Author Topic: Thoughts for future setups - new spits  (Read 1425 times)


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Thoughts for future setups - new spits
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2005, 05:57:49 PM »
geez you guys take comments hard.  well that's my story and I'm sticking with it.   The reason for the broad variety of airplanes is that they were there.  It's a shame we don't have the allison engined A36 pony with the 4x20 hissos and dive brakes.  it was there also.  as was the excellent fiat G55 centauro and to a lesser extent the regianne 2005 sagittario.  sadly we are lacking these two excellent italian models to play with. they were both equal to anything the allieds fielded at the time.  the bristol beaufighter would be a welcome addition as well even though they may not see MA play it would be nice for in here and scenario play.

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2005, 07:26:17 PM »
Its not that I take comments hard, its that I dont stand for bs implications about myself or a group Im a part of. You dont and wouldnt either.

 Anyway, the A-36 would be kinda cool yes.

 As far as the the plane list you posted, accurate yes, but do think less would be more? Just focus on a few aircraft from each side. I open to either, just wondering.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2005, 08:34:53 PM by Slash27 »


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« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2005, 07:47:03 PM »
yes we could do that as well.  then we can drag the idea out over a few months as well.  Bravo sierra, bravo sierra!!! moi???!!!???

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2005, 08:22:00 PM »
Originally posted by storch
yes we could do that as well.  then we can drag the idea out over a few months as well.  Bravo sierra, bravo sierra!!! moi???!!!???

Never mind, just sit in the corner and cry.


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« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2005, 08:33:01 PM »
oh alright

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2005, 08:45:21 PM »
I like Storch's suggested setup, but I would make the following alterations.  Not because they werent there, but ...... well here goes.

First off (and I know this isnt popular but.....) Allied forces in Italy were transitioning from Spit V to the Spit IX in '43, so the V was still very much in use.  I'm not saying enable it, as I think the IX can very well represent both (and they WERE transitioning anyway).  

But given that logic, we should cut the P-40s since they were transitioning to the P-51B in '43.  At least the P-40B, we could leave the E in.  

We should also take out the F4F-4 for the same reason, maybe leaving the FM2 for carrier duty.  

I'd also lose the TBM, although for different reasons.  Having just the SBD as a dive bomber would balance with the Ju-87.  The axis is still hurting in the level bomber matchup, but that cant be avoided due to the lack of planes available.

The axis setup I would leave the same, but instead of capture at 200 troops, make it something do-able like 50.  It would still be darn near impossible to milk run the map, but it would make for interesting squad missions to take a base with max hardness and 50 troops needed for capture.  I dont know, maybe I've been flying in the MA too much, but I like defending bases.  It gives me an added sense of realism for my solo missions.  Plus it would give them something to do with those buffs besides use em as gun platforms.

Offline bj229r

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« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2005, 09:04:52 PM »
Originally posted by storch
I think that the path some of the CT staff have currently taken will eventually draw back some who have left.  JG54's regular has pretty much returned.  The reason why I left the CT was the obvious favoritism shown the allied side with regard to set ups and the fact that for me the axis aircraft were displaying negative flight characteristics in CT that I didn't experience in the MA.  If the CT staff will carefully match the overall plane sets so that neither side has the advantage in both turning and speed then the set ups are successful.  

Umm..yah.  If the G6 or G10 is in CT, the JG will be in CT--if they aren't, the JG flies MA that week--I don't blame anyone for wanting to fly their favorite ride (read--fast-climbing), but don't try and put it off to something else
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Offline Krusty

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« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2005, 09:06:21 PM »
Well, if it's '43, the G-6 would be around, no? I'm curious why you put it at 1 rear field, Storch. Especially considering the size of most maps, by the time one got to the fight it'd have no gas (lol)


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« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2005, 10:55:06 PM »
krusty regarding the G6, to represent it being there in few numbers. most of the G6s were being sent to the eastern front.  IIRC 7/JG77 flew 205s in the MTO but I might be wrong on that account.  I think that JG77 also flew G6s out of romania during 1943 but I'm not real sure about that either.  anyway I believe the MTO was an "also ran" theater for both sides.  the best equipment was used sparingly by both sides the most notable exception would be the americans.  if the G6 were to be left out altogether it would ok I guess.  my preferred 109 is the G2 but most LW (109) players like the F4 or G6 best.  The idea is to bring together a fresh set of opponents and to give the blue plane afficionados a chance to see their preferred ride.  let's face it there are no IJN/IJAAF squads currently.  the least popular set ups are usually PTO setups.  there are a couple of JG54 members that like IJ planes, I'm one of that number.  I like the Ki61.  I don't like PTO setups because it becomes virtually hopeless to have fun in those scenarios if you fly axis.  in the suggested manner the blue plane drivers might have a fun week and the axis might enjoy it as well.  I could be completely wrong as I often am in this assessment, perhaps the LW is simply to potent for the blue plane set and it will flop.  my point is that in the two years I've played this game I've never seen it attempted in this manner, that is to say with the emphasis being on the blue planes and not a "oh btw we the F4F on CVs" during a north african set up.

as an interesting side note the brazilian 1st pursuit squadron "senta puas" flew jugs in this campaign and aquitted themselves very well.  I don't know if we have brazilian skins for the jugs in AHII because IIRC they were equiped with Bjugs.

Offline Krusty

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« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2005, 11:53:25 PM »
Good to know RE: G6's. I hadn't thought of the Eastern Front point.

Grits and I had a rather unique matchup the other day. I was in a Ki61 and he was in a 47D-11. We ended up circling then scissoring then rolling scissors, and it was a great fight til some JB cherry picked the slow 47 (*JUST* before I had the perfect kill shot lined up, too!!! Then said JB zoomed out and left me alone with 2 LA7s and a tempest lmao). I think that the IJA/N planes are very competent. I think, however, that their low top speeds will lead to frustration in any historical setup.

Offline Reschke

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« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2005, 09:07:39 AM »
There you have it. The low top end speeds that hamper IJA/N aircraft. If they were slightly faster they would still be under appreciated though for their light armor protection.

At any rate I would like to give Storch's setup suggestion a run but I would limit the aircraft to a reasonably smaller number and try to highlight a few unused matchups.
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Offline Krusty

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« Reply #41 on: August 10, 2005, 09:39:31 AM »
good call. Storch, it's a good suggestion, but I, too, think there are too many allied craft.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2005, 12:07:52 PM »
Well, if you want to highlight good matchups..........

I know for a fact the P-40E vs C.202 is an excellent matchup.  They just did it in a snapshot either last week or the week before, and it was awesome.  

F4U-1 vs the 109G-2 is a great match, I've done this one from both sides.  Comes down to the pilot every time.  

Spit IX vs the C.205 is another great match.  The Spit has some edge in handling (in everything except for roll rate anyway), but not so much as to make it a blowout.  The 205 is very underappreciated, as I'm sure Storch and some of the other LW guys know.  The 109F-4 does well vs the Spits too, although against the Spit IX I'd say the 205 is the closer match.


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« Reply #43 on: August 11, 2005, 11:57:14 AM »
the planeset that is selected is almost irrelevent and having mulled it over for a few days I believe it will work better as Will is suggesting.  pick a few planes to allow for variety and play it out over many different weeks.

Offline Grits

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« Reply #44 on: August 11, 2005, 10:35:55 PM »
Originally posted by Krusty
Grits and I had a rather unique matchup the other day. I was in a Ki61 and he was in a 47D-11. We ended up circling then scissoring then rolling scissors, and it was a great fight til some JB cherry picked the slow 47 (*JUST* before I had the perfect kill shot lined up, too!!! Then said JB zoomed out and left me alone with 2 LA7s and a tempest lmao).

Yup, that was a good fight. I was very heavy as I take 100% fuel with no DT's in the D11, but that still does not take anything away from your flying. It was pretty even though right until the end and I made a fatal mistake. I had (I thought anyway) finally forced you into a good shot opportunity on an overshoot when I lost sight of you switching from one view to the next. Once I lost sight of you, I flopped around for just a second trying to find you again, and by that time you had me and it was only JB15 picking me that robbed you of your well deserved and  hard earned kill.


Good matchups IMO:

P-40E vs C.202/C.205

P-47D-11 vs 109G-2, G-6/190A-5, A-8/C.205

Ki84 vs P-51B/F4U-1, 1D/Spit IX

Niki vs F6F/SpitIX

A6M2/A6M5 vs F4F-4/FM2