Author Topic: Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit  (Read 3423 times)

Offline Zazen13

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« on: August 14, 2005, 10:22:00 PM »
Tonight, Sunday August 14, 2005, Baltic map, Bishops were in control of P62. The CV was killed right by P62 allowing the indefinate and instantaneous launching of re-supply LVT's directly to the port. Whether the CV was dead or alive it was never moved, so was always so close to P62, which resides on a penninsula, that the LVT's could spawn directly to it, drop supplies and exit virtually instantaneously. This was done by Bishops for over 4 hours, while 50+ Rooks tried everything we could conceive of to circumvent the exploit.

When it was determined that there was absolutely no possible way this base could be taken so long as Bishops chose to abuse the re-supply exploit we discussed other options. The 'final solution' as it were, was to have myself, who at the time out-ranked any Bishop to switch to Bishops to gain control of the CV just long enough to remove it from LVT re-supply exploit range. I did not come to this decision alone, it actually wasn't even my idea,  Rooks discussed it in comittee and only after exploring absolutely every other possible option. I did this and gave up control once it was just far enough away to prevent LVT's from being able to instantly spawn on P62 and re-supply it.

Obviously, I realised this would make me unpopular but in my opinion maintaining the integrity of gameplay for the other 400 people online superceded the perception of my actions from the Bishop point-of-view. Bishops were actively gloating in private and in public how they were using this exploit to illegitimately maintain control of P62 for that extended period. They were not naive to what they were doing. I did not suicide the CV, nor did I put it in any jeoprady or out of action. I relinquished control immediately after the threat of exploitation was removed and before Rooks actually captured P62. I simply removed it from the range required to perpetuate the exploitation of the re-supply bug. Rooks captured the port within 2 minutes of the LVT re-supply exploit being removed from the equation after trying unsuccessfully for 4+ hours to do so with Bishops abusing the exploit.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2005, 11:05:42 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline BTW

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2005, 10:24:49 PM »
So one bug exploit deserves another?
And there is a good reason for cheating?

Offline Zazen13

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2005, 10:26:25 PM »
Originally posted by BTW
So one bug exploit deserves another?
And there is a good reason for cheating?

Switching countries and controlling task groups is not a bug.
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
Author of, "The Zen Art of Cherrypicking" and other related works.
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Offline BTW

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2005, 10:28:27 PM »
Well I'm sure those wiggling wires or using packet editors feel the same.

Offline Simaril

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2005, 10:40:25 PM »
Originally posted by BTW
So one bug exploit deserves another?
And there is a good reason for cheating?

I'm not sure logic can penetrate your indignance, but I'll try.

1) Does spawning LVTs constitute gameplay, or is it an exploit that detracts from play? You pretty clearly think its the latter, an exploit.

2) Can HT fix the exploit tonight? No. The actions Zazen took neutralized the exploit but otherwise had ABSOLUTELY NO impact on gameplay. In that sense, he corrected what you admit was an eqivalent to "cheating." He became HT's proxy. There is absolutely no similarity to packet editing or wire pulling (which circumvent game rpgramming) -- Zazen stayed 100% in line with what HT designed the game to do.

3) Is changing sides an exploit? NO. It was directly programmed into the game by HTC, and its only "penalty" is 5 hour delay before another switch. In fact, the Bish should be thrilled that a player of Zazen's caliber will fly for them as underdogs.

After all, how much have we heard about the horrors of ebing outnumbered?
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Offline Howitzer

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2005, 10:40:44 PM »
Originally posted by BTW
Well I'm sure those wiggling wires or using packet editors feel the same.

A packet editor eh??  You still convinced someone wrote something to go through every packet and do custom changes on it before sending it back to HTC while in combat?  

That is one bright egg right there...

Offline BTW

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2005, 10:44:30 PM »
>>You still convinced someone wrote something to go through every packet and do custom changes on it before sending it back to HTC while in combat?

This is neither the time nor place for me to instruct you on programming or packet corruption.

Offline SuperDud

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2005, 10:45:12 PM »
Yeah stick it to the man Zazen!!!
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Offline BTW

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2005, 10:49:15 PM »
No I get it Simaril. Its not what's the cheat but *who* the cheat.
I get it - really I do.

Offline MOIL

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2005, 10:51:29 PM »
"When it was determined that there was absolutely no possible way this base could be taken so long as Bishops chose to abuse the re-supply exploit we discussed other options. The 'final solution' as it were, was to have myself, who at the time out-ranked any Bishop to switch to Bishops to gain control of the CV just long enough to remove it from LVT re-supply exploit range. I did not come to this decision alone, it actually wasn't even my idea, Rooks discussed it in comittee and only after exploring absolutely every other possible option. I did this and gave up control once it was just far enough away to prevent LVT's from being able to instantly spawn on P62 and re-supply it"

In my 4 yrs of playing in Aces High, I have YET to see an air field, Vbase or Port not be able to be captured!!!

Offline Docc

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2005, 11:03:02 PM »
So basically, Zazen, the Black Knights, and the Rooks got upset that the outnumbered Bish were able to sneak the port away from them and kill their CV.   Let me ask you this:  what fool other than a newbie is going to move a CV away from a port under attack in this game when it could be used to support its defense?   And because the Rooks couldn't capture the base they have to send Zazen to literally steal the CV from the Bish and remove the port's defense?  How much lower can you Rooks go??

Offline Zazen13

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2005, 11:03:52 PM »
Originally posted by MOIL
"When it was determined that there was absolutely no possible way this base could be taken so long as Bishops chose to abuse the re-supply exploit we discussed other options. The 'final solution' as it were, was to have myself, who at the time out-ranked any Bishop to switch to Bishops to gain control of the CV just long enough to remove it from LVT re-supply exploit range. I did not come to this decision alone, it actually wasn't even my idea, Rooks discussed it in comittee and only after exploring absolutely every other possible option. I did this and gave up control once it was just far enough away to prevent LVT's from being able to instantly spawn on P62 and re-supply it"

In my 4 yrs of playing in Aces High, I have YET to see an air field, Vbase or Port not be able to be captured!!!

Well, if you were at P62 tonight, you would have seen your first un-capturable base.

Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
Author of, "The Zen Art of Cherrypicking" and other related works.
Quote, "Cherrypicking is a state of mind & being, not only Art and Scienc

Offline Howitzer

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2005, 11:05:28 PM »
Originally posted by BTW
>>You still convinced someone wrote something to go through every packet and do custom changes on it before sending it back to HTC while in combat?

This is neither the time nor place for me to instruct you on programming or packet corruption.

LOL like you have any idea....  :rofl

Offline Stang

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2005, 11:07:16 PM »
Moil, I'm surprised you haven't seen the lvt spawn onto the port and resupply continually before.  There is no way to stop it because the lvt can drop supplies as soon as it spawns, resupplying the port, and can do this continually for hours on end if the CV is kept at the port.  

Killing the CV does nothing because lvt's can still spawn until the cv respawns at the port.  When the CV respawns, it's still in resuplly range and the cycle goes on and on and on.  There is no way to defeat it if just a few players keep doing lvt runs constantly, which was the case and would have continued to be the case.  Drastic measures were needed to counteract the gaminess employed, so we came up with our own gamey strategy to beat it.  

The original bish mission to take the port by an noe sneak obvously had this exploit in mind and the goal was to establish a base on rook soil that could not be taken, and used to launch further attacks to win the "war."  Why else fly a hundred miles to take a port unless you knew what could be done with it?

The rooks had no chance to use the CV to defend the port in the same manner since it was far away from the the area.  All the bish had to do was make sure they killed the CV and they had their gamey advantage.  

The whining about what Zazen did by these same bish who were taking advantage of this is so hypocritical it's hysterical.  They were gloating about how the port was uncapturable ne second, then crying BS about the whole situation two seconds later saying how unfair it was.  LMAO.  What Zazen did restored some semblance of decent gameplay to the MA by eliminating the use of the resupply exploit, and I fully stand behind his actions.  

HTC is not able to keep their eye on the MA 24/7, and certain things happen occasionally that bring the MA out of balance.  This was one of them, it needed to be taken care of, and was.

Oh, and you're right Moil, cause we did get the field from those lousy milking toolshedders in the end hahah.


Offline hubsonfire

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Bishop Abuse of Re-supply Exploit
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2005, 11:07:22 PM »
Originally posted by MOIL
In my 4 yrs of playing in Aces High, I have YET to see an air field, Vbase or Port not be able to be captured!!!

You must have been asleep in the hull when the vehicle bases didn't have maprooms.
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