First off: Wobble, it has generally been proven by asking the POWS themselves that the Hanoi Janie "notepassing/murder" incident did not happen. Do a search for Hanoi Jane and you'll find a few prominent ex-POW's that discredit that one. We must be fair to the worthless...loose woman.
There's plenty she did do that is damning enough.
Blur (or is this really Nash?
I don't know why they ended up at the Hanoi Hilton but it's a safe bet they weren't dropping nylons and candy bars from a cargo plane when they were captured.No. One was an EW in an RB-66 and the other was an F-4 GIB. What they were doing was following their orders as issued by the Chain of Command of their legally and lawfully constitued government.
I surmise from your posts so far that you have trouble with that "government" concept as well. So you'd feel free to ignore those orders if they didn't suit your belief system, right?
You didn't answer that previous question: Why haven't we seen a society such as the one you propose in the entire history of the human race? Come on now, enlighten us.
A POW captured under these circumstances should feel very fortunate he's allowed to live. So now you are condoning killing those who have surrendered? This system of yours is pretty flexible, isn't it? I take it the killer's karma would then change negatively? ROFLMAO.
Yes, any armed conflict. Ask yourself, when does war end? Ask yourself "When does war start?" When some mean ole SOB decides his neighbor has something he wants and the neighbor is highly unlikely to be able to effectively resist. Or when "gods collide" as in Bosnia and Palestine and tens of thousands of men, women and children pay with their lives for "turning the other cheek" and turning their attention away from the muzzle of that Makrov pointed at their foreheads, since it is so "undesirable".
I guess you'd be in the lotus position when they came to do you and your family, right? Of course, if a downed "enemy" airman landed in your front yard first, you'll give him the old pitchfork, right? Hope you're keeping all your beliefs straight...they're pretty subjective and confusing to me.
..and just so I'm personally commfortable with where I think you're coming from, please answer this previouslly ignored question as well:
After we left, while the North Vietnamese were freely dispensing artillery, mortars, rockets, hand grenades and machine gun bullets among the South Vietnamese...from the business end of these weapons...and were maiming and torturing the peasant population in the South, just what was Hanoi Jane doing then?