So, Adam choked on the apple?
Anyway, this one:
"Hah! Zere is ze PROOF! Right in ze PHOTOGRAFS!
Due to zee unrelenting attacks of der zuperior machines of za Luftwaffe, zere was a near total shortage of Spitfire vingtips due to zee bombed-out English vingtip factories!
Ya! And za photos PROOVE zis!"
Good man
Now, untill now, Izzy has tried to show some comparisons, and while blaming others for manipulating data, I recall this.
Oui, J'accuse toi, Izzy le-quelque-chose:
(well, my French sucks, just couldn't help it, hehe)
Anyway, the commandments of Izzy regarding the evil Spitfire being compared to LW stuff.
1. Spit vs messer turning ability (109F, - source Clostermann), using a clipped Spit vs the finest turning 109 ever.
2. Spit rolling, picking a VII or VIII with extended wingtips as an example of rolling quality at preferrably low altitude.
Or better still, never pick any data from later than 1942, 1939 models of Spit I is the best to compare with a 109F or newer.
3. Spit IX Speed, - Picking JL 165 which was almost the most tired one I could find from the fourthfightergroup site. Compare it with a 109 which is some year newer.
The 190 was also an underdog to the 109F, so while the 190 is already as fast as the Spit IX, the Spit IX is truly an underdog.
4. High alt speed and low alt speed, - pick Merlin 61 for low alt (Turbine#2 kicks in at 20K), and a cropped Spit for the high alt comparison (max performance at low alt)
5. Climb. Pick preferrably only the 109K and compare it with a 1942 Spit. Or, rather not mention climb. Never go to Newtons when calculating lift efficiency.
6. Time and Service. Compare old Spits with New 109's.
7. Availability:
a. There were few Spits
b .They were too few and too late
c. They were not available in clipped mode in any numbers.
d. Uhm, clipping was futile and useless, but done in some numbers.
e. Due to short range, Spits were scarcely seen over LW territory anyway
8. Undercarriage:
a. Spit could not carry too much armament due to UC weakness.
b. It could also not carry too much ordnance for the same reason
c. Therefore it was a hopeless carrier aircraft. Please forget that very short decked escort carriers were the norm.
9. Engines:
RR sucks and is so thirsty that Spitfires hardly make it over the English channel,,,,errr,,,German Channel. They are also draggy and heavy and unreliable engines. Please omit that overhauls had some different hours compared to the DB
9. Ultimate performance:
a. Draw into the daylight the only drawback of the Spit 21, - Yaw.
Forget about double range and 4 Hizookas along with the high speed.
b. Do not mention any Griffon Spits that had better boost than minimal.
c. Do not mention the Seafire 47 which was the ultimate Spitfire to see combat.
d. Griffon Spits hardly saw sevice anyway.
Oh, I still have to bring in the 10th commandment....