One of the things we need to be thinking of is economics as well. Oil is what makes the world go around right now. Its used for power and such.
President Bush had on his orginal agenda when he was elected to become less dependant on foriegn oil. We're too involved with that region of the world because of it.
I hope one of the benefits of all of this is a whole lot less dependence with this region of the world and more self sufficency. Either thru Nuclear power plants and perhaps a new "Manhatten Project" (ironic name) for that rumored fusion power. Remember, before the second world war there was no nuclear bomb. In this new style of war we need a new "bomb". One plugged into the power lines.
Ok, this is probably wishful thinking on my part, but it is on my mind and I want to vent it. If it were not for that damn oil, we would be free of this situation. Damn it, we need out. This is one of the things we can work on.
[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: LtHans ]