Originally posted by Pyro
I need to decide what armament options are to be included on the various 109s. What ordnance should be available for the different variants? Did the ETC 50 see much use? Remove gondolas from the Franz?
If I can be of any help....
- Gondolas were option on Bf 109s, F*, G or K. Ie., there was no different versions like '109 w. gondolas' or '109 w/o gondolas'.
They were factory prepeared to carry it (from the Gustav onwards).
ALL subtypes. Pretty much like droptanks, or bombs, wiring etc. was there in the wings, if they were felt to be needed, the groundcrew would remove the lower wing panels, and could install the the whole gondola rather quickly, or remove them if they were unneccesary for the mission.
Briefly, it should be an option for all Bf 109 F*, G K subtype.
- The MK 108 was not really an option, but you can handle it as such. On the G-series, it was a different subtype, produced with this weapon in the factory, and the aircraft stayed with this gun after that.
It designated with /U4. Ie. G-6/U4, G-14/U4, G-10/U4. It would be fair to say that about 1/3 of these planes were produced as /U4.
'Normal ones', designated G-6, G-14, G-10 would carry the MG 151/20. It couldn't be changed in the field.
On the 109K, the gun mounted was always the MK 108, so not an option but a rule.
- ETC 50 was used on Bf 109E, F and G series.
ALL subtypes. The 109K did not have this listed, though I am rather certain it was merely a choice, there were better weapons, ie. cluster bombs.
Instead of dropping 4x50kg bombs, bomblet dispensers were introduced, first used in June 1941. Initially they were fixed bomb bay-like stuff attached to the aircraft's belly, that would drop the bomblets, later bomb-like containers were introduced, these being 250kg (or 500kg) 'mother bombs', that carried many smaller bomblets of 2kg, 10 kg, etc. size, which opened after dropped and ejected the smaller ones, a bit like modern cluster bombs.
There were quite a few variations, most being different sized and quantity fragmantation bomblets, which were great against soft targets, but there were one with cumulative (HEAT) bomblets for anti-armor work. Imho at least the AB 250-I with 96x2kg SD2 bombs should be added. It was carried on the usual ETC 500 bombrack.
AB 250 :
And it's contents.... 96 pieces of SD 2 'butterfly' frag bomblets :
- Ordonance : Bf 109E, F, G were limited to 250 kg bombs, because of ground clearance issues with larger bombs (the bombrack could handle a 500kger though).
The 109K had the long tail unit as standard fitting, giving the needed clearance, and according to the datasheet and manual, it was cleared for up to 500kg (or 250kg, of course) bomb. I suppose the late 109G-10 or G-14 could also carry such, if they had the long tailwheel as well, but that varied from plane to plane, ie not standard for all planes.
* of the 109F series, the later production Bf 109F-4/R1 had the neccesary factory prepeations to carry gondolas, ie. not all 109Fs could mount it. So imho do not remove it as an option.
If you have any questions, I'd be glad to help, contact me at
kurfurst@atw.hu !