Author Topic: Comparing Islam to Christianity  (Read 4357 times)

Offline Seagoon

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« Reply #105 on: July 16, 2005, 11:21:13 AM »

Originally posted by AKH
It seems that the zealous Christians favour the hatred route.

A couple of questions. What do you mean by this and what evidence do you have for this?

Also, exactly how was the hatred of Muslims manifested by the zealous bible believing Christian groups who went in to Aceh, Indonesia, an almost entirely Muslim principality, to remove and bury decomposing bodies from the beaches and villages, to distribute food and clothing sent by Christian congregations, to provide free medical assistance, to set up shelters, and so on? This included, for instance, the brother of one of the members of our own congregation (same denom).

I'm awaiting your answer.

SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Offline Seagoon

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« Reply #106 on: July 16, 2005, 12:43:32 PM »
One thing that has driven me a little batty that I would love to at least nail down in this thread.

Neither the Sinn Fein political party nor the IRA (in any of its permutations) are in any sense "Christian Terrorist Organizations." While the membership of both organizations is heavily Roman Catholic (at least nominally) they both contain a good number of avowed atheists, agnostics, communists, and so on. Neither group acknowledges that they are fighting or working as a Christian group. In fact, those familiar with the history of the IRA will remember that the main split in the organization (that resulted in the fracture into the "Real IRA" and "Provisional IRA") was over Marxism and whether they were fighting to establish an explicitly Socialist Republic. Those of you familiar with the Christian faith will realize that Marxism and "funadmentalist Christianity" are at heart incompatible.

They are profoundly different from the many affiliated Islamic terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Hamas etc. which state that they are specifically Islamic.

For instance, Hamas explicitly states things like the following in its charter:

Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.
[Hamas Charter, 1988, Article 8. Entire Charter available online here

Note also that almost all of these Islamic terror organizations (including the Chechens) acknowledge a general linkage via the Pan-Islamic (Wahabbi) ideals of Hasan Al-Banni and the Muslim brotherhood. Total membership in these organizations together is in the hundreds of thousands, and thats not counting supporters in the Umma.

I would challenge you to find anything similar amongst bible believing Christians - i.e. a huge and well funded and supported modern world wide terror network devoted to defending and advancing "Christendom" by violent attacks.

SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Offline Staga

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« Reply #107 on: July 16, 2005, 12:57:47 PM »
Grünhertz; how many terrorists did participate in 9/11?

Offline hacksaw1

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« Reply #108 on: July 16, 2005, 12:57:54 PM »
Muhammad claimed to be the final prophet in the long line of Jewish and Christian prophets.

This was six centuries after  the death and resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah – Jesus Christ.

Muhammad's "encounter" in the cave with the spiritual being (called Jabril =Gabriel) left him terrified. In spite of severe depression, his wife and Christian cousin convinced him his experiences were not from "Jinn" but from the Allah. (My regrets, but this is unlike divine encounters recorded in the Bible.) He then made his claims of prophethood to Arab tribes that had been awash in polytheism for many centuries.

This "prophetic superiority of Muhammad" is a key idea that Islam still promotes. Like it or not, Jews and Christians cannot just brush off the claims of the Quran. Knowledgeable humble Christians are the actual experts who can fairly judge the claims of the Muhammad, not Muslims who have no knowledge of the Bible. But that does imply a fair reading of the Quran by Christians.

Having read the Quran in English and Hebrew, I'd say that anyone with first-hand familiarity of the Bible will notice a significant difference between the two. Biblical accounts are retold differently in the Quran, and doubtful Jewish and Christian apocryphal material is considered trustworthy.

The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) were written over many centuries by some two dozen authors and contain prophecies of many prophets. The Greek Scriptures (New Testament) cover a much shorter time period, but nevertheless contain the four gospel accounts and letters-epistles to various communities, from some ten authors. The collaborate testimony of multiple authors is absent in the Quran.

You read the Quran and you read, laboriously, one man's claims about what he says are God's revelations to him. Some "revelations" are completely self-serving. For example, Muhammad's deity revealed that he could take the wife of his adopted son away from him, for himself, because she caught his fancy, even though Muhammad was not short of wives. The Quran bears no sign of being a continuation of either Jewish or Christian revelation, even though it sprinkles in Jewish and Christian names and stories.

The written source of Christian faith (New Testament) promotes eagerness to love and forgive others, even in the face of antagonism and violence. So if Christian rule, or Christian groups, were corrupt and brutal at certain stages of history, it was directly contradictory to the express commandments of the New Testament. In contrast, the Quran does not repudiate coercion, violence and retribution for religious ends. Jews and Christians must live as Dhimmis and pay a special tax. Recalcitrant polytheists may be slain on the spot. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," is not found in the Quran. So while homicide bombing of non-combatants is not explicit in the Quran, there is little to restrain such an idea. And while modern elements within Islam courageously repudiate such brutal ideas, it is more in spite of the Quran rather than because of it.

Nevertheless, the anti-religion Fascists and Communists of the last century who spilled the blood of multiplied tens of millions were, to this point, a far worse blot on humanity than any Jihad or Crusade. Religion does not necessarily generate violence. Sinful humans, religious or atheist, do.

Re: Bible written by humans
As a technical writer in telecommunications, I can tell you that it is no astonishing feat for humans to produce flawless written works on technical subjects. The potential for error may hang like the sword of Damocles, but that doesn't mean humanity can only produce erroneous written works. So concerning the Bible, or any other religious works, you cannot reject it out-of-hand just because it was penned by humans. Written accounts of human beings who claim to have had experiences with the Living God must be judged fairly on their own merits.

Best regards.


Offline Staga

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« Reply #109 on: July 16, 2005, 01:05:46 PM »


[Quran 60:8]
"GOD does not enjoin you from befriending those who do not fight you because of religion, and do not evict you from your homes. You may befriend them and be equitable towards them. GOD loves the equitable."


 [Quran 5:32]
"......, we decreed for the Children of Israel that anyone who murders any person who had not committed murder or horrendous crimes, it shall be as if he murdered all the people. And anyone who spares a life, it shall be as if he spared the lives of all the people. .............."


 [Quran 6:151]
"...... You shall not kill - GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand."


 [Quran17:33] "You shall not kill any person  - for GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. ....."

More in here:

Whoa what was that? Muslims against terrorists?
Next they say man has been walking in the moon.

Offline Staga

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« Reply #110 on: July 16, 2005, 01:15:57 PM »
Seagoon; could it be that you've read Quran like devil reads the bible?
Not with open mind but with a goal that you wanted to find something which would support your stance?

Offline bob149

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« Reply #111 on: July 16, 2005, 01:52:43 PM »
so let me see..christians havent done things  as bad as 9/11...bloody hell yr all bad history what was that little thing called the inquesition(forgive the spelling !) we also have the goings on in the former yugoslavia.....the blinders some of u have is amazing .... not to mention that every war we have had in modern times ...we had god on our side.....and so do they!!!! you just dont get it far as religions is concerned there is no  innocent party ... and that dont matter how  far you go back in time....   This isnt a case of they are wrong n u are right ....yr all boody wrong !!!!! if there was no religion the world would be a fer better place
oh and gurnherz..try adding up all the people killed by the IRA in all the years they have been around ..and they started in 1918 i think , and the biggest fundraiser they ever had was NORAID which was based where ?
so please stop with the 9/11 pictures like yr the only country that has ever had the nightmare of terrorism hit them.........ok rant over ...

Offline bob149

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« Reply #112 on: July 16, 2005, 01:57:14 PM »
Take it from me the IRA are a catholic terroist organisation , to think otherwise is like saying ALQUIEDA are tree huggers !!!!
Tell it to the people thease murderers have killed , please tell thier relatives what it is you have to say .......pretty sure you will get told go away in short jerky movements ....please keep your sermons to somthing you know.......


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« Reply #113 on: July 16, 2005, 02:23:18 PM »
Originally posted by Staga
Grünhertz; how many terrorists did participate in 9/11?

A worldwide network of thousands of islamic terrorists. Ever heard of al qaeda?

Or are you really trying to say it was all planned, financed, throught out and executed by the 19 individuals on the planes? You couldnt be, right?

Offline Seagoon

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« Reply #114 on: July 16, 2005, 02:42:44 PM »
Hi Staga,

Originally posted by Staga
Seagoon; could it be that you've read Quran like devil reads the bible?
Not with open mind but with a goal that you wanted to find something which would support your stance?

You pose a fair question. Let me try to answer it.

I try to weigh all religions by their truth claims, and the most authentic reading of the texts in light of the founders life and teachings rather than passing them through my own "what I want to find grid."

Using this methodology, you will notice that I have never claimed that Buddhism is at heart an aggressively violent religion advocating conversion by force, or that the life of it's founder Siddharta, was marked by violent attempts to spread his religious beliefs, or that he taught that Buddhists must fight and kill to establish Buddhism world wide. The life and teachings of the Gautama Buddha simply do not bear that kind of "interpretation."

So when, for instance, Buddhists persecute Christians in Sri Lanka and burn churches, I do not blame the teachings of Buddhism, but say this is action contrary to what they claim to believe.

Islam on the other hand, has never been a "peaceful religion" neither was the life of Muhammad one of peace. He agressively fought and killed those who did not accept his revelations and then after his death his followers continued the fight.

Staga if you refuse to accept this, please take just one incident from the life of Muhammad, the massacre of the Jewish Banu-Qurayza tribe in 627 AD and give me your apologetic explaining it. Then just answer me one thing, is this action more in keeping with the "interpretation" of Islam held by say the current President of Iran or the "interpretation" of Islam held by liberal Muslims? Ultimately I believe that the life and teachings of the founder of a religion should provide the overriding hermeneutic for our interpretation of it.

One last thought,  I started studying Islam long before I became a Christian and I once briefly considered becoming a Muslim, my essential understanding of Islam did not change upon becoming a Christian.


PS: Hacksaw, made some excellent points regarding the origin and content of the Quran.
SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #115 on: July 16, 2005, 03:48:21 PM »
Is the real question here regarding Islam & Christianity 'Who's Worse?', or 'Who's more of a threat to America'?
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #116 on: July 16, 2005, 04:23:54 PM »
exactly hang...

also.. I would imagine that jews have some insight as to who they fear more... muslims or christians...  Americans or euros..


Offline Simaril

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« Reply #117 on: July 16, 2005, 04:24:24 PM »
You know, it doesnt sound like anyone is listening.....

How many times have we said


So, whether the IRA is catholic or not is irrelevant. "Which is worse for our culture" can only be answered by looking at the faiths themselves. Anything else is propoganda, twisting truth for (in this case) secular ends.

Real question: does Christianity teach principles of terror, or blood feud? Did Jesus teach rebellion against legally constituted powers? NO.

Did Mohammed? I've never read the Koran, so I only know what I'm told by others and what I read. However, a substantial minority believe violent revenge against nonbelievers is justified.

Another question: skeptics like Hang praise those who do good deeds, but deplore religious commitment. How many of these praiseworthy people DO their deeds BECAUSE oif their faith? These life effects of faith are being entirely overlooked by the anti-religionists who post here.

But it seems no one is really listening. When a person of faith posts a question that requires a thouhgful answer, when the rebuttal is hard for skeptics to come by, the topic shifts.

Is anyone really considering their opposite's points, or are we just venting prejudices? In short, is this a college dorm discussion or is it Archie Bunker's living room?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2005, 04:30:28 PM by Simaril »
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Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #118 on: July 16, 2005, 05:25:33 PM »
Another question: skeptics like Hang praise those who do good deeds, but deplore religious commitment. How many of these praiseworthy people DO their deeds BECAUSE oif their faith? These life effects of faith are being entirely overlooked by the anti-religionists who post here.

What? I could care less what color stripes are on your robe Sunday morning. Or any other day of the week. Do your good works in any name that makes yah feel good.

Pick up a rock, utter nosies like 'heritic' or 'unbeliever', you'll be dealt with like any other rabid nutcase... regardless of how may puppies, starving children or emotionally distraught folks your good works have accomplished. Nothing, NOTHING excuses religious extremist behavior.

Is anyone really considering their opposite's points, or are we just venting prejudices? In short, is this a college dorm discussion or is it Archie Bunker's living room?

I dunno.. you tell me. Seems like a reasonable discussion so far.. aside from the odd comments from the peanut gallery; to be expected in any public venue such as this. But, should your require some 'opposite points' that display the 'christiandom' the 'unbelievers' seem so annoyed about lets try a few of these..

House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) at the First Baptist Church of Pearland, Texas, on April 12, 2002: Ladies and gentlemen, Christianity offers the only viable, reasonable, definitive answer to the questions of 'Where did I come from?' 'Why am I here?' 'Where am I going?' 'Does life have any meaningful purpose?' Only Christianity offers a way to understand that physical and moral border. Only Christianity offers a comprehensive worldview that covers all areas of life and thought, every aspect of creation. Only Christianity offers a way to live in response to the realities that we find in this world -- only Christianity.

Jerry Falwell "Moral Majority Report," September, 1984: If we are going to save America and evangelize the world, we cannot accommodate secular philosophies that are diametrically opposed to Christian truth.

Jeff Fugate, Pastor of Clays Mill Road Baptist Church, Lexington, KY, July 3, 2002: If you don't want a Christian nation, then go to one of the many nations that are heathen already, rather than perverting ours. You're welcome to come, but leave your religions, your bibles, all your other things back where you came from. Islam and America are opposites. They hate us. They want to kill us.  I'm not anti-Jewish or anti-Catholic. I'm anti-Islam because that religion right there is anti-American.

Jerry Falwell, "Sunday Live with Jerry Falwell," July 23, 1995: Most American children do not know that this is a Christian nation... Our Constitution won't work in Russia, won't work in Haiti, won't work in Iraq. It only works where the people believe in the Christ of the Bible. The United States of America.

D. James Kennedy, Character & Destiny: A Nation in Search of Its Soul (1994): This is our land. This is our world. This is our heritage, and with God's help, we shall reclaim this nation for Jesus Christ. And no power on earth can stop us.

Francis J. Lally, American Roman Catholic Monsignor. Interview with Mike Wallace: The Church doesn't believe in book-burning, but it believes in restricting the use of dangerous books among those whose minds are unprepared for them.

The Church has through the centuries, understood that ideas are really more dangerous than other weapons. Their use should be restricted.

Rev. Joseph Morecraft, Chalcedon Presbyterian Church, "Biblical Role of Civil Government" speech delivered on August 21, 1993 at the Biblical Worldview and Christian Education Conference: Nobody has the right to worship on this planet any other God than Jehovah. And therefore the state does not have the responsibility to defend anybody's pseudo-right to worship an idol.

Gary North, "The Intellectual Schizophrenia of the New Christian Right" in Christianity and Civilization: The Failure of the American Baptist Culture, No. 1 (Spring, 1982), p. 25 So let us be blunt about it: We must use the doctrine of religious liberty to gain independence for Christian schools until we train up a generation of people who know that there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education, and no neutral civil government. Then they will be get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God.

Gary North, Political Polytheism: The Myth of Pluralism (1989) This is God's world, not Satan's. Christians are the lawful heirs, not non-Christians. The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise. Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church's public marks of the covenant - baptism and holy communion - must be denied citizenship, just as they were in ancient Israel.

Bailey Smith, a founder of Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition, speaking during a Religious Roundtable briefing in Dallas, Texas, on June 26, 1994: With all due respect to those dear people, my friend, God Almighty does not hear the prayer of a Jew.

Jimmy Swaggart, The Evangelist, January 1988: The Media is ruled by Satan. But yet I wonder if many Christians fully understand that. Also, will they believe what the Media says, considering that its aim is to steal, kill, and destroy?

Randall Terry, Speech in Jackson, Mississippi, April 1992:
What this is coming down to is who runs the country. It's us against them. It's the good guys versus the bad guys. It's the God-fearing people against the pagans, and some of the pagans are going to church.

Randall Terry, The News Sentinel, (Fort Wayne, Indiana), August 16, 1993:  I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good... Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called on by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism.

Randall Terry, Why Does a Nice Guy Like Me Keep Getting Thrown in Jail? (1993) The next step, if at all humanly possible (and in 90% of the cases it is), it is to get our children out of the humanistic, brianwashing institution called `public education.' Frankly, it is a mixture of insanity and irresponsibility to turn our children over to our adversaries and their curriculum in a God-less education system (i.e., a system that teaches history and science without God).

Randall Terry, Speech to "Cities of Refuge" campaign, Willoughby Hills, Ohio, July, 1993: America is under the judgment of God. And if we are ever going to rebuild this country, it must be under God's law. Our goal must be simple: We must have a Christian nation built on God's law, on the Ten Commandments. No apologies.

Randall Terry, Speech before the U.S. Taxpayers Alliance on doctors who perform abortions. August 8, 1995: When I, or people like me, are running the country, you'd better flee, because we will find you, we will try you, and we'll execute you. I mean every word of it. I will make it part of my mission to see to it that they are tried and executed.

Jerry Vines President of the Southern Baptist Convention, speaking at the June 2002 SBC convention: Islam was founded by Muhammad, a demon-possessed pedophile who had 12 wives, the last one of which was a 9-year-old girl.  And I will tell you Allah is not Jehovah either.  Jehovah’s not going to turn you into a terrorist that’ll try to bomb people and take the lives of thousands and thousands of people.

James Watt, Secretary of the Interior under Rondald Reagan. Washington Post, May 24, 1981: Responsibility is to follow the Scriptures which call upon us to occupy the land until Jesus returns. We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand.

It would seem to me that the diatribe of hate is not just an Islamic Exclusive. Neither is Arrogant Religious Stupidity. I've said it before, I'll say it again.. your sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so, and will follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize early the minds of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving underground all heretics. In short, more of the same for this tired world lays down the paths your cult leaders or thiers would have us take.

Now, glance again at all the 'good works' of all religions, everywhere.. everywhen.. and tell us with a straight face it's worth the death, horror and destruction it brings along in the baggage train.

Neither side deserves to 'inherit' a damn thing. Take yer hate speach and murderous wars for religoius supremacy and stuff 'em where the sun never shines... and if the price for winning the war on terror stamping out ALL religious hate dogma, then so be it.

Again I ask.. who's the biggest threat to this nation? The Islamic Terrorists.. or the wolves in our midst preaching for Christ Supreme Uber Ales?
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Offline Simaril

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« Reply #119 on: July 16, 2005, 06:16:51 PM »
Originally posted by Hangtime

It would seem to me that the diatribe of hate is not just an Islamic Exclusive. Neither is Arrogant Religious Stupidity. I've said it before, I'll say it again.. your sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so, and will follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize early the minds of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving underground all heretics. In short, more of the same for this tired world lays down the paths your cult leaders or thiers would have us take.

Now, glance again at all the 'good works' of all religions, everywhere.. everywhen.. and tell us with a straight face it's worth the death, horror and destruction it brings along in the baggage train.

Neither side deserves to 'inherit' a damn thing. Take yer hate speach and murderous wars for religoius supremacy and stuff 'em where the sun never shines... and if the price for winning the war on terror stamping out ALL religious hate dogma, then so be it.

Again I ask.. who's the biggest threat to this nation? The Islamic Terrorists.. or the wolves in our midst preaching for Christ Supreme Uber Ales?

Hang, on the past you've implied that your beef is with religious phoneys, the self righteous people with no discernable change from their religion except the arrogance of being SURE they're right.

THis sounds more like you're against religion period.

In the past, power mongers have used anything -- including their religion (sincere or not) -- to increase their power. I do not doubt that men like that exist today.

I at first hoped that the reference to "your" cult was generic, but as I read further I see that its meant to be quite specific. I wonder if your antipathy to faith has warped your objectivity.

From reading this board, some think the religious right have already come to power. No cities (or heretics) burning, as far as I can see.  

In any case, a few points for consideration:
1) Bigotry is not a christian value. Bigots are not following the teachigns of jesus, and do not represent the faith. My "cult" tells me to go the extra mile, to love those who hate me, to be kind to thsoe who want to hurt me, to pray for those who misuse me. Christians are commanded to pray for their political leaders on earth, even if they are pagan persucuters of the church. Although religious bureacracies have in times past taught that heretics should be killed, they did so in direct contradiction to the teachings of Christ.

2) My "cult" teaches me to live in peace with all around me, as much as it is in me to do so. That command came in a world of mutliple religions, in a region where soem religious practices woudl be repulsive to you. My "cult" teaches that if only one spouse believes, the believer should live the life we're taught so that the difference it makes in them becomes obvious to others. Not exactly religious warfare...

3) Jesus taught that his "kingdom was not of this world." Even when he was alive, his followers wanted to turn his work into a political movement, and he squashed the thought. The preachers and woudl be leaders you quote are making the same mistake, in contradiction to his teaching, when they imply religious doctirine should become political platform. If meaningful change comes, it will be one heart at a time -- not by compulsion.

4) My "cult" teaches that actions performed out of duty or by compulsion are worthless -- that the entire point is the change in internal life. Compelled compliance is both antithetic to Christian doctrine and counter productive, as history shows.

5) As to religious good works for that scale to coutnerbalance the "horror"... you have no idea. Neither do I.

Because -- my cult also teaches that if I want people to notice those deeds, I've completely missed the point. I should act so quietly that my left hand doesnt know what I'm doing with my right.

So very likely you're dramatically underestimating the good done by those who follow jesus -- as opposed to jsut using religion for their own ends.

As to the "really listening" question -- Hang, I've tried to call attention to the distinction between the teachings of the faith and the often messed up way believers behave, but the "rebuttals" people provide -- including yours, I might add -- show no acknowledgement of the difference. So, by inference, I have to ask -- is Archie around?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2005, 06:24:14 PM by Simaril »
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