally and there would have to be a way to seperate the mental haves from the mental have-nots

Offline narsus

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« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2001, 03:18:00 PM »
I am not a big fan of sanctions, think about it Saddam is a dictator, the UN says we must restrict food, equipment, etc. going to Iraq.

Now the question is..Do you think Saddam is starving NOPE, do you think Saddam cares if his people are starving NOPE. Hence he stays in power.

If you want a dictator to be romoved from power you have to hurt him personally in some way. Way back when we attacked Libia we hit Omar's home..killed some of his family (not saying this is a good thing to do) but we havent heard toejam from him in 15 years.

Offline narsus

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« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2001, 03:30:00 PM »

OK did the stock market start to crumble near the end of his term...YES

Did he lie to the American people on TV...YES

Did he lie under oath...YES

Did he make very questionable pardons...HELL YES

And if the FBI has it right 9-11 was planned during Clinton presidency (also not Clintons fault IMO)

Is he a good Politician...YES (nothing to be proud of)

As far as the economy goes the president has no more effect on it than I do. (I truly believe that's the American people, some Congress and some Greenspan)

As far as Bush Sr. and Saddam I agree he should have been taken out but it wasn't really the USA's call had to worry about the UN and keeping the Coalition together.

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: narsus ]

Offline Apache

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« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2001, 03:37:00 PM »
When Bill Clinton was president, all we argued about was how to spend the Clinton surplus.

Oh, you mean when we were over taxed and we argued over how to spend our money?

Offline Udie

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« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2001, 03:39:00 PM »
I really don't have time for this and I know it's a waste of time but...

[QB]Originally posted by 10Bears:

When Bill Clinton was president, we had peace.

 Piece of bellybutton is all you can say about peace in the Clinton years.  6 years of yugoslavia, somalia - clinton changed bush's orders, then didn't give the military the resourses they needed, then pulled out when we got our noses bloodied, leaving the terrorist of the world to believe that we are a bunch of collective rutabagas.  This stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.
 When Bill Clinton was president, Greenspan had to constantly apply the brakes to the economy because it was white hot with a smart president working full-time.

 First off, who hired Greenspan?  I'll give willy credit for keeping him but that's it.  The economy came back while Bush was still in office that's a fact go ahead and try and prove it wrong.

When Bill Clinton was president, the stock market tripled.

 see the above paragraph...

 When Bill Clinton was president, all we argued about was how to spend the Clinton surplus.    WRONG!!!!  if there's any surplus it's due mainly to a Republican congress heheheh I bet that just burns you up too  :) You may not be able to remember 92-94 when the democrats controlled both houses still.   heheheh funny how those were the last years of defecit spending.  The Republicans take congress away from tax -n- spend demos and whala!  first ballanced budget in 30 yrs!  I bet you just HATE that too  :)

 When Bill Clinton was president, we still had a Bill of Rights.

 Unless you happen to be a member of the Randy Weaver family or if you happened to live in Waco with the Branch Davidians. Or if you're name was Elian Gonzalez.  Or Linda Tripp or Paula Jones or Monica Lewinski the list goes on and on.

 When Bill Clinton was president, a citizen's vote counted for sometime.

 yeah and for sometime after they died too! hell some even counted twice.

When Bill Clinton was president, New York was intact and swaggering.

 huh? can we say Guliani?  NY looks alot better off now than it was 10 yrs ago.  Even after sept 11.

When Bill Clinton was president, the First Lady didn't wear a Taliban muzzle.

 Dude where were you in the 90's?  We didn't hear squat for her for about 2 years after she unsuccessfuly tried to take over 1/7th of our economy.  Anytime she'd open her mouth willy would slip in the polls so he kept her "muzzled". She also never gave the presidential radio address like Mrs. Bush did a couple of weekends ago.  ;)

When Bill Clinton was president, people smiled when they thought about the future.

  Only the ones like yourself who are too blind to see what was really happening. Alot of us saw this whole mess coming back in about 95 or even sooner.

When Bill Clinton was president, criminal trials were open to the public


When Bill Clinton was president, we worried about his sex life, instead of whether or not the president's evil crime family bungled us into a big-ass war like his crooked father did ten years ago..

 You talking about JFK?  I can remember Sadaam "bungling" us into a big war.  I can also remember Clinton letting him get by with kicking out the UN weapons inspectors about 2 or 3 yrs ago.  I can remember another "war" with Iraq starting not 5 min before is impeachment hearings in the house, and the same war ending the same day his sorry bellybutton was impeached, if I remember correctly about 10 min after.  I can remember bombings on the day that lewinski apeared before the grand jury.

...but then that thieving son of a squeak stole power, with the help of a potato court.

 So what are you going to do about it?  Start a revolution?  Do you believe in the rule of law?  I bet not if you liked clinton.  The law to clinton was more of an obsticle to go around than the foundation of our society.

 I don't know whether to laugh at you or feel sorry for you.  I also don't know why I wasted my time with you either, but your stupid post must be corrected. I wish I had more time to be more thorough but I'm at work and have to log now.

 Toad could you please step in and help a brother out  :)