Author Topic: Understanding AC3D  (Read 864 times)

Offline Raptor

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Understanding AC3D
« on: July 04, 2005, 01:29:48 AM »
So far I've not been able to do a whole lot of anything with AC3D and would like some help.
First off, I make a square polygon. How do I give it the texture I want? I do the Object > Texture > set texture and it will load a texture on the image, then save it and when I try converting it to the object editor, it shows up as white. Why is this?
Also, how do I set parts of it transparent? If I set part of it transparent in AC3D, will I be able to, lets say fly through or shoot through the part I made transparent in the game?

Offline SkyChimp

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Understanding AC3D
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2005, 01:38:26 AM »
<-Ran outa trail. I have blender tho :D

Wish i could help.

Offline BlauK

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Understanding AC3D
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2005, 04:55:42 AM »
you also need to build a correct hiearchy tree for your object (= text definitions and tags etc.). The best way to learn this is to export some simple object from OE to ac3d format and study it in ac3d. The HQ object is a great example of LOD:s and dead shapes.

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline Raptor

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Understanding AC3D
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2005, 01:40:46 PM »
well say I'm just making a simple 2d square..

Offline BlauK

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« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2005, 01:54:25 PM »
There should be some examples at this board, search for Hitech's posts. I am not at my home computer now, but it (iirc) goes like this:

"world" "model" "objects"
......obj1 (this is your square)

To be able to group your single poly in those 2 higher groups you have to create copies of some object and then delete them from each group.

Check he exported objects and study them. That is the easiest way ;)

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline Xjazz

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Understanding AC3D
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2005, 04:10:44 PM »
Hi Raptor

My AC3D trail is over but here are my 2c.

Below is 660ft tall and 660ft wide wall AC3D data.

You just copy/paste it to the notepad and save it with whatever.AC name. Remember to use Save File Type: ALL FILES.

MATERIAL "ac3dmat1" rgb 1 1 1  amb 0.2 0.2 0.2  emis 0 0 0  spec 0 0 0  shi 10  trans 0
OBJECT world
OBJECT group
name "model"
data 13
kids 1
OBJECT group
name "objects"
data 13
kids 1
OBJECT group
name "vod0"
data 13
kids 1
name "f3"
data 13
texture "UNAMEIT.bmp"
crease 45.000000
numvert 4
-330 0 0
330 0 0
330 660 0
-330 660 0
numsurf 1
SURF 0x20
mat 0
refs 4
3 0 1
2 1 1
1 1 0
0 0 0
kids 0"

You can adjust size by changing the coordinate values after NUMVERT 4 (four lines with XYZ values).

 I don't know if it's correctly made but it works with me... so far.

UNAMEIT.bmp texture is set so, it will use whole texture file. Of course you can change it in AC3D too with F10-key after you select the object.

Save your AC3D and texture files to same folder. Convert AC3D file in OE and TE ready shape and texture files you can find from USERLIB folder.

About transparent

Offline Xjazz

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Understanding AC3D
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2005, 06:03:45 AM »
AC3D How-To for beginner from another AC3D beginner :)

Read first AC3D.txt file from TE folder.
You still are unsure about properties etc? Wellcome to the club!

(old picture. Just ignore values)

A four buttons left top: “Select” field: Group, Object, Surface and Vertex
I will call them from now as mode ie. “Go to Object MODE etc

CTRL+Z is undo function.

How to make a simple 2D shape with one end point object:

1. Create an end point object, a simple rectangular and set it to ground level.
- Use “Move To” and “Size To” keys left side to give accurate XYZ-values.
- With >-keys you can read current object/group XYZ values.
- Rename object “Obj Name” window or in “Object Properties” window (F9-key).

2. Object Centres (marked with green/blue cross). You must “zero” all object/group centres.
- Select object and go to Tools > Adjust Object Centres (or similar).
- Set Y-axis to Minimum. Centre marking cross should drop to the ground level.

3. Object Properties 1. I can’t tell too much. MaxDist info is minimum?
- Go to Object MODE.
- Open “Object Properties” window (F9-key).
- Write down properties what you need for your object (ref. AC3D.txt file).

4. Build an “Object Hierarchy tree” (F8-key). We need to create temporary polygons for grouping purpose only and delete them after use. This is general note. You will repeat this few times.
- Open “Object Hierarchy tree” window ready.
- Create temporary object next to your main object. Simple poly dot is enough.
- Zero temporary object centre with “Move To” after you give 0 values.
- Select both objects from “Object Hierarchy tree” window and click Group.
- Rename this new group (ref. AC3D.txt notes: str0, objects, model).
- Go to Object MODE.
- Select from “Object Hierarchy tree” window a temporary object ONLY.
- Move mouse cursor outside of the “Object Hierarchy tree” window and hit delete key.
- Repeat from “Create simple temporary…” until tree looks ok.

If you find a mistake somewhere middle in hierarchy tree, you must ungroup to that level before you can fix it.

5. Object Properties 2
- Go to Group MODE.
- Open “Object Properties” window (F9-key).
- Model group MaxDist info must match with end point object MaxDist info.

6. Textures and “Texture Coordinate Editor” (F10-key).
- Locate texture file to same folder with your object AC3D file
- 1 texture file per end point object (+transparent stuff?).
- Max size is 1024*1024 with 256-colour bmp file.
- You can repeat or just use partly your texture.

7. Made a TE object from you AC3D object.
- Open OE. Go to File >Convert AC3D file… and select your object and convert it
- Close OE and delete CACHE folder from AH2EDITOR folder.
- Open OE again. Your object should be visible in OE object list with * mark.

8. Use your objects with terrain
- Copy WHATEVER.SHP with related URTEXTURE.HTX files from USERLIB folder to your terrain texsrc-folder

Something like this... I think :)

Offline Xjazz

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Understanding AC3D
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2005, 03:56:20 PM »
Ok AC3D / 3D gurus,

is it totally wrong or just little bit or about ok simple object/shape How-To guide?

Way too many typos?