Author Topic: China and Cuba  (Read 2894 times)

Offline StSanta

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China and Cuba
« on: March 23, 2001, 12:02:00 AM »
US relations to these two countries is something I've wondered about for a bit.

While close to the US, Cuba doesn't represent a real threat to it. It has a bad human rights history, but even so better than China.

China, on the other hand, is a fully fledged communist nation, with very tight control over the population, again more than Cuba. Human right violations is the norm.

Cuba is a big bad guy, whereas China has been described by the last administration and the current one as a partner, with Bush saying

There will be areas where we can find agreement, such as trade. There will be some areas where we have some disagreements,"
Bush told reporters with Qian sitting at his side.

Qian ceded no ground, saying he wanted to maintain "friendly relations and cooperation" between the China and the United States.

Am sort of wondering about how two countries can be treated so differently. I sincerely hope it's not because of Cuba's geographical location.

Of course, I know it's all about money. Trade. But is there more to it?

Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
"You filthy piece of distended rectum! DIE allierte schweinhund!"

Offline Tac

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China and Cuba
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2001, 12:28:00 AM »
Yes there is. about 2 billion more reasons.

Castro will die in the next decade, then the cubans will finally taste "democraCIA" they have waited for since that nasty bearded man took control and denied capitalists of their fine cigars.  

The US cant play the bully with china, thus they cant use human rights excuses to apply political and economical pressure. If they did that to China, the US would be on the losing end, both politically and economically.

Keep your friends close, your enemies closer and leave potential enemy/friends to one side for future exploitation.


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China and Cuba
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2001, 12:49:00 AM »
China is a giant pile of toejam, bush wants to trade with them...for obvious reasons..but what is the price of selling your soul to the devil?  

To trade with a country who will fire its workers for wanting to leave work when their wife goes into labor, Or ask for a day off to go to their mother's funeral, is beyond me.

I HATE china, i see no reason not to, its a sick twisted "nation" and I never wish to visit and could care less if it dropped of the face of the earth.
We shouldent trade with that piece of toejam till it quits treating its people like dogs, trading with them as is is disgraceful, and just goes to show that economics are more important to some people than millions of people being treated like toejam.


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China and Cuba
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2001, 09:50:00 AM »
TheWobble: When you were saying those things about labour and funerals, were you talking about China or USA?


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China and Cuba
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2001, 10:37:00 AM »

Sometimes your mouth just isn't big enough for your foot. Don't blame the entire country for about 1% bad apples.

However, with the current Chinese leaders viewing the US as a threat and enlarging their military because of that, I'd be willing to bet that within 10 years there will be a conflict over Taiwan.

Offline Dowding

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China and Cuba
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2001, 12:16:00 PM »
Wobble - nothing would please me more than for you to remain inside the US until the day you expire. You come across the kind of guy who would stand on top of Mount Everest and whine loudly about the lack of a McDonalds 'restaurant'.

It's a beautiful world - I intend to see as much of it as I can in the next 70 years.  

PS. I wouldn't expect you to want to go to China. Aren't they just a bunch of gooks?
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline mrfish

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China and Cuba
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2001, 12:17:00 PM »
wobble, wobble, wobble............

when i left the beautiful south back in 1984 one of the things that surprised me was how people stereotyped southerners.

it surprised me because my youth was filled with intelligent and thoughtful people that were nothing like the stereotypes. simple in spirit yes, but definitley not bumbling, spewing morons.

everyone in other parts of the u.s. automatically assumes you are an illiterate, tunnel-visioned reactionary when you are from that part of the world. it is a tough burden to bear when you go for a job interview or your birthplace comes up in conversation -

your ritalin stained rants used to just irritate me wobble but this time you just crossed the line. it's too bad people like you are gonna make it hard for everyone by reiterating those stereotypes to the world.

EDIT: just realized that is probably over your head - let me put it in your terms: you are a giant pile of toejam.

[This message has been edited by mrfish (edited 03-23-2001).]

Offline Raubvogel

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China and Cuba
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2001, 12:19:00 PM »
Al Gore invented the Internet... The Internet made a demand for computers...most computer components are made in's all Al Gore's fault.

I think this is a new game we should start....six degrees of Al Gore.  



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China and Cuba
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2001, 12:35:00 PM »
     How did you figure that one out about Taiwan?  Was it the military excercises off the coasts?  The constant threats of invasion?  Taiwan's plea for more military aid from the US, plea for the fleet to be moved there for protection?  Saying 10 years is like me saying Cuba is located off the coast of florida somewhere.  War happens when we least expect it.  Wobble has his own opinion, let him have it.  Will I bash him for that?  Sometimes war is imminent.  And to be honest this might not sound right, but we need wars.  Technological barriers have been leaped whenever a war happens.  As sad as it might seem it is true war brings out the design characteristics and drive in individuals.  Survival of the fittest in a way.  Sometimes death makes it so others may live.  Is this right?  Not in this time frame so it seems, if you don't believe me look from 39-45 and what technological advances were done.  Don't tell me war didn't have an influence.  Automotive, industrial, agricultural, aviation, space exploration.  Just to name a few saw advances that were unheard of just a few years earlier.  Like it or not wars are good.

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
Airfield Defense Squadron


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China and Cuba
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2001, 12:39:00 PM »
Just when I thought nobody could up the tard ante any further...

Offline Sunchaser

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China and Cuba
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2001, 12:43:00 PM »
....scratches Mount Everest off his "To Do" list.

When did they put this thing in here and WTF is it for?


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China and Cuba
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2001, 12:56:00 PM »
Funked if this is in reply to my response, then apparently you do not know very much about History and development of societies.  I had this same discussion with a professor, after a short heated debate he finally came around and looked at it from a differnt perspective.  What have waged wars in the past been for?  Money, politics, land, feudal, technology.  Look at the windfall of technology the US/USSR/GB recieved when germany surrendered.  Don't believe me look at aviation designs and concepts some being put forth and being used today.  Yet were thought of and created 50+ years ago.  Tell me where I am wrong?  The media does wonderful things to people on what they should believe and what is right and what is wrong, in their eyes not ours.  tell me this why is it on the news you always hear the bad things?  Such and such died in a fiery four car crash on the highway, people eat this up.  Why is it we slow down and stare at someone that has just been in a car crash?  Or if someone is pulled over "this one puzzles me".  Face it thru the ages we evolved from a feudal state of humans into what we are now.  Yet the past is still with us, the drive and hunger to conquer and rule.  Ever play contact sports?  Football for instance goal is to knock the quarterback out of the game!  How do I know? That was my job as defensive end a few years back.  look at things a little more subjectively then putting a simple statement such as yours.        

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
Airfield Defense Squadron


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China and Cuba
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2001, 01:17:00 PM »

By taking potshots at Funked, you're going to wear out your welcome in this community real fast.

Technological leaps *do* happen during wartime, but would you have the same viewpoint if say your brother/father/other family member was killed while fighting a 'war that is needed?'

I'm not a peace-weenie either. Tes, war and conflict happen for many reasons, none of which can be foretold to any great degree.

'Wars are good?' Defintely showing your lack of understanding/maturity/respect. Would you bet your life on that statement? (because I bet that when / if there is another serious war, and you're on the front lines seeing people die horribly, you'll look back and adjust *your* perspective) How many veterans will you find that think a war is a good thing?



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China and Cuba
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2001, 01:32:00 PM »
Well i guess if your opinion doesent fall in line with the current Eurotrash standard its not to be heard..oh well, hear this, diddly YOU.

I didnt start this whoopee thread, i just added my view, dont agree? give your view, ya dont have to make personal attacks and be a general diddlywad to do so.

you are a giant pile of toejam

Well let me be on par with the reply to that jewel, GO diddly YOURSELF IN THE amazinhunk WITH A BIG RUBBER DICK.

Offline Tac

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China and Cuba
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2001, 01:42:00 PM »
Yet Wobble, you cant deny chinese girls are quite beautiful  

Your view of china is typical of those who are ignorant that there are other cultures besides your own.

"We shouldent trade with that piece of toejam till it quits treating its people like dogs, trading with them as is is disgraceful, and just goes to show that economics are more important to some people than millions of people being treated like toejam."

Yet again you see only what the media tells you. Which in short, is nothing but the bad things. When has CNN reported anything but bad news? Good things or good aspects on other cultures are not news, they dont give ratings. Watch the Travel channel or the History channel for that (but then again, you may prefer to go out and shoot some cans instead of expanding your knowledge).

When CNN spews about human right abuses or labor exploitation, etc etc in china, they sure forget that it also happens in the US.Millions of illegal immigrants being exploited, racial discrimination, companies hiring immigrants and paying them crap because they know they can abuse them and fire them afterwards...the list goes on. But heck, those kinds of news dont attract ratings, its better to point the blame finger to another country and feel good that such things dont happen "here".

War over Taiwan? That is so ridiculous its laughable. Taiwan is not in the U.N., it has no protection at all.Heck, its not even recognized as a nation by the international community! If China moves in, the US will back out. Oh, there will be "economic sanctions" imposed on China...which will last for a few years to save face, then they will slowly lift them without telling the public... after all, the US is on the losing end of any economic embargo they impose on China. Anyone believing the US or the UN will enter into conflict with a nation that has more men at arms than their entire populations and has nuclear weapons is sadly deluded.