Author Topic: Parent jailed for spanking child...  (Read 3142 times)

Offline StSanta

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Parent jailed for spanking child...
« Reply #60 on: July 08, 2001, 08:29:00 AM »
Children are evil things.

it should be for the masses to produce them to see forth that the elite has young mating partners and the species continues, but beyond that, they're just an evil necessity.

They severly restrict your movements and is a huge financial burden. Unless your goal in life is something as uttery boring as marriage children volvo house retirement die, you really shouldn't have children.

Fortunately for me, this is exactly what the average plebeian idiot wants out of life. Routines that substitute each other, a predictability that makes the mundane even more boring and tedious. Uninteresting lives where discussions revolve around "how was school?", "eat your food", "do so because I say so" and little more.

Some may argue that one can do cool things even when you have kids.

Well, imagine what you could do if you DIDN'T have them. More cash, and, if you're a responsible parent type, a helluva lot more options.

They're evil life-limiters and most of us are unable to get over our biological urge to get them, even though our intellect knows it's overall a pretty bad idea.

Let the masses produce the necessary bastards. Let them make the feeble minded boring routine supervision and blah blah.

The world is my playground and the plebeian masses there to support and amuse me.

Having children. Whoever came up with that idea?

Children cause me to miss the Rumble 2001 - my brother, although possessing a very significant intellect - also fell into this pit and I have to go watch his kid get baptized.

BAPTIZED!  Hell, let the KID choose when she is old enough. I miss the rumble for THAT?

They're evil, I tell, you, evil.

Our organisatoin takes over when they're ready for indoctrin...ehm, "teaching of the real ethical and moral values".

You poor parents. You know what you potentially are missing but is trading that for a life of routine and mediocrity.


Offline Sandman

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Parent jailed for spanking child...
« Reply #61 on: July 08, 2001, 01:17:00 PM »
Hehe... yep... can't wait to kick 'em outta my house.   :D

Offline buhdman

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Parent jailed for spanking child...
« Reply #62 on: July 08, 2001, 01:34:00 PM »
Originally posted by Kieran:
You misread me. My point is that if you take a totally passive approach to discipline it is not discipline at all. What I specifically refer to are the parents who believe that a wonderful human being will unfurl like a flower at sunrise- all you have to do is feed and water it. I am talking about parents who can reason away every form of direct intervention of child misconduct. I am speaking of parents who believe the emotional well-being (read "feelings") of their child is more important than the physical harm or property damage their children have generated.

I don't mean you have to spank to be a good parent, I mean you aren't a bad parent just because you spank. I mean you fail as a parent if you don't address misconduct. I mean you fail your child if you allow them to make others suffer for their convenience.

I think you've hit the nail on the head.  You cannot raise children without discipline.  But that discipline needs to be tempered with love, understanding, and compassion.

I think my personal objection to spanking is that it is only a clinched fist and a six-pack of beer away from being physical child abuse. If you become to accustomed to hitting your child whenever you want to make a point, then you open yourself up big time for the possibility that one day, when YOU are out of control, you will wind up hurting your child in a way that goes far beyond the cause of discipline.  I've seen this happen and it makes me sick to my stomach.

And I think we should be concerned with the effects on our children's feelings and emotional well-being of whatever disciplinary approach we choose.  After all, they are people, too, and deserve the same respect as anyone else.  And emotional abuse can be equally as damaging to a child as physical abuse.  I speak from experience, here - mine. It took me many years of therapy to overcome my emotionally abusive upbringing.

Keep in mind, here, that we are the adults.  We are the ones who supposedly have knowledge, experience, and wisdom on our side.  We should, then, be able to find a way to discipline our children without harming them, either physically or emotionally, be it a swat on the butt, a "natural consequence", or time-out in the corner.

If we can't learn to discipline our children without harming them, then we simply shouldn't have children.


Buhdman, out

[ 07-08-2001: Message edited by: buhdman ]

Offline Kieran

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Parent jailed for spanking child...
« Reply #63 on: July 08, 2001, 02:13:00 PM »
My Dearest St.Santa-

Let me respond to your tongue-in-cheek soliloquy with a bit of philosophy.

Parenthood is perhaps the greatest joy of life, and the ultimate expression of love. It is the fountain of youth, whereupon we (the aged) live again vicariously through the eyes of our children. It is where we pass on the vital piece of ourselves that will outlast our mortal shells. It is the fulfillment of our purpose as people. It is the great teacher, where our theories of psychology are put to the true test. It is a teacher of cooperation and compromise, a teacher of sacrifice and the existance of something greater than self. And if you pardon this religious context it is the true metaphor of God's love. Love for our children is unquestioning and unwavering, and because of it we can begin to understand God's love for us.

Offline StSanta

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Parent jailed for spanking child...
« Reply #64 on: July 08, 2001, 06:35:00 PM »
Heya Kieren  :)

In the interest of the Elitist Who Say No To Evil Kids Movement, I feel compelled to answer. We're right, but then again, we're the elite. I don't think that you poor plebeians will have a chance of understanding what I'm saying, but my views are so clear, concise and correct that it's joyful for me just to give them for free.

[n]Parenthood is perhaps the greatest joy of life, and the ultimate expression of love. It is the fountain of youth, whereupon we (the aged) live again vicariously through the eyes of our children.[/b]

You only got one life. Live it right in the first place and there'll be no need to have a poor substitute such as kids.

It is where we pass on the vital piece of ourselves that will outlast our mortal shells. It is the fulfillment of our purpose as people.

Boooh, hisss. When we're dead, we're dead. Just think about it; first generation, half yer DNA is passed. Second, only a fourth. Move on a few hundred years and your DNA will be almost completely wiped out. You might as well just pack some cells and freeze 'um down; they're more potent as replicas of you and more "you" than some other person.

And, we're not banana flies. Well, you the grey unschooled masses are, but we, the Elite, aren't. Our purpose in life is not to procreate and ensure the continuation of human life. Sure, that's what evolution has engrained in us and it's an instinctual thing, but it can be overcome. The meaning of life is the same as the meaning of coffee - anything we define it to be. note I say "we", but what I mean with "we" is the Elite, and only a subset of the Elite; those agreeing with my views.

It is the great teacher, where our theories of psychology are put to the true test. It is a teacher of cooperation and compromise, a teacher of sacrifice and the existance of something greater than self.

You can do all this without having kids. If yer good at it, chances are you'll get more outta life.

And if you pardon this religious context it is the true metaphor of God's love. Love for our children is unquestioning and unwavering, and because of it we can begin to understand God's love for us.

I can come up with numerous cases where parents aren't particularly pleased about their kids. Some cases where they downright don't love 'um. Perhaps the same is true for an eventual God.

Heheh, now seriously, I see your point.

Seen from an evolutionary point of view, it's in our best interests to select a mate which will produce offspring with qualities that'll  aid in the survival of said offspring. In the human species it's not enough just to mate and give birth however; like with most intelligent mammals, the offspring is very vulnerable initially and has a lot of learning to do. So, we have in us a mechanism that ensures we take care of this step too.

But if I have to choose between a life of compromises, sacrifices, stupid boring routines and being tied up for 18 years and a life of freedom, at this point in my life the choice is very easy.

I also recognize that the pleasures we get outta life comes from our primitive sides - sex is one. Subjecting oneself to danger, perceived or real, also gives us a thrill. Being in love is a big time kick. Simple touches from a loved one the same and so on and so forth. Or so I've heard. Anyway.

With a little luck, that instinctual need won't manifest itself til I'm much older and have done more fun stuff with no obligations or unnecessary responsibilities lying around in the back of my mind.

My bro has got three kids now, and I think I have a quite good idea of what you're talking about - and it's a tempting concept! I just feel that too many fall for the temptation without thinking about the consequences and as a result we have kids growing up with bad parents. Which in turn affects me, because they're out there doing annoying stuff that hurt others.

Who knows, mayhap I'll remain childless for my entire life. I don't worry too  much about dying alone, because that's what we all will do; death is the ultimate private thing and can only be done by the person doing the dying (duh, obviously). Living alone isn't bad either, because it frees one of a lot of responsibility and emotional strain and adds a great deal of personal freedom.

So what I'm asking with this tirade is: how many have actually considered the consequences of having a kid? It seems to me that even some of the people who HAVE kids are utterly unaware of the responsibilities involved, and *that* scares me a lot - if they are and they actually have kids, who knows what consequences I haven't foreseen?

Seems like a risky, life limiting endevour to me, and I certainly hope all the primitive rewards one gets from having kids make up for the added responsibility and the limits on actions having kids means.

Offline Naso

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Parent jailed for spanking child...
« Reply #65 on: July 09, 2001, 06:03:00 AM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:

Geological and political preferences tend to sway us to 'sterotype' people, you and I would probably be pleasantly surprised how much we really agree on!

Oh my, OH MY!! I'm agreeing again!!!  :eek:


I have always believed this, if just people will stop to "stereotyping" (?sp.?) others, this green ball will be a lot more pleasible (?sp.?) place to live.
