AC3D How-To for beginner from another AC3D beginner
Read first AC3D.txt file from TE folder.
You still are unsure about properties etc? Wellcome to the club!
(old picture. Just ignore values)
A four buttons left top: “Select” field: Group, Object, Surface and Vertex
I will call them from now as mode ie. “Go to Object MODE etc
CTRL+Z is undo function.
How to make a simple 2D shape with one end point object:
1. Create an end point object, a simple rectangular and set it to ground level.
- Use “Move To” and “Size To” keys left side to give accurate XYZ-values.
- With >-keys you can read current object/group XYZ values.
- Rename object “Obj Name” window or in “Object Properties” window (F9-key).
2. Object Centres (marked with green/blue cross). You must “zero” all object/group centres.
- Select object and go to Tools > Adjust Object Centres (or similar).
- Set Y-axis to Minimum. Centre marking cross should drop to the ground level.
3. Object Properties 1. I can’t tell too much. MaxDist info is minimum?
- Go to Object MODE.
- Open “Object Properties” window (F9-key).
- Write down properties what you need for your object (ref. AC3D.txt file).
4. Build an “Object Hierarchy tree” (F8-key). We need to create temporary polygons for grouping purpose only and delete them after use. This is general note. You will repeat this few times.
- Open “Object Hierarchy tree” window ready.
- Create temporary object next to your main object. Simple poly dot is enough.
- Zero temporary object centre with “Move To” after you give 0 values.
- Select both objects from “Object Hierarchy tree” window and click Group.
- Rename this new group (ref. AC3D.txt notes: str0, objects, model).
- Go to Object MODE.
- Select from “Object Hierarchy tree” window a temporary object ONLY.
- Move mouse cursor outside of the “Object Hierarchy tree” window and hit delete key.
- Repeat from “Create simple temporary…” until tree looks ok.
If you find a mistake somewhere middle in hierarchy tree, you must ungroup to that level before you can fix it.
5. Object Properties 2
- Go to Group MODE.
- Open “Object Properties” window (F9-key).
- Model group MaxDist info must match with end point object MaxDist info.
6. Textures and “Texture Coordinate Editor” (F10-key).
- Locate texture file to same folder with your object AC3D file
- 1 texture file per end point object (+transparent stuff?).
- Max size is 1024*1024 with 256-colour bmp file.
- You can repeat or just use partly your texture.
7. Made a TE object from you AC3D object.
- Open OE. Go to File >Convert AC3D file… and select your object and convert it
- Close OE and delete CACHE folder from AH2EDITOR folder.
- Open OE again. Your object should be visible in OE object list with * mark.
8. Use your objects with terrain
- Copy WHATEVER.SHP with related URTEXTURE.HTX files from USERLIB folder to your terrain texsrc-folder
Something like this... I think