Author Topic: Bush & Global Warming  (Read 4642 times)

Offline miko2d

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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2001, 02:29:00 PM »
Originally posted by funked:
And that was a cheap shot on Naudet.    

 America did it's share of screwups. But when someone just mentions in passing that it did an evil thing again as usual, common knowlege, without any specifics, he better be a God's angel or something.
 I likely know and could tell more bad things about America then Naudet. Same about many other countries. Maybe because I know history.
 For it's size and power America was much less pesky then many other countries. Even if we were stupid to elect GWB to a position of a president, remind me which nation democratically elected A. Hitler?
 Screwups happen occasionally. Using the word "again" in such a broad context assumes that we are evil people by nature. That whatever the problem, we a presumed guilty because of our past history. Well, there is nothing terrible in our history. Most of the times americans were made fools of when trying to help someone. Yes, americans are quite evil and stupid. Just like any other nation.

 That kind of language was natural in pre-90s Soviet Union where we had our own version of history and of America. May be it is natural from an Iraqi who knows no better. Not on this board.

 People like Naudet should remember that while there are many ignorant dolts posting politics in this forum, there aren't many of ignorant dolts among those who read it.


[This message has been edited by miko2d (edited 03-30-2001).]

Offline miko2d

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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2001, 02:37:00 PM »
Originally posted by Eagler:
Where's ole Al goron these days ??  

 Don't joke about it. It was too close call for comfort. By the next election gorons will increase in number due to natural procreation rate and their leaders will make sure they punch the right holes. Better think up some really complicated ballots.  


Offline Dowding

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« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2001, 02:49:00 PM »
No, Miko.

Firstly, consider the effect of British fossil fuel burning in the 70's and 80's. When you burn fossil fuels, as well as producing particulates, CO2 etc, you produce Sulphur oxides. This dissolves in water to form an acidic solution.

This fell as rain on large parts of Scandinavia (ask Santa), killing trees before leaching into the lakes and rendering them sterile of life. Every part of the eco-system was hit, from small microbes to the fish. A bit of a disaster if you happened to be Norwegian, Swedish etc.

But hey, it happened outside our country's borders, so why should we give a damn?

Therefore one reason for avoiding large releases of such gases, is to avoid such marine pollution.

Many of you are against limiting the air emissions of industry? I'm assuming this is due to the fact that there is still some debate as to the actual causes of global warming.

So where do you stand on water or land releases? Many harmful substances have no upper limit set, partly because there is contradicting evidense as to their lethality or potential to damage life.

Based on that rationale, are you suggesting that it is now appropiate to release anything you like - if the methods to control it our damaging to 'American industry and American workers'? For instance, the methods used to remove heavy metals form industrial effluents are very expensive. Should we all now just let them flow into the sea, because it would improve profits?
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Offline Eagler

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« Reply #33 on: March 30, 2001, 03:04:00 PM »
hug a tree, buy candles, shut off your air conditioning (runs year round here), trade your car for a bike, etc ... NO Thanks.

Until an acceptable replacement energy source (nuclear?) comes along we are stuck with the old fossil fuels. This has been discussed here in depth already so I won't rehash but to say the U.S. needs to produce their own so we can tell the Saudis to go hump a camel.

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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #34 on: March 30, 2001, 03:33:00 PM »
Everyone are touting like the Kyoto treaty was about stopping all use of phossile fuels..

Wake up, the treaty was about reducing pollution, not stopping the use completely!

Like, its better to turn the car off when you go to mcdonalds instead of leaving it running outside.. The largest hit would be to big industry who would be forced to find out ways to reduce / filter CO2 emissions..

The gasoline prices would sure take a hit also, but the price for gallon is ridiculously low at the moment. I thought you were supposed to be the greatest nation on earth, now youre whining that you cant afford to buy normal price gas for your Dodge? hehehehehe..

Sounds funny and overreacting to me.

Bush reversed his word because the tycoons who financed his campaign told him to. He's a puppet of the hard industry. $ makes the world go round..

Offline niknak

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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #35 on: March 30, 2001, 05:10:00 PM »
Re :global warming - the green house effect

Look at venus it's atmosphere is made up (naturally) of what we are putting into are atmosphere through pollution.

P.S. Yes the planet has gone through massive climate change but not recently and why would we want to manufacture a climate change so we could flood holland?


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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2001, 05:22:00 PM »
You euros cant really complain too bad about pullution being an "american" thing (how arrogant) anymore, how much vaporized cow you people put up into the atmosphere so far?

Offline Fishu

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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2001, 05:28:00 PM »
Pollution has its toll in the global warming as well as natural causes.

Imagine if nuclear power would never been revealed and we would still be using coal and other fossil fuels to get electricity.
We would probably have alot more pollution globally.

Global warming isn't only thing that pollution does, theres alot other things as well.
Trees, specially evergreen trees doesnt like of pollution.
Water is also highly reactive on pollution.

Do you wan't to drink pollution or clear water?
Do you wan't to swim in an acid or clear water?
Do you wan't to see a forrest with nothing but some trunks or a green forrest?

If you let people do whatever they wan't in a capitalist country, there for sure are some who does hasty things for the money, which overall isn't good for health of people.
Capitalist countries problem usually is money, greed person can make alot bad without restrictions just for those extra bucks he gets.
...those are not rare types.

So, some restrictions are good to be.
I do partly believe in global warming by pollution.

Now it is still good time to limit pollution and find ways to reduce it, than do it later.
I would rather choose now with less cost than in the future with high cost.

Offline 1776

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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #38 on: March 31, 2001, 05:49:00 AM »
Originally posted by Fishu:
Pollution has its toll in the global warming as well as natural causes.

Imagine if nuclear power would never been revealed and we would still be using coal and other fossil fuels to get electricity.
We would probably have alot more pollution globally.

Global warming isn't only thing that pollution does, theres alot other things as well.
Trees, specially evergreen trees doesnt like of pollution.
Water is also highly reactive on pollution.

Do you wan't to drink pollution or clear water?
Do you wan't to swim in an acid or clear water?
Do you wan't to see a forrest with nothing but some trunks or a green forrest?

If you let people do whatever they wan't in a capitalist country, there for sure are some who does hasty things for the money, which overall isn't good for health of people.
Capitalist countries problem usually is money, greed person can make alot bad without restrictions just for those extra bucks he gets.
...those are not rare types.

So, some restrictions are good to be.
I do partly believe in global warming by pollution.

Now it is still good time to limit pollution and find ways to reduce it, than do it later.
I would rather choose now with less cost than in the future with high cost.


Ya,just as I said the voice of the extreme left regarding global warming is the undermining of Capitalism!!  Nothing more,nothing less!!


Don't fall for the lefts nonsense.  What proof is there that global warming is happening.  Records have only been kept for 100 years or so.  Comapre that to the length of time the earth has been around......besides it's arrogent to think mankind can affect anything that has been designed by a God for mankind's benefit.

[This message has been edited by 1776 (edited 03-31-2001).]

Offline Dowding

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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2001, 06:32:00 AM »
I can't believe you truly mean what you write, 1776. To be frank, only a fool would believe your last statement.

Are you saying that man can in no way destroy his environment through industrial process, simply because 'God' made the environment in the first place?

Perhaps I should quit my job then. What's the point of the plant I work for spending 5 million pounds this year on measures to reduce water releases? I bow down to your superior (divinely received) knowledge. Monday morning I'll tell the group environmental manager that we can dump as much BOD/COD material into the river, because it doesn't actually kill fish - because 'God' wouldn't allow such a terrible thing to happen!

Lets dump all those PCBs into the river too, because god would not allow them to gender-bend aquatic life - how could he allow that?

By your reasoning Chernobel doesn't even exist. How could god allow that?

If we relied on your 'god' to solve the problems, I wonder what the world would look like.

It would be a wasteland. But at least it would be a divine wasteland.

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Offline StSanta

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« Reply #40 on: March 31, 2001, 06:58:00 AM »
My kind of sarcasm, Dowding.



And yes, large parts of forests were killed in Sweden, Lakes were polluted to such an extent that fish died. the government has spent millions trying to clean up what other countries have done.

So, it's a global issue, as pollution doesn't care about fictious landscape borders.
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[This message has been edited by StSanta (edited 03-31-2001).]

Offline niknak

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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2001, 08:07:00 AM »
I believe the USA produces over 20% of the worlds pollution (the BBC's figures) surely its only fair they take a long term view and cut back a little rather than just protect the intrests of heavy industry which incidentally backed president bush's election campaign.

Offline niknak

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« Reply #42 on: March 31, 2001, 08:12:00 AM »
By the way i don't think i was excplicit about Venus, despite being futher away from the sun than mercury it has chemicals in it's atmosphere that produce a global warming effect which makes it's surface temperature hotter than mercury's. Is that not evidence of the greenhouse effect? Does take a massive leap of imagination to see if we put similar gasses in our atmosphere the same will happen?  

Offline 1776

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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #43 on: March 31, 2001, 08:18:00 AM »
Your arrogance is profound!!!  You are very correct in your statements  Mankind has stewardship over the earth by divine order!!

Do you really think God would create a being that would have the power to destroy the earth??  If your answer is yes then demonstrate how you can destroy the earth through global warming???

You can't.  

Once again this global warming jazz is just a way for the leftist and Socialists to undermine Capitalism.  It's so simple to understand when you accept the fact that extremist want to dictate your way of life.

The end result is that mankind needs to be exterminated in order to retain the pristine nature these extremists desire,course they are to stay alive as they know better then you or I!!!!

Environmentalism has become the home of leftist extremists.  It's a powerful tool for them because how can anyone be against clean water and clean air.  Be aware of environmentalism(the religion) it will destroy your current way of life and if these extremist have there way you will prolly be scheduled for extermination in the end

Offline R4M

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Bush & Global Warming
« Reply #44 on: March 31, 2001, 08:20:00 AM »
Originally posted by 1776:

Don't fall for the lefts nonsense. What proof is there that global warming is happening. Records have only been kept for 100 years or so. Comapre that to the length of time the earth has been around......besides it's arrogent to think mankind can affect anything that has been designed by a God for mankind's benefit.


Dude, get a clue. Drilling in the Ice caps has given the Scientists information on the atmospheric conditions wich were present since millions of years ago. MILLIONS of years ago. Understood?

The fact is that NEVER in earth history has been such a fast overheating of the atmosphere as there has been last 25 years, this is a FACT and is proven by the Ice drillings.

NOw think why last 25 years have produced so much overheating, and now think why does the antarctica have a big hole on the Ozone cap over it.

Can't be the human toxic emmissions of course. And less can be the USA wich only produces 20% of them. Of course, not.