Author Topic: The End Times...  (Read 1261 times)

Offline lazs2

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The End Times...
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2005, 09:13:38 AM »
whatever shoes you think will look good on the sidewalk and impress other denizens of the city nash.  I know how important shoes are to you city boys and girls.  something to talk about or judge a person by...


Offline FiLtH

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The End Times...
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2005, 09:59:06 AM »
Ripley is right.We will always be here. "You have always been the caretaker Mr.Torrence."

  But instead of being man, our mass maybe converted into a rock. Or if we are lucky we get mixed up in water and feed a future tree.

   I think when it happens it will be rather surprising, as far as the violence, and speed in which it happens.  If Yellowstone suddenly erupted, it would just be a natural part of things. The planet would have no remorse. It just happens. And we are in the way.Same if a large meteor hit. Given enough time, anything can happen. I just hope its quick. I dont want to live in any other kind of world.


Offline Sandman

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The End Times...
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2005, 10:08:23 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
In sandies case... he probly has plenty of insurance... his family will be as well off or better off... they will probly have new opportunities opened up to them by his death.   There will be change.... some probly very good.

why sweat it?

We're raised to be responsible adults. It comes with the territory. Maybe it's arrogance to think that my influence on my immediate family doesn't end with my paycheck.

Offline Gh0stFT

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The End Times...
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2005, 10:08:24 AM »
it all depends from the point of view.
The Universe is sooo big, who out there in the milkyway
alone would really care if we humans stop to exist ?
does it play any matter if we exist or not? i doub it.

billions & billions of humans allready died since humanrace exist.
Like Sandman said, i think it'll be lights out, party's over.

Ask yourself where was you 2000 years ago? or the last
200 billions years ago?
you never know because you didnt existet, that the
same thing when you die. the next 2000 years and
the next 200 billions years...
To be dead dont hurt, at least it didnt hurt before ;)

thats why we should love & enjoy the given gift "our life".
dont lose it, itl be over, forever.
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.

Offline Yeager

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The End Times...
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2005, 11:42:40 AM »
Sand, when you die you will return to the state you were in before you were conceived. You will simply cease to exist.

The reality is that when we die as individuals, the universe ends.
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Offline Reschke

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« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2005, 11:51:10 AM »
I don't think we will have much warning at all. You may get some drunk running around screaming the end is coming but if you do get some warning just cover your bases and be ready for the big bang. Because I think once it starts its going to be over really fast.

BTW I just saw Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy this past week and it was one of the stupidest movies I have seen in a long time....I thought it was funny but overall rather stupid.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 12:04:51 PM by Reschke »
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Offline BluKitty

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The End Times...
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2005, 12:24:57 PM »
I'm glad too see some more money speant on Nasa and further moon missions et cetra.......
We don't need to be tied to this wonderful little rock we call Earth forever..... we just have to use our heads.... and spend lifetimes of effort.

But we can move beyond being mortally tied to earth as well as furthering protection from the inevitable asteriod.... sure it's not going to happen tommow or likely in 100 generations.... It doesn't mean that we stop exploreing .. stop pushing the boundries.... otherwise we don't complete lifes contract, to expand, explore and spread life.  We humans are the seed of this planet.  Birds just couldn't fly high enough :D

Offline Skuzzy

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The End Times...
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2005, 02:56:55 PM »
There are several things which oculd end our little journey.

1)  Hit by another body drifting around in space.  This is a crap shoot, but could happen.

2)  The more likely scenario is the departure of the Moon from its orbit of Earth.  It will happen and is happening now.  The Moon does more than cause the tides to come to and fro.
It stabilizes Earth's rotation.  Without it, the Earth would rotate much like Mars (and several other planets in the solar system), all about a variable axis.  SOme months the current Poles would be 90 degrees from thier rotation, other times, -90 degrees, and still other times 180 degrees out of current rotation phase.
A tipsy, out of balance, top is what it amounts to.

Nothing will stop this, short of another disaster bringing about the end of Earth.

The end brought about from the Moon's departure would be fairly slow for mankind, but no one would survive.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Yeager

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The End Times...
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2005, 03:19:01 PM »
Our NASA mission!  to send giant booster rockets to the Dark side of the Moon and then to shoot them at just the right amount of thrust in just the perfect direction for precisely the perfect amount of time!  Only then will we avert global catastrophy!
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Rude

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Re: The End Times...
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2005, 04:28:10 PM »
Originally posted by Nash

Some horrific catastrophe.... and the world goes lights out. Goodnight John, goodnight Suzie.

I don't really give it much thought.... although there was this one day about a year ago when I walked by one of those newspaper boxes, misread a headline, and it was like "OMG that's it. It's all over."

So.... but...  what?... Maybe it's robots gettin' wise, demanding higher pay and shorter hours, and ultimately sayin' ta hell with tha man and deciding to mow everyone down with laser beams.

Or the environment becomes the earth-sized equivalent of some pimply faced teenager's bedroom.... and Mother Nature decides to discipline us with like, the ultimate rolling pin of you're-so-grounded and ps. here's like, a huge flood.

Or a butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo, someone gets distracted -  drops a coupla yen - and by the time the stock markets re-open on the East coast everyone's suddenly without electricity and you're no longer on speakin' terms with your ATM.

Or the sun is coming up, you're on your daily commute to work, feeling the good vibes coming from your Eric Clapton CD as you pull into the Shell, roll down your window and hear: "Hi Mr. Johnson. About the gas? It's too bad, but we do have a two for one deal on cigarettes if you act now.

(I thought better of writing some Bush/button graf. See? I'm not a monster).

Do you ever think about the end times? Do you think there is really even going to be an end times? If so, do you think it will happen in your lifetime? Or if after that - how far ahead?

And if you do.... do you attribute it to the secular misdeeds of mankind, or a religious foretelling?

Not too pallitable for non-believers, but I believe in the bible as God's written word. Won't be pretty.

Offline Pooh21

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Re: Re: The End Times...
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2005, 04:37:07 PM »
Originally posted by Rude
Not too pallitable for non-believers, but I believe in the bible as God's written word. Won't be pretty.

Still would be amusing to see the average shrill whiny atheist, squealing like a pig " I dont believe!" When the Four Horsemen come galloping in the sky over the horizon.

Still think it is a meteor that will do it.
Or in some freak turn of events Boroda becoming Russias PM, then hitting the button as the ultimate O'club debate winner.

As long as I have enough time to say goodbye to my family, access to a Catholic priest fer confession, a bottle of rum, and Angelina Jolie, all close at hand, I will be very happy when it happens
Bis endlich der Fiend am Boden liegt.
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Offline Gunthr

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The End Times...
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2005, 08:01:30 PM »
I think its possible to have an end to everything as we know it, although a total extinction of humans seems far fetched...

I'm thinking about things like the decreasing effectiveness of antibiotics - fewer and fewer left in our tool box due to resistence devoloping in various infectious bacterium.  More than that, the swift mutation of viruses these days... flesh eating necrosis, immune sytem attacks, hemmoragic internal bleeding from a hundred different places in the body, all spread by various animals, birds and human activity.  (Seems like a lot of it originates in Africa???)  We've had plagues before that decimated a good percentage of the world's population.

Animal populations that reproduce to the point of cramping themselves have historically secumbed to some mechanism that drastically reduces thier numbers... maybe even nuclear war.   I sometimes wonder if religeous predictions of endtimes refers to this kind of thing.
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The End Times...
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2005, 10:17:06 PM »
Originally posted by Gunthr
I think its possible to have an end to everything as we know it, although a total extinction of humans seems far fetched...

I'm thinking about things like the decreasing effectiveness of antibiotics - fewer and fewer left in our tool box due to resistence devoloping in various infectious bacterium.  More than that, the swift mutation of viruses these days... flesh eating necrosis, immune sytem attacks, hemmoragic internal bleeding from a hundred different places in the body, all spread by various animals, birds and human activity.  (Seems like a lot of it originates in Africa???)  We've had plagues before that decimated a good percentage of the world's population.

Animal populations that reproduce to the point of cramping themselves have historically secumbed to some mechanism that drastically reduces thier numbers... maybe even nuclear war.   I sometimes wonder if religeous predictions of endtimes refers to this kind of thing.
as recently as 1918 when a global outbreak of influenza was estimated to have claimed more lives than the 1914-18 conflict did.

Offline Toad

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The End Times...
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2005, 11:00:38 PM »
On this astral plane, the "end of times" is when your particular ticket gets punched. After that it's some "new time". It may be a new time with a conscious existence for you or it may just be "Boom, boom boom.. out go the lights" depending on which or how many of the various theories are actually correct.

Now, whether or not your ticket gets punched simultaneously with the other ~6.5 billion passengers on Spaceship Earth really doesn't matter, does it?

I mean, if your ticket gets punched, how worried are you going to be after that no matter what, if anything, comes next?

So... do I worry about it? Nope. Most likely I'll get my ticket punched long before humankind gets waxed in toto. So you guys will just have to muddle along anyway. I'm out of the game.

If by chance we all go poof... we're all out of the game.

No worries, mate.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!


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« Reply #29 on: October 03, 2005, 11:07:06 PM »
It's very hard to predict the outcome of the future when people are concerned.

Who would have thought that the century which gave us the worst wars, the most devestating weapons and some of worst global disease pandemics would also give us the greatest explosion in global knowledge, wealth, quality of life, life expextancy and population in some 2000 years.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 11:24:52 PM by GRUNHERZ »