Author Topic: good book...  (Read 4247 times)

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #120 on: September 12, 2005, 02:53:15 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179
Thank god someone here holds the BD's to some personal responsibility.

Yeah maybe they should have come out earlier instead of waiting on Koresh to finish translating the seals.

That`s your own quote your praising there.  :rofl
See below.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2005, 02:57:28 PM by Jackal1 »
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

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« Reply #121 on: September 12, 2005, 02:56:39 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179

I will admit the FBI did lie and cover up some things but I still hold the Branch Davidians responsible for the outcome of that day. They could have walked out anytime and got their "day in court" but choose not too. Wrong choice.

A truely classic moment in O`club history. :)
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

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« Reply #122 on: September 12, 2005, 03:02:54 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179

9)Well when you go around talking down to people by calling them son expect them to not be really interested in what you have to say. My dad taught me better manners than that, too bad yours didn't. [/B]

   You ever been to Texas?
The younguns are called son, hoss, youngun, etc, etc. It`s not an insult there slick. Yea that`s another one.
  Well, you seem to be wall `o texting the same stuff over and over, whether it fits the bill or not.
  Not really important since you let the proverbial cat out of the bag. After that it`s pretty clear where the slanted, ingrained view is coming from and pretty well wraps it up for you.
 Have a goodun SON. :)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2005, 03:06:44 PM by Jackal1 »
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #123 on: September 12, 2005, 03:16:30 PM »
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Drugs..

Should be the name of an american country store, not a gawdamned american federal agency.

The american government seems to continue it's plodding course away from being 'protector of freedom' to being 'protector of the many sundry and varied american government bureaucracies'.

This country is becoming increasingly populated by pussified and pacified lotus eaters that gleefully contemplate empowering an already stupefyingly corrupt and ineffective ‘homeland security’ apparatus that continues to demonstrate it’s inability to even identify a national disaster. If it ain’t color coded, it ain’t a threat.

After billions spent, more agency’s and bureaucracies created, folks like Raider would have you believe that government ain’t the bad guys because it’s the American government that’s being discussed.

Any agency that decides that it’s interests are better served by usurping an individuals rights in lieu of making it’s particular flavor of domestic policy dominate over the constitution is not a ‘friendly’ government agency if you are a defender of the Constitution. If you take your oath seriously and are anywhere above a vegetative state, the actions of some of 'our' government agencies would necessarily have to convince a sane man that we are indeed in deep, deep doggie doo with respect to our rights as free citizens.

Have we reached the cusp where the real definition of an American Patriot is somebody that decides to defend his constitutional rights by the same ‘whatever’s necessary’ rule book the bureaucracies use, even when that defense runs violently contrary to what the local liberal democratic PC Pussifed Suburban Sissies mandate in the media and Hollywood?

For the pussified populace out there, I can do no more than offer this:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

I’m with Toad.. glad to be old, so I don’t have to see the end of the era of the empowered American Citizen and the creation of the powerless American Subject in it’s wake, for I will not outlive the suspension of the constitution by more than a few days, at best.
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #124 on: September 12, 2005, 04:58:22 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
raider... your lack of understanding about firearms continues to amaze me.  You claim to be a firearms expert... Have you ever even owned a firearm?  What was it and what happened to it?  You must at least realize the there is no possible way to tell if a bullet came from a semi auto, bolt action or converted gun right?  well.... you do now.

first of all... watch the documentaries... everyone agrees that the ATF fired first.... then... they emptied their guns into the church through the windows and doors when they got shot back at... they literaly ran out of ammo and surrendered to the davidians...  they gave up... the dividians allowed them to take their dead and wounded and retreat... they could have killed every single unarmed (no ammo) ninja but they didn't.

The warrrant... well... actually the warant is 2/3 about child abuse.... nothing to do with ATF.... the rest.... is ... well...about nothing since they have the wrong number for the offense on the warrant.  

The ATF called the press to watch em make a big bust... they chased off the press when they got their butts kicked and.... they "lost" five tapes from five different cameras that would easily show who fired first.

As for how I believe.... I believe as the courts found.... that the davidians were innocent of murder... that they had a right, a duty,  to shoot back at unidentified ninjas shooting up their home.   Not one Davidian was charged with murder or shooting at federal officers.

To this day... the congressional investigators request for the "machine guns" for their experts to examine has not been honored... no proof of any machine gun has been shown by federal authorities.   They have refused any attempt to examine the weapons in question.

but... say korresh had a converted semi auto or two...  And... since he didn't pay the $200 each to regester em....  

Just how many children do you think should be killed for each $200 uncollected tax raider?   Is 4 or 5 a good number?  maybe 20?  how bout suspicion of a machine gun?  that should be good for at least a couple of children mowed down by ATF "legal" (and very real) machine guns.

The crying ATF agent who was pleading with congress in the documentary to understand that his men were outgunned....that they only had 9 mm pistols against "223" assault weapons.... and then the video of his men pouring full auto fire into the walls and windows of the building with full auto M16's (machine guns) and Mp5's (sub machine guns) is sickening.

But... I would settle for... every single person caught in a lie in that hearing....I would settle for them being fired on the spot.

Watch the documentaries and see if you don't agree.


I didn't claim expert status I leave that to you. I said I have extensive fire-arms training. No, I don't own. I don't feel the need to carry.

The weapons were converted from semi to fully. That is illegal.

Disagree about the ammo. If you can show me a link that says otherwise I will concede the point but the video's I have seen show armed guns up ATF agents covering the "retreat".

The warrant is about Illegally modified fire-arms and 90 pounds of AL metal.

Somehow I doubt even an inspection by an expert would convince you the guns from waco were in fact converted. You would probably just say oh the fbi did it before handing the guns to the expert or some other moon landing conspiracy.

You can't put a dollar amount on children's lives.

The people at Mt. Carmel lost their lives because they decided to play hardball with the Federal Government. It's that simple. It should have ended after the initial assault. INSTEAD the BD's decided they are gonna stay put for 2+ months. They should have and could have come out during any of that time. They choose not to, and they choose badly.

By the way some people did leave prior to the fire. To bad more of the parents weren't smart enough to realize it was a dangerous situation for their kids and send them outside.

Date     Departed
February 28     4 children
March 1     10 children
March 2     4 children
2 adults
March 3     1 child
March 4     1 child
March 5     1 child
March 12     2 adults
March 19     2 adults
March 21     7 adults
March 23     1 adult
TOTALS:    21 Children
14 Adults

Additionally, 9 adults left the compound during the fire on April 19. Therefore, 44 people (21 children and 23 adults) left the compound at one time or another during the standoff.

"By the time the FBI arrived on the scene during the afternoon of February 28, the Branch Davidians believed that the ATF had fulfilled Koresh's prophesies, and had signalled the imminent end of the world. "

Those who stayed had NO intention of ever leaving they were there to die. To be part of the fulfillment of Koresh's propehcy about the end of the world.

"The prosecutors had the responsibility to preserve and develop evidence for the eventual prosecution of the Branch Davidians on the original weapons charges, as well as on homicide and assault charges resulting from the shoot-out on the 28th. Also, the prosecutors had to develop a legal strategy to separate those individuals who would be criminally charged from those individuals who were merely witnesses, and to ensure that all were either held in jail or released with sufficient guarantees to ensure their appearances at trial"

"At approximately 4:55 p.m., several ATF agents were ambushed by three individuals as the agents crossed a field near the compound. The ATF agents returned the gunfire, killing one individual and capturing another. The third individual escaped. The person who died was later identified (following the recovery of his body on March 3) as Michael Schroeder. The person arrested was Norman Washington Allison (a/k/a Delroy Nash), and the person who escaped was Robert Kendrick. Kendrick was arrested several days later. All three individuals were Branch Davidians who had been at another location called the "Mag Bag"(4) and were attempting to shoot their way into the compound. "

Trying to shoot their way into the compound. Yeah bunch of real law-abiding upright citizens we got here. :rolleyes:

"At 2:29 p.m., Koresh demanded that he be able to broadcast his religious teachings over the radio before he, or any one, would come out of the compound."

At 8:55 p.m. the first two children came out of the compound. They were Angelica Sonobe, age 6, and Crystal Sonobe, age 3.

At 9:42 p.m., two more children came out. They were Renae studmuffinan, age 6, and Neharah studmuffinan, age 4. Negotiations continued with no additional progress that night.

Koresh complained bitterly when he realized that his telephone lines had been restricted, permitting him to dial out only to the negotiators. At 5:52 p.m., Koresh warned that if the telephone lines were not immediately reopened, the government would be responsible for the deaths of the children.

After many angry threats, and after repeated efforts of the negotiators to calm him down, Koresh finally calmed down and agreed to resume sending children out.

Koresh used himself, others, and the children as bargaing chips so that he could broadcast his "religious message".  Helluva guy you are defending.

 "As part of delivering his message, Koresh agreed that if a taped message of his was played nationwide, everyone, including Koresh himself, would come out. "

Again using himself and the children and the other adults to gain leverage in a dangerous situation so he could "spread his message".

"The audiotape Koresh made was approximately one hour long. CBN reiterated its agreement to broadcast the tape unedited; however, Craig Smith, the host of the show, made it clear to the FBI that the broadcast was contingent on Koresh's agreeing in advance to surrender immediately after the tape was played. At approximately 10:30 a.m., after listening to the tape, the FBI determined the tape was not satisfactory, because Koresh had failed to state clearly his intentions to surrender. At 11:24 a.m., the negotiators contacted Koresh to discuss the omission of any surrender language on the tape. Koresh agreed to read the following preamble on the telephone so that it could be recorded by the FBI on the audiotape to be broadcast: "I agree that upon the broadcasting of this tape, I will immediately come out peacefully with all my people."

"Meanwhile, at 1:30 p.m., the tape began to be broadcast over the radio. Between 1:30 p.m. and 2:47 p.m.., the negotiators worked out the logistics for the pending surrender with both Schneider and Koresh. It was agreed that Koresh would come out first on the stretcher carried by four males. Koresh was to be accompanied by an unknown number of women and children. Steve Schneider was to remain in the compound to coordinate the exit of the remaining individuals once the first group had been removed from the scene. The plan was that Schneider would send out one person approximately every two to three minutes. "

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #125 on: September 12, 2005, 04:59:07 PM »
"By 3:00 p.m., vehicles were in place to handle the movement of the people coming out, laboratory personnel were standing by to process the crime scene, and no additional problems were anticipated. Between 3:00 p.m. and 4:45 p.m., several individuals, including Koresh and Schneider,.spoke to the negotiators advising them that surrender was imminent and that people were in the process of saying goodbye to Koresh and to each other. At 4:47 p.m., the FBI was advised by an individual in the compound that Koresh was preaching to the group and leading them in prayer. Steve Schneider came on the line at 5:45 p.m. and, in an obvious attempt to delay, began to preach and read the Bible. At 5:52 p.m., the negotiators interrupted Schneider's preaching and demanded that they go forward with the plan to surrender. Schneider relayed this demand to Koresh, and at 5:58 p.m., he informed the negotiators that Koresh had said to tell them that God had spoken to him and had told him to wait."

Ohh I see now, God told him to not surrender. lmao

"According to one individual who left the compound during the standoff, there was never any plan to surrender on March 2. Instead, a number of individuals were to come outside with Koresh, who would be on the stretcher. After exiting, they would blow themselves up with some type of explosive device. Afterwards, all the remaining people inside would either be killed or would kill themselves. On the afternoon of March 1, everyone said goodbye to Koresh, then were sent to the chapel to pray. A short while later, according to the individual, Koresh cancelled the plan, claiming that they were not praying correctly and that God had told him to wait."

I'm not even gonna go through more of the Negotiation tapes. That should be suffiecent. Plenty of opportunities to come out peacefully but the Davidians decided to stay there. And I am convinced they would not be taken out alive.

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #126 on: September 12, 2005, 04:59:59 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
at one point in the negotiations the negotiator admits that helicopters were firing into the building...

worse.... in one place in the negotiations.... the negotiator tells the davidians that if they try to come out and surrender they will be killed..   that might explain some of the reluctance.

Read what I posted above.

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #127 on: September 12, 2005, 05:09:48 PM »
Originally posted by Toad

ROFLMAO!  What need is there for a raid when you have been invited in to inspect?


Really? Well, what if the ATF has turned down an invitation to inspect the whole operation and chooses to attack with ATF agents firing first? It hasn't been proven that the BD's fired first you know.

From PBS:


You look bad because you are defending an ATF operation that spun out of control and needlessly killed 80 people. In fact, you look REALLY bad.

The BD's were surrounded. What immediate threat to their neighbors, their state or their nation did they represent? Why the need to take them out using force? They would have given up sooner or later.


You've been shown it isn't "one incident". BATF and IRS are two governmental agencies that routinely trample the Constitution. [/B]

If someone knows your coming do you think they will just leave alll their illegal guns and explosives out so you can find them? I would probably hide them somewhere off property and say hey come have a look. lol

I didnt say BD's fired first I said they shot at law enforcement which they did.

Read what I posted about Koresh surrendering. LIke I said I don't  think they had any intention of coming out alive.

Why the hurry? Why wait? Those people were not hostages or were they? In which case add kidnapping and hostage taking to Koresh and Davidians list of offenses.

It is willful disrepect and contempt for our laws that caused Waco. Not a fight over Constitution.

I havent been shown anything more than WACO. Someone mentioned Ruby Ridge and that is the only incident I see. So pehaps you would like to expand. I also see you ignore the # of safe no-knock warrants that are executed each year vs. the number of mistakes that end in deaths. It's a very very low percentage.

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« Reply #128 on: September 12, 2005, 05:34:20 PM »
80 people died in a raid to provide TV exposure for BATF so they could get increased funding.

Your sad belief in the validity of incompetently executed "no knock" raids shows how little you value the 4th Amendment.

Think of this: Put the BD's under visual surveillance. Accept their offer to inspect. IF they attempted to move prohibited items, you could catch them with those out of the compound and away from the children.

Your willingness to forgive this slaughter is disgusting. There were any number of ways to accomplish the arrest of Koresh and the inspection of that compound WITHOUT attacking it with machine guns, helos and tanks.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #129 on: September 12, 2005, 05:44:37 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
80 people died in a raid to provide TV exposure for BATF so they could get increased funding.

Your sad belief in the validity of incompetently executed "no knock" raids shows how little you value the 4th Amendment.

Think of this: Put the BD's under visual surveillance. Accept their offer to inspect. IF they attempted to move prohibited items, you could catch them with those out of the compound and away from the children.

Your willingness to forgive this slaughter is disgusting. There were any number of ways to accomplish the arrest of Koresh and the inspection of that compound WITHOUT attacking it with machine guns, helos and tanks.

No, 4 people died in the initial raid. 76 lives did not have to be lost.

I value the 4th. That is why they had a LEGAL WARRANT!!! That is not a violation of the 4th. This is not a constitutional issue.

Ok the feds plan might not have been the best, but we don't know how the BD's might have reacted to the ATF coming to search. That is all pure speculation that they would have not have shed blood when they found out Koresh was in custody.

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #130 on: September 12, 2005, 05:48:50 PM »
:lol  Nice purse swinging thread

Offline Toad

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« Reply #131 on: September 12, 2005, 05:53:18 PM »
Your heroes at work:

[/quote]Monique Montgomery

Ms. Montgomery was alone, asleep in her bed at the time of the raid. The BATF "entered" her home. Upon awaking, the woman armed herself with a legally owned 9mm handgun she kept by her bedside. The BATF claims they advised her four times that they were federal agents in her home with a search warrant, and to drop the gun. They allege that she continued to hold the gun on them and that they had no choice but to fire. She was struck by four 9mm bullets, survived and has since been released from the hos pital. Her handgun was loaded, but not fired. No narcotics and no other firearms were found in her home.

A BATF agent who was at the scene, Gerry (or Jerry) Miller, claims the warrant was executed completely within BATF policys and guidelines. On July 22nd, when asked if any charges have been filed against the woman, Agent Miller answered that none were yet but there was a possibility assault charges would later be filed against the woman.

He was asked how much time elapsed between the "entry" and the shots being fired, and said he couldn't say but that he would characterize it as a very short period of time.

Loiue Katona

The heart of NRA beats in a family in Ohio, where the bread winner is a successful businessman, civic leader, family man and part-time police officer.

When agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raided the home of Louie and Kimberly Katona, they did more than confiscate all his firearms.

During the raid, an agent shoved wife Kimberly into a concrete wall.

She said she felt something tear, but it was more than the fabric of her rights.

She was pregnant, she began bleeding and soon lost what was going to be their second child.

In court, BATF charged that Louie Katona falsified forms when he
purchased those firearms.

The judge not only threw out the case.

He actually asked BATF, where's the beef?

The Katona family won't take it sitting down.  They're fighting back,pressing a civil suit against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Sina Brush & Harry Lumplugh

Sina Brush:September, 1991: Sixty DEA agents, accompanied by BATF, the National Guard, (and the U. S. Forest Service for heaven's sake!) and anyone else needed to subdue these "dangerous criminals" descended upon the home of Mrs. Sina Brush. They held her and her daughter, in their underwear, at a kneel while they searched the house for drugs, none of which were found.

Harry Lumplugh:Then there was the raid on the home of Harry and Theresa Lumplugh in Pennsylvalia. The BATF sent 15 to 20 men against this couple who were forced, at gunpoint, to open safes and hand over private papers. Agents kicked their dangerous cat to death. Again: no drugs and no charges.

ATF Rips Off Another Gun Dealer in Arizona, Confiscates 274 guns and 3,000 Form 4473's, Without making an official arrest or even filing charges

Keep defending this out of control agency.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Toad

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« Reply #132 on: September 12, 2005, 05:54:26 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179
No, 4 people died in the initial raid. 76 lives did not have to be lost.


Wrong again. NO lives had to be lost.

BATF incompentence killed all 80.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #133 on: September 12, 2005, 05:57:03 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
Wrong again. NO lives had to be lost.

BATF incompentence killed all 80.

No people shooting at Law Enforcement Agents performing a LEGAL WARRANT execution got them killed.

Do you say the warrant was Illegal Toad? Or do you just think it was a bad plan?

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #134 on: September 12, 2005, 05:59:00 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
Your heroes at work:

Monique Montgomery

Loiue Katona

Sina Brush & Harry Lumplugh

ATF Rips Off Another Gun Dealer in Arizona, Confiscates 274 guns and 3,000 Form 4473's, Without making an official arrest or even filing charges

Keep defending this out of control agency. [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm not saying they don't mistakes, they do. But put those numbers up against the number of times they perform these searches and I think you will realize it's not systemic. Hell those 3 you mention span the last 15 years.