Author Topic: Excuse me if im wrong but...  (Read 3599 times)

Offline Shane

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2005, 10:20:03 AM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Not proud of it, but it solved my problem ... I much rather would have been dueling but one can only take so much and no one with any authority has been present in the DA to stop this crap.

that's one other thing to keep in mind...  in the DA there is the usual FFA area... when i go into duel with someone we'll use some other base(s) away from the FFA area.  99% of the time we never get bothered.    .9% of that 1% of the time a simple explanation will clear the area of someone who upped behind us.

and in the FFA area, as long as some chumpwad doesn't vulch, i could care less if i get a check 6 before engagement - i mean, wtf? it's a mini FFA furball, caveat aviator.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline Schatzi

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« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2005, 10:26:42 AM »
Originally posted by Shane
that's one other thing to keep in mind...  in the DA there is the usual FFA area... when i go into duel with someone we'll use some other base(s) away from the FFA area.  99% of the time we never get bothered.    .9% of that 1% of the time a simple explanation will clear the area of someone who upped behind us.

and in the FFA area, as long as some chumpwad doesn't vulch, i could care less if i get a check 6 before engagement - i mean, wtf? it's a mini FFA furball, caveat aviator.

Well said.
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Offline DamnedRen

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« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2005, 11:28:27 AM »
You guys wouldn't want me to patrol the DA would you? Imagine the guys that'd be watching TV five minutes after I arrived.

Heck, you might even be able to to get some decent duels in.

Naw, keep Ren away from the DA.

Actually, IMHO, the DA should be available for anyone to set up duels and squad functions so they can practice, unlike the TA, up to and including the dying part. Like who needs learning on dying anyway? :lol

FFA does have it's place...but IMHO it's the H2H arena.

The Damned

The above statements are the humble opinions of a fellow flyer and do not neccessarily reflect the thoughts and policies of AH2. :)

Offline Nexsys

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2005, 12:53:42 PM »
Nice to know more than not most people agree with what we did.  I know Sloe and I aren't proud of vulching him over and over (hell, ask anyone who knows me, I hate doing it in the MA, I prefer a fair fight, even if I do get my arse handed to me 99% of the time, which I do) but like was said, we not only explained the rule to him, multiple times, then warned him multiple times that if it continued, he'd be put down until he could tell us he'd play fair, and we never got a response until we made good on what we'd said we'd do, and kept him down.  Even then he insisted, as you'll note in the video at about 4:27 in the chatbox he writes out "I always follow the rules".  I know I personally spent another 20 mins or so after things had calmed down TRYING to explain things to him, only to be insulted over and over and over.  People like Liam, and I seriously hope there isn't more like him out there (I haven't seen any others, at least not any that after you explain it to them or warn them off, they will realize what they've done and you won't have a problem after that) just don't get it, and seem to want to cause a problem in there.  Sure, next time it happens, and I'm sure it will, I'll film it, take a few shots, and send it in.  But in the meantime, while doing it, I won't hesitate to preserve the fun in the DA for the other pilots there.  He wasn't just ruining the fun for the people he was shooting down without warning, it was everyone in there.  People just need to be aware whats going on in there, so this isn't a huge suprise to anyone if it happens to them.  DA is my escape from the MA when I'm sick of it.  So naturally, I don't want to try and lighten my mood by getting shot down out of nowhere while in a duel with another pilot :eek:

Offline SlapShot

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2005, 01:02:12 PM »
Originally posted by Shane
that's one other thing to keep in mind...  in the DA there is the usual FFA area... when i go into duel with someone we'll use some other base(s) away from the FFA area.  99% of the time we never get bothered.    .9% of that 1% of the time a simple explanation will clear the area of someone who upped behind us.

and in the FFA area, as long as some chumpwad doesn't vulch, i could care less if i get a check 6 before engagement - i mean, wtf? it's a mini FFA furball, caveat aviator.

Absolutley agree and understand Shane.

Prior to this new breed ... the FFA area was just as you described ... a furball ... but there was NO VULCHING.

Also in the FFA area if you saw two planes hooked up and fighting on the outer edges of the fight area , ya just stayed away and watched or went back to the melee and picked your own fight. What I don't understand is what satisfaction does one get by picking/sniping 1 of 2 planes that are already entangled in a fight. It proves NOTHING (if you feel the need to prove something) ... most importanly ... you have learned NOTHING.

Check 6s were given at a decent spread for a decent merge. Now, you get wheels off the ground, start a climbout, little or no speed and some wacko D200 off your 6 gives ya a check 6 and begins to fire ... DUH ... you are l337 when ya get one of those kind of kills. It proves NOTHING (if you feel the need to prove something) ... most importanly ... you have learned NOTHING.

Vulching in the DA. It proves NOTHING (even if you feel the need to prove something) ... most importanly ... you have learned NOTHING.

Common sense and common courtesy is something that is sorely lacking in the recent breed of virtual pilots that I have seen recently.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Shane

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2005, 01:15:42 PM »
Originally posted by DamnedRen
FFA does have it's place...but IMHO it's the H2H arena.

the DA is big enough to support the small FFA area.  as long as one is aware of the FFA area and the chaotic nature when killshooter is off....

however, vulching, especially with killshooter off has no place.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline Elyeh

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2005, 01:38:29 PM »
Just my 2 cents....

I asked about an ROE for the DA months ago......
The DA used to be fun...hell I was in there almost every night.

But it has gone to hell in a hand basket and it dosent seem that anything is going to be done to fix it.

Miss fighting the regulars like Sloehand, phish, iko, Sunny1,eaglefab (and his zero), and others, but the DA isin't worth logging into 3/4 of the time anymore.

Offline 2bighorn

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2005, 03:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by DamnedRen
You guys wouldn't want me to patrol the DA would you? Imagine the guys that'd be watching TV five minutes after I arrived.
It's no need to patrol the DA, but would be nice, when things get out of hand, to jump an TA and look for a trainer to "fix" a problem or two.

Originally posted by Shane
the DA is big enough to support the small FFA area. as long as one is aware of the FFA area and the chaotic nature when killshooter is off....
Yes there is. There are different fields and there's a place for FFA too (one field).

All we need is ROE posted (takes 5 minutes or less).

Self policing works to an extent only and honestly, instead of shooting microbs and hummingnoobs, we could have some fun instead.

It's really time that HTC makes the next step whatever that should be. I understand they are busy with ToD, but DA needs a fix (ie HTC word on matter).

Offline Sloehand

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« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2005, 05:04:51 AM »
FYI - LiamRay was at it again today.  I saw him in the DA in the afternoon and for an hour or more we basically stayed away from each other.  He appeared to be behaving and was fighting Hemp a lot.  So I hoped he was through with the cherry picking and vulching crap and had gotten the message from the night before.
Later in the MA he shows up and eventually calls on me to help him with an enemy on his tail (was JB42). Deciding to help a countryman in trouble no matter who it was, I came over and took the fighter off him (killing both me and JB42 - JB42 is slippery).  Not a word of thanx from Liam.
About a half hour later I enter the DA and as I start to take off, I get shot down from behind as my gear goes up by Liam.  I didn't even know he was there.  Wolfala sees this and immediately drops Liam.
So, game on and Liam is again kept on runway by three of us until he stops coming up (about 20 minutes I'd guess).  All the while he's claiming that I cherry picked him first, which would have been a good trick on my part as I would have had to have done it from the MA before I got into the DA.  lol
Anyway, this guy is supremely anti-social.  His enjoyment is to purposely disrupt the DA, create havoc with the game, and generally antagonize people.  But he fools some people by periodically behaving and pretending to be the soul of innocence, then suddenly does a Mr. Hyde routine (and not just with me, though I'm sure now I'm his #1 target).
But now, he is also my number one target.  Three days of this behavior is enough.  I see him, I shoot him.  Everytime, anytime and I don't care if he is on the runway or not.  No more chances for this guy.  I have no more cheeks to turn (well, actually I have two more but I need them to sit on).
Jagdgeschwader 77

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Offline Schatzi

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2005, 05:46:27 AM »
Had roughly the same trouble with someone else last night. He got a bit nasty on Vox after I told him in a friendly tone to stop his disrupting behaviour (not that havent heard much worse before). When most of the people present stepped in to defend on behalf of my honor (TY Guys !!!) he stopped. He kept vulching and cherrypicking though. Went to another base for duels shortly after, so I dont know what happened later.

Have it taped, will go to HTC. Not because i think it was a particularly nasty case, but because i think nerves are lying blank here and things might be getting out of hand soon. Tides were pretty high on range.

PS: I think you were there as well Sloehand.

PPS: I just found out i only have the tail end on tape :(. Ill send it anyway, i think HTC needs to be alerted before this blows up. If anyone else has tapes, send them as well pls. Not to blame certain players, but to paint a picture of whats happening there.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2005, 06:24:14 AM by Schatzi »
21 is only half the truth.

Offline jetb123

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2005, 06:09:41 AM »
Lan784 and Kid11 are both DA vulching dweebs to. Who dont check six. Solution you may ask? Giving me rights to pwn them and boot them :) :p

Offline KONG1

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« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2005, 05:57:38 PM »
I feel sort of silly posting the glaringly obvious but…

You guys are doing exactly what Liam wants you to, you are all being pwned by Liam.

Psych 101.  He likes the attention. Liam could up from different base after a few vulches but doesn’t. hmmmm…let’s think about this….duhhh. 3 guys vulch him for 10 minutes, that’s 10 minutes of attention for Liam.  Look at all the attention he’s getting in this thread.

Vulched me 3 times therefore: Liam=tard
I vulch back 30 times therefore : I=tard*10

(but mommy, he did it first!)
(well your honor I didn’t steal the CD, you see last week they overcharged me for…)
(Look officer I had to slam my car into his, he dinged mine with his car door so…)
(He was yelling so loud I had to yell back so he could hear me.)

I’m not trying to be derogatory; I don’t know how old you guys are.  But if you’ve got more birthdays than fingers and toes and you’re a proponent of tit for tat, then……well……….(good time to stop typing)

If he got no reaction, just a cease and desist e-mail from HTC, he’d quit long before his 2 free weeks were up…nuff said.

My sincerest apologies to the silent majority that have sense enough to understand this already.
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Excuse me if im wrong but...
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2005, 06:11:57 PM »
Originally posted by jetb123
Lan784 and Kid11 are both DA vulching dweebs to. Who dont check six. Solution you may ask? Giving me rights to pwn them and boot them :) :p

They also help their squad CO, Who7 vulch a 2nd account.  Not sure if it's Lan784's or Kid11's account that gets vulched though.  So that kind of basically tells you what kind of players they are.  Even though they make nice targets for the rest of us, these kinds of players are really not needed in AH but unfortunately, it's rather hard to keep them out.

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Offline FuBaR

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« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2005, 06:34:04 PM »
awwwwwwwwwwwww hashahahahahahahahaha

Offline Wolfala

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« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2005, 07:14:15 PM »
With regard to Liam, I got plenty of practice dropping bombs on his head last night. But on the other hand, i've also been victem to the exact same type of vultch from 5 feet away on takeoff. And like many before me, I took Shanes approach.

First and most glaring example was JohnnyRa, who must've gotten it by my count 25 times in a single run for the simple reason he pissed everyone off around him.

Don't get me wrong - i'm from New York so by defination fairly adept at creativity with language. But some of what's been said on VOX to me and others, well...lets just say that **** was no longer a word, it was a comma. So not trying to act self righteous in anyway, but there are those who will disrupt and a few who will maintain order. I don't have a problem regulating and i'll sleep just fine at night.


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