Author Topic: Afghani Perspective  (Read 1578 times)

Offline StSanta

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Afghani Perspective
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2001, 04:28:00 AM »
Re: a ground war.

While US technology is superior to that of the old Soviet Union, it still has the same weak spots. While US military personell might be better equipped and trained than the Taliban, they still suffer the same drawbacks as the Soviets.

The Taliban will get to choose when and how to strike. The Taliban have been doing this for years and years and are quite good at it. It's a low tech "army" that requires very little in terms of logicstical support. The US armed forces will need a lot of logistical support to pull off a war. And of course, its the lines of communications that'll be hit by the Talibans.

It'll cost a lot of lives to take temporary control. It'll cost a lot of lives to maintain in.

I doubt the US wants this, and even if they did it, it wouldn't stop terrorists from committing more horrendous acts.

Offline storm

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« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2001, 06:10:00 AM »
i see  people posting only drawbacks to a
military intervention

 i really would like to ask those people to also post a solution to this

here are some possibilities ,please add more if you have some and not always drawbacks of possible solutions

 1. do nothing the other face and bow our heads in guilt of what we did in the middle east in the past decades...i doubt that will ever happen,although that's what the bible says..give the other cheek

2.nuke em or carpetbomb then and watch on CNN while the plume is transmitted
live ....then go hide and wait pressure only through economic sanctions
and isolate the taliban regime...btw you would have to isolate saudi arabia pakistan and the emirates too cuz they recognize the taliban...that would nicely trigger a civil war in pakistan and give some nice nukes to them.India has some btw too :)and they have some discrepancies already.

4.Let UN handle this....for me that is like stretching the whole issue by months or even years so they can get reorganized...meanwhile we live in fear of more attacks

5.go in on the ground and eliminate the taliban regime and show these fanatics we can be fanatic too for our freedom..then smoke out mr these guys what we made off....prob is do we have the guts to do that?are europeans prepared to do it.....
i really hope so!!!

 IMO we didnt learn from WWII...all the signs were there when taliban regime took over that place imposing horrific rules on women,branding hindus with signs that really make ya shiver,dynamiting cultural sites that will be lost forever for mankind....a little UN condemnation,a little media clip then it was can a regime be tolerated on this planet that does somethink like the pot blew and we cannot stand there and watch and keep thing there is a civil war in pakistan and we cannot do anything as it is their domestic problem under international law.
 In WWII when hitler invaded we had even a stronger motif to the enemy is far away and even protected with our own laws and morals.

 IMO we should honour the generation that freed us from Hitler and his machine and be prepared and willing to do the ultimate sacrifice like they did to make our society live 50+ years in freedom...we cannot continue to disregard this as a foreign policy issue that is far's
at our doorstep!

 If we hold back and let our economy get crumbled which it will anyway....they will have brought us down to the knees.Wait for
mondays stock markets open..then the aftermath overseas and lotsa airline companies over the world making bankrupcy due to the cost of increased security and way less customers.Thousands of jobs lost etc.
Our freemarket society is in jeopardy here and has been dealt a huge blow!
It could be a rollercoaster into depression.

Then bin laden and the taliban regime know that they have defeated for the 2nd time a superpower nation while we all are worried about moralities etc.What will he plan next then???????How many more followers to his cause will that generate???

 maybe i'm overreacting here by calling out for total support for a ground campaign...but i have to make choices and all the other scenarios look even worse to me.

 We cant just go back and repair the mistakes we did....we can admit the mistakes but now we got to face the problem as it is and try to solve it before we plunge this planet into something i cant even imagine.

apologies for some grammar and spelling difficulties


Offline Karnak

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« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2001, 06:32:00 AM »
I think that we need to form a global group from as many nations as possible, USA, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Palistinian Authority, UK, India, France, Mexico, Pakistan, Germany, Iran, Brazil, Japan, Canada, China, Spain, ect, ect and go after every terrorist group that raises its head and ruthlessly kill it.

Start with Osama bin Laden and his cronies. Then on to others. The PIRA blows something up?  They're gone.  Period.  Hamas runs a suicide bomb at a restraunt we go and eliminate them.  Basque seppartists kill another judge?  They join the list of extinct terrorist organizations.  The same rules across the world, you commit terrorist acts, you die.

Will we have to go in on the ground?  Yes.  Will we take casulties? Yes. Do we have the stomach for it? Do we want to win? I pray the answer is yes.

The greater the diversity of nations that we can get on this the greater the chances of it suceeding.

We will also have to listen to peoples that feel themselves oppressed and do what we can to eliminated that feeling.  Only when those who commit such acts face universal elimination and we as a world move to eliminate the feelimgs of oppression as much as we can will we purge the world of terrorism.

I hope we can do this.
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline Naso

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« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2001, 07:59:00 AM »
Originally posted by Karnak:
We will also have to listen to peoples that feel themselves oppressed and do what we can to eliminated that feeling.  Only when those who commit such acts face universal elimination and we as a world move to eliminate the feelimgs of oppression as much as we can will we purge the world of terrorism.

I hope we can do this.

Well said Karnak!!

I hope this too.

Offline Creamo

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« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2001, 08:19:00 AM »
Great article!

They are to hungry to overthrow the bad guys he says. Ok. It's beem bombed so hard there is nothing left to bomb. Ok!

He seemes to have a point in his Bay Area condo as he scrapes delivered pizza crumbs off his computer keyboard. Im glad he was well fed enough to enlighten me.

It gives me peace knowing when we flatten the place, nothing is to be lost, except hunger.

Offline Tuomio

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Afghani Perspective
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2001, 09:06:00 AM »
Eagler and maverick:
If i point out your army weak spots against guerilla war, you attack me personally?
I know that US army is good, but so was the Russian army in 1980 (as good as US army in 1980). Read StSantas post, thats just how i feel in this issue. The invasion is not the problem, your stay in the afghanistan is. It will take long time before you find the Osama, theres lots of rabbit holes to look in. In the meanwhile, Taleban forces will do suicide bombings against your logistics to bring US troops morale down.
All Taleban warriors are pretty much veterans of war, they shouldnt be something to take lightly.

You should be prepared for losing thousands of young fine soldiers if you go to search Osama and his organization. You have a serious problem in your hands and i hope you can solve it. It will take rational decisions and lots of time to succeed.
"kick the s*it out of them with the nukes" is hardly a rational decision.   :o

[ 09-16-2001: Message edited by: Tuomio ]