Originally posted by Krusty
Kev I have to disagree with you here.
"Only outstanding attribute is climb" -- well first, that climb rate would be 1200fpm faster than the fastest climbing planes in the game. Second, the speed would be competitive with the top10 fastest planes in the game. You list there are some major players faster than it, yes, but it is faster than 85% of the rest of the planeset. Another outstanding attribute is that it has one of the tightest turn rates in the game. It would turn better than a spit9 (more powerful engine with nearly the same frame). Another outstanding attribute would be the ability to get kills very easily with 2x20mm hispano cannon, each with 125rpg, and I don't recall it if had 4x303 or 2x50cal, to boot.
That's a lot of outstanding attributes. In fact the only drawback this fighter would have would be the top speed, which is fast enough to catch most of the rides in the game (and those that outrun it would only be able to outrun it, never out climb, never out turn, never out shoot, and never out fly it). That's one pretty tiny chink in an otherwise invulnerable armor.
As such I must disagree.
You obviously missed what I put twice A SPIT XVI IS A SPIT 9, only with an American built Merlin 66 (known as a 266).
Will not turn better than a standard 9, in fact it should be slightly worse due to having clipped wings (Plenty discussion on that topic on the BB). But will roll better.
I'll say it again, A LF SPIT XVI IS THE SAME AS A LF SPIT IX - got it?
If you played in the MA you would realize that speed is everything, yes it could catch the top 4 or 5 given the right circumstances, but that holds true if you chasing them in a Zeke.
So it appears your main objection is if it does catch them it stands a good chance of killing them, well whoop dee doo, isn't that what the MA is all about? You should have seen the number of Spit 14's ive seen shot down the last few days, and they are far superior to the IX/XVI.
Plenty of planes turn tighter, plenty are faster, some carry the same guns a few have better guns, doesn't make it an uber Spit, especially in the MA environment.
If the main objection is that it stands a good chance of killing the speed demons - BRING IT ON.
Lets do a little scenario -
Incoming bogies, guy scrambles a Spit 16, hits WEP, a little over 4 mins later he is at 20k. He now has less than 1 min WEP remaining. If he continues climb and reaches 25k WEP runs out. - and the problem is?
Lets continue it, he only goes to 20k so has around a min WEP left, he chases a 190 (that hasn't used WEP) down in a dive, they both level, both hit WEP and the 190 strolls away, having not only default longer WEP left (10 mins?) but more than likely more speed - and the problem is?
Reverse the situation the D9 will catch the Spit eventually.
And no this is not a fantasy situation it is 70%+ of current MA tactics.
Its no real threat 20k+ where the inobunds usually hang out, its purely a low alt fighter.
Another overlooked chink - at 25lbs boost, fuel consumption is increased by approx 24%, so they aren't going roaming halfway across a map.