Author Topic: Furballers Vs. Toolshedders  (Read 11968 times)

Offline AutoPilot

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #45 on: October 25, 2005, 03:14:28 PM »
Before the concept of land grab was even born all people did was furball and it was good

when i started playing in 2000 thats all we did was take got a decent  fight when they tryed stopping you.

think alot has to do with the type of player you are. Fighter guys cant imagine spending time flying slow carrying bombs to a target over and over as fun, and many bomber guys dont see the fun in furballing either because they arent very good in fighters or its boring to them.

The whole point of bombing is that maybe just maybe someone will try too come up there and shoot at those " Bombers".

In AH-1 the furballs were always above 5-K and lasted quite some time.The whole point of taking up a fighter is to kill something that is flying near you.That doesn't mean you have too fight other fighters only.A lot of pilots like takin a La-7 to a base to pork troops and wait for some fool to up and try to kill him.Vulching when there is no base capture going on is
weak and a cheap way to pad one's score and like a "fire and forget "
weapon takes no skill.

So instead of setting up area's for the furballers to furball,why doesn't
everyone just meet at the front line and fight like we did in AH-1?

who cares if some guy ups bombers,go shoot him down.

There is a " i must kill more than 2 people so i can get my name up in lights"
mentallity  going on in the game.But judging from the complaints on this BB
 you would never be able to tell.

Offline mechanic

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2005, 03:20:11 PM »
Originally posted by Stang
It's simple, really.  I could care less if it's toolshedders, furballers, dweebs, chodes or whatever, I just want to see action going on.  No, not that home movie, Morph.  This is a multiplayer online game, one which we all pay $15 a month to particpate in.  It absolutely perplexes me why the majority of people pay this to play a game where the point is to compete against other human beings, then turn around and do everything humaly possible to avoid any kind of engagement with them.  You can toolshed and still fight other people.  In fact, wouldn't the most satisfying base capture be the ones where you slaughter the enemy then take his land, instead of throwing 20 planes at an undefended field?  Then you could really say, haha, you guys suck, we just kicked your ass.  But unfortunately this rarely happens.

Like i said, it makes no sense.  Please, just fight each other.  If the MA had half the fireworks the BBs has it would be rediculously fun, and better.

yup, it does.

our squad throws up big buff missions and we fly 15k with large escorts groups higher. we play real war and hit the bases that supply the other teams land grabbers.

you see a green base under heavy assault?

what we do is make a mission to send some good fighters to take the vulchers out and at the same time send a flight of B24s with ponys to escort them to hit the root of the problem.  we dont hit strat or hangers, we hit the town and VH.

after we kick asss and have control of the base the only way you're getting it back is by beating the vulch (which we turned the tide to create) or upping from another field.

this way helps all the furballers in our squad by finding them the highest concentration of enemy to kill, and to kill them for a reason. to help our land team do their job better.

furballers and toolsheds go hand in hand, and i am not afraid to drop the odd VH or two and deack a field in return for the start guys always providing me with a constant supply of enemy fighters to defend them against.
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #47 on: October 25, 2005, 03:21:47 PM »
Originally posted by Waffle BAS
I guess I can that point of view, though it could read like this:

In fact, wouldn't the most satisfying fights be the ones where you slaughter the enemy in an  fight , instead of throwing 20 planes on one con?  Then you could really say, haha, you guys suck, we just kicked your ass.  But unfortunately this rarely happens.

Yeah, what I was thinking... just left that out.

Offline hubsonfire

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #48 on: October 25, 2005, 04:27:57 PM »
I didn't think the map sizes were the problem at first, but I have say now that I think it's certainly a major factor. I'm thinking we could have smaller maps with far fewer bases and not have a negative affect on gameplay.
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Offline rshubert

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #49 on: October 25, 2005, 04:33:44 PM »
Originally posted by Vudak
Just curious if you think this doesn't apply to people on a map with over 100 bases going out of their way to take furball/fighter island?

Couldn't say, Vudak.  I don't participate in taking furball island or tanktown, and have had "discussions" with some of my friends over the issue.  We lost a couple of squaddies over one of those discussions, much to my sorrow.

In that particular case, it was a reaction to people from other countries taking tanktown out, by the way.  There was an element of "getbackism" to the attack.

Offline ghi

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #50 on: October 25, 2005, 04:40:40 PM »
Furbaling is fun but some organized fights in MA makes memories, is cool to drop the frame rate at take off 40-50 planes in the same time, and do something

 I'll never forget Rocstar's missions,BOPS missions, Waffle's missions 30+Nikis just for fight, no C47s in mission, or we had a 20+ me163s in a mission, last month  intercepting  HQ raid
 or Fariz set up a mission 2 -3 years ago, 40+C.202s, everyone came back with tons of assists,lol

Offline megadud

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #51 on: October 25, 2005, 04:46:33 PM »
i guess i am just spoiled because when i first started playing in december 04 the first month was nothing but otd furballs. they slowly went away and hardly ever happen now.

Offline rshubert

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #52 on: October 25, 2005, 04:49:46 PM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
See Rule #4

Morphie, i gave you three possible reasons, and advocated none.  You, of course, chose to berate me for the one you like the least.  And the word is "reek", little boy.  Use good language.  Especially, don't call people "stupid" and make a mistake like that in the same sentence.  It reeks of irony.  Show a little civility.  Haven't you been able to learn ANYTHING from the last few weeks' posts?  Flamers and insulters are not well thought of.

By the way, pal--there are perfectly legit reasons for leaving the vh up.  If the goon is close by, and no vehicles are out, THERE AIN'T NO FLAK THAT CAN OUTRUN A GOON TO TOWN.  Flaks are--at that moment--out of the picture.

But if your cap is weak (you know, not an overwhelming "horde"), and they keep upping planes, the fighter hangars are much more dangerous, since their survival means that fighters can keep upping and upping and upping...The CAP planes need to pay attention to threats from other, nearby enemy fields, too--that takes resources away from the vulch game.

And finally, morphie, don't presume to tell me how to run a base capture.  You couldn't organize a drink of water.  And you profess to never participate in that activity.  Where did you get your expertise, then?
« Last Edit: October 26, 2005, 12:28:22 PM by Skuzzy »

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #53 on: October 25, 2005, 04:50:30 PM »
Originally posted by Stang

 If the MA had half the fireworks the BBs has it would be rediculously fun, and better.

No kidding!

But the MA has become a horde mentality, gang-bang or be gang-banged.  Capping a field that is being vulched can be almost as frustrating as being gang-banged.

I remember in AH1 where we had massive furball going on between bases all the time.

Now we have conga lines going from one base to the next.  And we can have say the Rooks hitting a Knight base and vulching it while we Knights in the base next to it are vulching the base next to the airfield the Rooks are upping from (could be Bish too, no offense meant to any side).

It is like Horde ignore horde.

We still get some nice furballs going, then we hit the tool sheds and stop the furball.  

The MA is chaos.

I must become "One with the Chaos"

AKFokerFoder+ sits cross legged, and chants his manta "Vulch"..."Vulch"..."Vulch"


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maybe when TOD is released .....
« Reply #54 on: October 25, 2005, 04:53:15 PM »
Maybe when TOD is released and all these " Barn Busters " & Fighter Hanger killers  "& their  mission planners, take their war to TOD and have the time of their ( Fun )  lives playing it, ....then  some of this on going crap will pass..... What I can not understand,  is why  HTC's crew dosen't just setup a Fighter Town , ( or atleast try it )  it worked great in AirWarrior & it was a complete blast of continual fun.....
 ( On the other side of it, the  HTC Crew is the very best at what they do, and I'm sure they have looked at all the pro's and Con's of a Fighter Town ...... )
 Maybe with TOD up and running, the MA can even  have some of  the old maps, restore the  old fuel burn and I will beable to find a dog fight without having to spend all night ....... to find a gut wrenching, on the deck, in the trees, screaming fight wid the latest, fastes fighters the game has ......Hell I might even beable to Fly the LA7 again ( like in AH 1 ) to a  furball, fight till I shoot out all my amo, and have enough fuel to fly back and land ( providing I don't hit the deck or tree or  get killed  fightin' )

 Barrowed some lines here , but for me it fits......
 Why should I be forced to spend that time flying long distances to bomb troops and ord at back enemy bases (something I'm not very good at because IT'S BORING) because some killjoy toolsheadder cannot resist the temptation to drop the hangers at the only decent  furball fight in the arena.

I do not want to pork troops and ord either.

I will not fly for 45 minutes to help you capture an undefended airfield,

 and I also will not,  nor ever will  I  be your resource....

   This is my self-centered .02 cent slant on how I find my gameplay, as it is in the MA now.
  I really miss the game play of Aceshigh 1 ......


 Oh ya , one other thing I would love to see added to AH2 is the LA 9 !!!
Originally posted by Panman
God the BK's are some some ugly mo-fo's. Please no more pictures, I'm going blind Bet your mothers don't even love ya cause u'all sooooooooo F******* ulgy.

Offline SuperDud

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #55 on: October 25, 2005, 04:58:37 PM »
You are all exactly right.
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Offline FiLtH

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #56 on: October 25, 2005, 05:00:04 PM »
Now before I say what Im gonna say, let it be known I enjoy both fighters and bombers. Too much of one and I get bored. Now..If HTC provided an arena that had no bombers, or capture, only ack to protect against vulchers (hvy), and just 3 bases, set up much like the donut,no cost on planes, and was called FighterTown Arena, Im willing to bet, most of the people would STILL NOT go there.

  In my opinion, most people, most, not all, want to simply rack up kills, a large percentage by strictly vulching, and want everyone to see

 SYSTEM: FiLtH lands 9 victories in a B24

  Its nothing to be ashamed of, I like to rack up a bunch too. Im just curious who honestly, if given a fightertown utopia, would use that as their primary arena. Less than 30% Im thinking.The MA is what it is.


Offline Morpheus

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #57 on: October 25, 2005, 05:00:45 PM »
LOL this is you justifying incompetence.

By the way, pal--there are perfectly legit reasons for leaving the vh up. If the goon is close by, and no vehicles are out, THERE AIN'T NO FLAK THAT CAN OUTRUN A GOON TO TOWN. Flaks are--at that moment--out of the picture.

A fighter is far more easy to kill and keep down than is a flack. I've seen 10 guys straffing a flack that made its way to the town while the goon was 10 minutes out. The flack got to the town and killed every troop with its pintle gun. Now wouldnt it have been a hell of alot easier to kill the VH and just vulch any planes trying to up?

But if your cap is weak (you know, not an overwhelming "horde"), and they keep upping planes, the fighter hangars are much more dangerous, since their survival means that fighters can keep upping and upping and upping...The CAP planes need to pay attention to threats from other, nearby enemy fields, too--that takes resources away from the vulch game.

Wrong again. The chances that someone is going to keep rolling after they've been vulched 2, 3 or 4 times are small to none.

And finally, morphie, don't presume to tell me how to run a base capture. You couldn't organize a drink of water. And you profess to never participate in that activity. Where did you get your expertise, then?

Wrong, I used to run missions that had 30-40 sometimes many more, players in them 3-4 years ago when I was still flying with the Mafia when it was still run by tzr and MDJOE. And yes we took the bases we were after. We'd also run fighter sweses, jabo runs to pork bases or what have you. They were all organized back then and successful 99.9% of the time.
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« Reply #58 on: October 25, 2005, 05:08:53 PM »
If they came out with a FT, we wouldn't want EVERYONE to go. 30% is a lot of people concidering the MAs population and the fact that there would only be 3 fields. I for one for definitely make the move.


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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #59 on: October 25, 2005, 05:11:57 PM »
YAWN...Dead Horse subject
  Retired from AH