Originally posted by Munkii
Hey buddy, you need to quit cluttering this 2 year too late witch hunt with facts. I'm keeping my eye on you.
Witch hunt? Better get a thesarus and look up the definition.
This was basically a review of where they are at today after the controversy two years ago.
They did well in 2003 for a couple reasons, one, sales of most concert tickets were complete before the controversy really got wings, and two, they do have a loyal fan base.
But, record sales really dont pay the artist much, most money comes from concerts and radio play residuals. With radio play at almost zero, they lost that revenue stream, and without concerts, they dont have that either.
Granted, they are already rich, and will never go hungry, and I wouldnt want them too, but I find it interesting how they have dropped off the radar all together.
Yes, they been off having babies, but that doesnt account for the almost complete lack of news, music or radio play.