Originally posted by Hangtime
When it's time to retire them, boost the shuttles to high orbit and leave 'em with the space station. Handy-dandy mars or moon trans orbital exploration vehicles.
Hope they do somthing like that.... would be a waste to throw them in a Houston museum. The only problem in function I see is tile damage- which is a reentry problem.......If they end up doing this in a few years they will defently need alot of modification for a moon mission etc.....
I think a null point space station would be a good idea as well. A space station in the null of gravity between the earth and moon.
After that we should go grab a big rock from the belt and coax it into a high earth orbit.....hollow it secure the outside airtight and balance.....set to uniform spin for 'gravity'
Make a bio-dome inside..... nuclear powered, and lighted.
Instant system cruiser! Hell... a thing like that might be able to make a run for Alpha Centari
and then.... like this guys says
"I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd like to see more and more planets fall under the ruthless domination of our solar system."