Author Topic: good book...  (Read 4244 times)

Offline GreenCloud

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« Reply #150 on: September 13, 2005, 01:49:47 PM »
my friends and I have made many fireworks

I love fire works..Like I love my guns

Using Cardboard tubes for "explove bombs" is REDICULOUS..

You use Cardboard tubes as a base for building roman candles..You actually roll  various amounts of aluminum..and other metals to create the colors you see when they shoot out of the card board toobs

To equate aluminum and card board toobs with bomb making is assinine..but alot of what raider has said is that

As far as illegal weapons go..that is a crock of crap too..So Now im a felon because I have a folding stock on a 10/22 ruger?...ya a semi auot 22. calibber rifle..SCARY!!!!!!...oh!! but mean i have a bayonet on my russian made 1952 35" auto loader>?....SCARY!!!!!!!...

Its a buch of BULLSHEITE..the ATF is CRAP...they make me sick

I have a friend who works for the BATF...He bust wine companies out here in napa for not paying taxes on wine.  He doesn tgiev a crap about guns..the only info he gets is what they feed him.....Its funny as heel..when he hears " assualt wepaons baN' he thinks we used to be able to get full auto guns.!!! f ing crappp

Reading about this stuff..and reading about raiders complete lack of guns ..and the gun laws they are forcing us into makes me send another donation to the NRA.

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #151 on: September 13, 2005, 01:57:27 PM »
Originally posted by wrag
A Chief Justice of the Supreme court answered Number 7 for you.

Pretty sure it was Joseph Story.

I believe he said any law that does not comply with the constitution is NULL and VOID.

I'm pretty sure he was including the Bill of Rights.

Also  .............

"I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious
laws so effective as their stringent execution."
Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885)
American president


"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato

and ................

"How should it happen that the individual should be without rights, but the combination of individuals should possess unlimited rights?" —Auberon Herbert

As to number 6  ...


Consider we are all of us now under threat of terrorist attacks.

How am I supposed to know who they are if they don't tell me thay are executing a legal search warrent?

"Never forget that if you leave your law to judges and your
religion to bishops you will presently find yourself without
either law or religion."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Anglo-Irish playwright, critic

"Many politicians lay it down as a self-evident proposition
that no people ought to be free until they are fit to use
their freedom. The maxim is worthy of the fool in the old
story who resolved not to go into the water until he had
learned to swim.", from Lord Macaulay an English historian.

"The basic test of freedom is perhaps less in what we are free
to do then in what we are free not to do."  Eric Hoffer
American philosopher.

"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking
others to live as one wishes to live."  Oscar Wilde Anglo-
Irish author.

"I think that the sacredness of human life is a purely
municipal ideal of no validity outside the jurisdiction. I
believe that force, mitigated as far as may be by good
manners, is the ultimate ratio, and between two groups of men
that want to make inconsistent kinds of world I see no remedy
except force . . . It seems to me that every society rests on
the death of men."
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935)
American jurist

Are we a free people?

Are you gonna actually answer any of these questions or just post quotes by other people. I didn't want other people's answers I want yours as an individual.

As for the Null and Void please find a link or something because as far as I know, You do not make that decision regarding what laws are Unconstitutional that is up to the court system.

Go read Socrates/Aristotle on the duties of a citizen.

As for knowing they are law enforcement, They were on the Phone with the ATF while the raid was coming apart, They might not have known at first but they knew within 1 minute who it was outside.

Tough question on free people. I would say for the most part we are.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #152 on: September 13, 2005, 01:58:24 PM »
I would pretty much echo wrag..

I deal with law enforcement officers allmost daily... I believe that for the most part they are hard working and honest.   They do not feel that they need to wear masks and ninja suits to serve a no knock warrant on a middle aged couple tho for instance.  I don't think that they have a policy of lieing in court... I would say tho that based on the evidence that the ATF feels that it is against policy to tell the truth no matter what.

nope.. more importantly tho... korresh felt that way... the local sherrif had been there plenty... if he would have come to the door he would have been in no danger.... didn't even need a mask or ninja outfit...

as for your ROTC "rifel team" experiance... soory but you never having owned a firearm of your own... and no interest in them and in light of your misstakes here...  I would say that you talking about firearms has about as much validity as Burger king frier of the month has in talking about raising beef cattle.

You questions..... In the negotiator tape... the Davidians were constantly lied to and promises were broken... at one point the negotiator tells them that if they come out they will be killed.... that may have had some effect on them staying.... Korresh asked repeatedly for a news camera crew to come in to negotiate the surrender in the belief that the ATF would be less likely to mow down a news crew than to shoot up women and children.  Why was this request not granted?

As for the FLIR images... the man who invented the system is the one who interprets the images in the documentaries...  He probly has the best info... He claims that no other explanation is possible... The davidians were being fired on.

If the images are to be believed... then the government was spraying down anyone who tried to leave by the only exit in the rear during the fire...

and you claimed that ATF agents were shot with full auto bullets... no such thing..  no way to tell

do you have a right to refuse a legal search warrant?  no... do you have the right to fire on people shooting at you who have not identified themselves or.... even if they have... if they break in and attack you .... you have the right to defend yourself... that is the law...  No davidians were charged with resisting a warrant or murder or assault on police officers.   And.... the warrant was rife with errors including the wrong numbers... it could even be considered to not be a lawful warrant.

are citizens obliged to abey laws?  of course... but so are govenment agencies... in fact... even more so,

Korresh had said that he would come out after he did the 7 seals translation...he got one done and then they attacked and burned the people in there alive...   men women and children.   There was no need for it..

Korresh and his followers may have been more paranoid than they needed to be but...  they had been lied too and taunted and shot at... they had a right to be distrustfull.   They had a TV and were hearing the lies that the FBI and ATF were saying about them... Of course they figured that they were screwed...

There were no reporters or civilians outside (1.5 miles away) and none could even see what was happening at the back of the church buildings... All the davidians seen was storm troopers and immature bird flippers and mooners and dog shooters... the tanks even ground a davidian grave under their treads.  

Look at the videos and listen to the ngotiations and tell me those people inside were not scared out of their minds.

Tell me what crimes they committed to justify the deaths and torture of all those people including the over 20 children?

I think that korresh was too paranoid and made things worse.   I think that once things got to a certain point that the authorities should have handled things very much differently.

I put equal blame for how things turned out on both parties... davidians and ninjas....  I put full blame on causeing the problem in the first place on the immature and incompetent ninja storm troopers.


Offline Raider179

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« Reply #153 on: September 13, 2005, 01:59:31 PM »
Originally posted by GreenCloud
my friends and I have made many fireworks

I love fire works..Like I love my guns

Using Cardboard tubes for "explove bombs" is REDICULOUS..

You use Cardboard tubes as a base for building roman candles..You actually roll  various amounts of aluminum..and other metals to create the colors you see when they shoot out of the card board toobs

To equate aluminum and card board toobs with bomb making is assinine..but alot of what raider has said is that

As far as illegal weapons go..that is a crock of crap too..So Now im a felon because I have a folding stock on a 10/22 ruger?...ya a semi auot 22. calibber rifle..SCARY!!!!!!...oh!! but mean i have a bayonet on my russian made 1952 35" auto loader>?....SCARY!!!!!!!...

Its a buch of BULLSHEITE..the ATF is CRAP...they make me sick

I have a friend who works for the BATF...He bust wine companies out here in napa for not paying taxes on wine.  He doesn tgiev a crap about guns..the only info he gets is what they feed him.....Its funny as heel..when he hears " assualt wepaons baN' he thinks we used to be able to get full auto guns.!!! f ing crappp

Reading about this stuff..and reading about raiders complete lack of guns ..and the gun laws they are forcing us into makes me send another donation to the NRA.

It wasnt cardboard tubes for bombs, They found lots of practice grenades that had been modified.

What do you think they used powdered AL metal for? I mean it's a church right? Why have 90 pounds of the stuff? Everything fits that they were gearing up for either a showdown with law enforcement or planning an attack of their own.

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #154 on: September 13, 2005, 02:05:38 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179
he plead guilty in a plea bargain. Yeah he was innocent :rolleyes:

  My God boy you are a candidate for goose stepping class if I ever seen one.
  You can`t read those documents and determine what went on here.
  Sure he plea bargained. It was either that or that or get railroaded worse. He had absolutely no choice.
  Your BATF heros couldn`t even identify the weapons. That`s not what they wanted to begin with. The FFL was all they wanted. Get a grip.
  Like I said earlier, you let the cat out of the bag a ways back.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #155 on: September 13, 2005, 02:08:34 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I would pretty much echo wrag..

I deal with law enforcement officers allmost daily... I believe that for the most part they are hard working and honest.   They do not feel that they need to wear masks and ninja suits to serve a no knock warrant on a middle aged couple tho for instance.  I don't think that they have a policy of lieing in court... I would say tho that based on the evidence that the ATF feels that it is against policy to tell the truth no matter what.

nope.. more importantly tho... korresh felt that way... the local sherrif had been there plenty... if he would have come to the door he would have been in no danger.... didn't even need a mask or ninja outfit...

as for your ROTC "rifel team" experiance... soory but you never having owned a firearm of your own... and no interest in them and in light of your misstakes here...  I would say that you talking about firearms has about as much validity as Burger king frier of the month has in talking about raising beef cattle.

You questions..... In the negotiator tape... the Davidians were constantly lied to and promises were broken... at one point the negotiator tells them that if they come out they will be killed.... that may have had some effect on them staying.... Korresh asked repeatedly for a news camera crew to come in to negotiate the surrender in the belief that the ATF would be less likely to mow down a news crew than to shoot up women and children.  Why was this request not granted?

and you claimed that ATF agents were shot with full auto bullets... no such thing..  no way to tell

do you have a right to refuse a legal search warrant?  no... do you have the right to fire on people shooting at you who have not identified themselves or.... even if they have... if they break in and attack you .... you have the right to defend yourself... that is the law...  No davidians were charged with resisting a warrant or murder or assault on police officers.   And.... the warrant was rife with errors including the wrong numbers... it could even be considered to not be a lawful warrant.

are citizens obliged to abey laws?  of course... but so are govenment agencies... in fact... even more so,

Korresh had said that he would come out after he did the 7 seals translation...he got one done and then they attacked and burned the people in there alive...   men women and children.   There was no need for it..

Korresh and his followers may have been more paranoid than they needed to be but...  they had been lied too and taunted and shot at... they had a right to be distrustfull.   They had a TV and were hearing the lies that the FBI and ATF were saying about them... Of course they figured that they were screwed...

There were no reporters or civilians outside (1.5 miles away) and none could even see what was happening at the back of the church buildings... All the davidians seen was storm troopers and immature bird flippers and mooners and dog shooters... the tanks even ground a davidian grave under their treads.  

Look at the videos and listen to the ngotiations and tell me those people inside were not scared out of their minds.

Tell me what crimes they committed to justify the deaths and torture of all those people including the over 20 children?

I think that korresh was too paranoid and made things worse.   I think that once things got to a certain point that the authorities should have handled things very much differently.

I put equal blame for how things turned out on both parties... davidians and ninjas....  I put full blame on causeing the problem in the first place on the immature and incompetent ninja storm troopers.


Have you ever seen police with ski masks? How bout swat teams? ALL law enforcement that engage in undercover activities will wear masks to protect their identities during raids. It's not just Feds.

name 1 mistake I have made on fire-arms. You might not like my views on them but I havent erred that I know of or that you have pointed out.

Your Opinion on the WACO tapes is meaningless without a link. I linked to what I use, why can't you? oh nm just answered my own question.

The presence of a few dozen converted automatic weapons on the premises is all the evidence I need to believe they were used to repel the Execution of the warrant.

If the ATF did so many illegal things then why did a judge toss the lawsuit by survivors out of court?

Sorry but not buying it. They could have walked out at any point. What was it 40+ that did surrender over the course of those 2 months. Kinda throws a wrench in that whole they were scared to surrender thing. 1/3 of them did surrender peacefully and without bloodshed.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #156 on: September 13, 2005, 02:24:39 PM »
I named both documentaries.   watch em or don't... there is ample evidence of government forces lieing time after time.

A real gem was the one you quoted about the alligator teared ATF guy saying that 'we were outgunned"   you left out that he said that he only had nine mm's to the davidians 223's... and then the tapes that show the ATF spraying the house with m16 full autos and Mp5 full autos until they exhaused their ammo loads.

As to police going undercover... yes... they do and rightly so in gang related arrests... there is a very real danger there..  Not when you are serving a warrant for taxes on firearms not paid or allegations of child abuse.

To answer your questions...I think everyone here (except possibly you) would 1,000 times more rather have their local police knock on the door and serve them with a warrant than to have 30 black clad ninjas start spraying the front of their home with gunfire in a wee hours no knock raid.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #157 on: September 13, 2005, 03:26:17 PM »
If all we need to close this is to answer raiders questions again....

1)Were there illegal weapons at Waco?

2)Were there illegal explosives at Waco?

3)Was Koresh sexually molesting children at Waco?

4)Did the Branch Davidians after the inital assault, come out and face their "day in court"?

5)Was the government trying to kill them or just force them to leave the compound?

6)Do you think you have the right to repulse government agents executing a legal search warrant with fire-arms?

7)Do you think as a citizen of this country you are obligated to abide by all laws

1.... maybe... maybe not..  none have ever been submitted for testing... certainly there were weapons but not even a great deal for that many people.   No person has ever been charged with the crime... to do so would mean that the guns in question would be available to the surviving davidians lawyers.... no matter what...  korresh invited law enforcement to examine all his weapons long before the raid.  In my opinion... he probly was messing with conversions.... a crime but....  not worth killing or dying over and... just my opinion... no evidence of any converted weapons.

2... again.... who knows?   none were given over for examination and even if there were a few... how is that a reason to kill and die?   the local sheriff would have gladly searched the place if the ATF was too frieghtened.

3...  I don't know.  One girl claims that is so.   in texas you can marry at 14... all the girls parents were living there.   I also fail to see how if it were true that it was any concern of ATF or more so... a reason for a wee hours ninja full auto assault on a church.... and... it seems particularly odd that anyone would fear child abuse more than they would fear killing every single child in the home or that it would be more dangerous than spraying said home with full auto fire.

4...  when karresh initially came out he was shot and people were killed.... in the end...  people were machine gunned who tried to escape.... somewhere in between it may have been possible to surrender and not die but I can understand the fear in the church.

5...  see 4..  I don't think that they were set on killing everyone..  I think that things snowballed and got out of hand.   I think a lot ot the officers on the scene were indeed trying to kill davidians no matter what.   I do not believe that it was a decision that was arrived at or even ordered.   I believe it was the incompetence that got out of hand and spiraled that caused all the killing.

6....I believe people have the right to defend themselves.   If the police fire first without provocation then the davidians were well within their rights... the court seems to agree.

7.... do you think the nazis at the death camps as soldiers and citizens were obligated to obey orders?    I believe that you disobey one or more of the 5 million federal laws regularly and don't even know it.   I believe that you (or any of us) don't even know half the time if what we are doing is illegal or not....

on a personal note.... I am a coward and obey laws every day that I know to be unconstitutional and immoral.   My only excuse it that I do what I can to get them repealed..... which is not much.

I would ask you... do you obey every law that you are aware of?   Would traffic violations make you an extremist and as such.... worth a ninja night, no knock raid on your compound?   If illegal substances were found in your compound should I believe you or the feds?   Governent troops shouldn't have to take a chance of being identified or injured to arrest you right?


Offline Raider179

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« Reply #158 on: September 13, 2005, 04:07:36 PM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
My God boy you are a candidate for goose stepping class if I ever seen one.
  You can`t read those documents and determine what went on here.
  Sure he plea bargained. It was either that or that or get railroaded worse. He had absolutely no choice.
  Your BATF heros couldn`t even identify the weapons. That`s not what they wanted to begin with. The FFL was all they wanted. Get a grip.
  Like I said earlier, you let the cat out of the bag a ways back.

Whatever. I wouldn't plead out if I wasnt guilty. Guess your hero doesn't have a spine or he would have fought and said I wasn't guilty. Wasn't he charged for having 40mm grenades?

The report I read didn't say they could id the guns, that is what the curator said. I read everything from he was convicted from a being a felon with a gun, to having those 40mm grenades so since you are so familiar with the case what was he charged with and what was his ultimate conviction for?

I've got a grip I think its you who is finding fake bellybutton stories and putting them up here as real. I have already said that mistakes do occur but not on the scope or level to make me paranoid of ninja's. So you can quit looking for 1 example from 1995 or 1 from 1991. Stop wasting both of our time.

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #159 on: September 13, 2005, 04:22:55 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I named both documentaries.   watch em or don't... there is ample evidence of government forces lieing time after time.

A real gem was the one you quoted about the alligator teared ATF guy saying that 'we were outgunned"   you left out that he said that he only had nine mm's to the davidians 223's... and then the tapes that show the ATF spraying the house with m16 full autos and Mp5 full autos until they exhaused their ammo loads.

As to police going undercover... yes... they do and rightly so in gang related arrests... there is a very real danger there..  Not when you are serving a warrant for taxes on firearms not paid or allegations of child abuse.

To answer your questions...I think everyone here (except possibly you) would 1,000 times more rather have their local police knock on the door and serve them with a warrant than to have 30 black clad ninjas start spraying the front of their home with gunfire in a wee hours no knock raid.

I have watched and I will admit its been awhile.

Quote me...oh thats right you cant because I didnt say it.

The quote I did put was this. "Of the sixteen (16) other agents that were injured, most were said to have been shot by automatic weapons fire . . . including that from a .50 caliber machinegun. According to BATF agent and spokesperson Sharon Wheeler, "The problem was that we were outgunned . . . and we couldn't fire randomly into the building because of women and children known to be in there."

I never said anything about atf and the 9mm or the m16's that was YOU all the way not me. The reason I quoted this is to show why the ATF backed off. They didn't want to kill women and kids and nor were they out of ammo like YOU suggest. The atf did spray the compound but only at the rooms they were taking fire from. You know the whole return fire defense that you use for the BD's.

Who are you to judge what is dangerous for an undercover ATF agent? Ever hear of them making arrests with Hell's Angels or other biker gangs that are dealing in fire-arms? Gun smugglers are some of the most dangerous people around and you expect them to not protect their identities :rolleyes:

I will agree that it was a bad plan. But that does not give the BD's the right to sit in the Compound for the next 2 months in defiance of the law.

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #160 on: September 13, 2005, 04:37:28 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
If all we need to close this is to answer raiders questions again....

1)Were there illegal weapons at Waco?

2)Were there illegal explosives at Waco?

3)Was Koresh sexually molesting children at Waco?

4)Did the Branch Davidians after the inital assault, come out and face their "day in court"?

5)Was the government trying to kill them or just force them to leave the compound?

6)Do you think you have the right to repulse government agents executing a legal search warrant with fire-arms?

7)Do you think as a citizen of this country you are obligated to abide by all laws

1.... maybe... maybe not..  none have ever been submitted for testing... certainly there were weapons but not even a great deal for that many people.   No person has ever been charged with the crime... to do so would mean that the guns in question would be available to the surviving davidians lawyers.... no matter what...  korresh invited law enforcement to examine all his weapons long before the raid.  In my opinion... he probly was messing with conversions.... a crime but....  not worth killing or dying over and... just my opinion... no evidence of any converted weapons.

2... again.... who knows?   none were given over for examination and even if there were a few... how is that a reason to kill and die?   the local sheriff would have gladly searched the place if the ATF was too frieghtened.

3...  I don't know.  One girl claims that is so.   in texas you can marry at 14... all the girls parents were living there.   I also fail to see how if it were true that it was any concern of ATF or more so... a reason for a wee hours ninja full auto assault on a church.... and... it seems particularly odd that anyone would fear child abuse more than they would fear killing every single child in the home or that it would be more dangerous than spraying said home with full auto fire.

4...  when karresh initially came out he was shot and people were killed.... in the end...  people were machine gunned who tried to escape.... somewhere in between it may have been possible to surrender and not die but I can understand the fear in the church.

5...  see 4..  I don't think that they were set on killing everyone..  I think that things snowballed and got out of hand.   I think a lot ot the officers on the scene were indeed trying to kill davidians no matter what.   I do not believe that it was a decision that was arrived at or even ordered.   I believe it was the incompetence that got out of hand and spiraled that caused all the killing.

6....I believe people have the right to defend themselves.   If the police fire first without provocation then the davidians were well within their rights... the court seems to agree.

7.... do you think the nazis at the death camps as soldiers and citizens were obligated to obey orders?    I believe that you disobey one or more of the 5 million federal laws regularly and don't even know it.   I believe that you (or any of us) don't even know half the time if what we are doing is illegal or not....

on a personal note.... I am a coward and obey laws every day that I know to be unconstitutional and immoral.   My only excuse it that I do what I can to get them repealed..... which is not much.

I would ask you... do you obey every law that you are aware of?   Would traffic violations make you an extremist and as such.... worth a ninja night, no knock raid on your compound?   If illegal substances were found in your compound should I believe you or the feds?   Governent troops shouldn't have to take a chance of being identified or injured to arrest you right?


A judge apparently believed there was suffiecient evidence and ordered not only a search warrant for the compound but an ARREST warrant for Koresh.

You conviently leave out the 2 months between  the initial raid and the final assault that  the BD's could walk out at anytime. Oh thats right 1/3 did leave and were ok. Too bad the rest didn't obey Law enforcement they would have been ok too.

I might agree with you on #5

You said yourself (I think you did anyway) no one knows who fired first, it is presumed an ATF agent shot a dog at the compound. That does not endanger anyone's life and is hardly worthy of shooting at people over.

Obeying orders as a soldier is different than obeying the law as a citizen. Military/Civilian

I'm sorry were the germans a free people? I thought it was a dictatorship and those people were forced to do things at the threat of death. That is a good point though.

There is a big difference between speeding and armed insurrection which is what  I see WACO as having became after the initial raid.

Why just believe the feds, Why don't you go ask the UPS guy who deliever the 90 lbs of powdered AL to the compound. He was after all the one that made the report about explosives at the compound.

It's so that after arrest you don't go hey there's Joey well he's an ATF undercover agent and then your buddies or you go kill joey and his family. Not too mention if his identity is out he can no longer be safe undercover thus wasting all the money you spent training him to be said undercover agent.

I have had my rights violated numerous times by regular law enforcement. Traffic stops turning into searches for no reason. I have yet to have the "Ninja's" raid my house. I worry more about corrupt local cops than I do federal ninjas. lol

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #161 on: September 13, 2005, 04:42:28 PM »
Originally posted by wrag
A Chief Justice of the Supreme court answered Number 7 for you.

Pretty sure it was Joseph Story.

I believe he said any law that does not comply with the constitution is NULL and VOID.

I'm pretty sure he was including the Bill of Rights.


I believe you are referring to the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions offered by Madison and Jefferson around 1800.

They stated if the federal government oversteps it's authority, (by creating unconstitutional laws) then the STATES may declare them null and void. Called Nullification. The STATES may do it, not the individuals holed up in Mt. Carmel.

It further goes on to say that the STATES in such a position are under obligation to stay between the Feds and the Citizenry in order to protect them. (citizens) Interposition

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #162 on: September 13, 2005, 05:34:38 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179
Whatever. I wouldn't plead out if I wasnt guilty. Guess your hero doesn't have a spine or he would have fought and said I wasn't guilty.


   Ya know, for some reason, I believe you are just flat out trolling now. I just don`t happen to think you are really that dense or naive, sorry.
  Sure , after being targeted by the BATF, it being under Fed control, (or at least supposedly), the press called beforehand to make brownie points and sew things up, all just to get the FFL away from him, he could have went to a "Federal" court, with a Federal" judge and had a snowball`s chance in hell. You can see that, I can see that and most everyone else can. It was a setup to get the FFL, nothing more.
  I guess they could have held the trial in Pleasanttville, then all joined hands and went down to Happy Mountain Amusement park for lollipops and cotton candy afterwards. :)
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

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« Reply #163 on: September 13, 2005, 05:39:07 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179
? Ever hear of them making arrests with Hell's Angels or other biker gangs that are dealing in fire-arms?  

------------------>>>>>:D ;)
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Raider179

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good book...
« Reply #164 on: September 13, 2005, 06:03:35 PM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
Ya know, for some reason, I believe you are just flat out trolling now. I just don`t happen to think you are really that dense or naive, sorry.
  Sure , after being targeted by the BATF, it being under Fed control, (or at least supposedly), the press called beforehand to make brownie points and sew things up, all just to get the FFL away from him, he could have went to a "Federal" court, with a Federal" judge and had a snowball`s chance in hell. You can see that, I can see that and most everyone else can. It was a setup to get the FFL, nothing more.
  I guess they could have held the trial in Pleasanttville, then all joined hands and went down to Happy Mountain Amusement park for lollipops and cotton candy afterwards. :)

So in other words you have no idea what he was charged with or eventually convicted of. :lol :lol