Originally posted by Sandman
I can see your point GT, but that's not what Prop73 is going for. A pregnant 17 year old is a vastly different situation than a pregnant 12 year old. This prop treats them both equally.
As to it being a major medical procedure, in the first trimester it's just not. Vacuum aspiration is considered to be a minor surgical procedure.
Think about this GT... on the one hand, you've stated that an abortion can have lifelong negative effects, and then on the other you've stated that having one is avoiding the consequences, and not owning up to a mistake. Sounds like you want it both ways. An abortion is a serious thing. I agree. But I think that the decision to have an abortion is no less an adult one than engaging in sex in the first place. Both a child and an abortion can be considered consequences to engaging in unprotected sex.
All that aside... I'd be more inclined to vote yes on 73 if it were applied differently. I think it would be best if all teenagers had some adult, preferrably parental guidance regarding the decision to abort or not. I'm not so sure it should be mandatory.
If a 12 or even 14 year old gets pregnant, they're young enough that I really have to wonder if they've been victimized in some way.
All in all when it comes right down to it... I'd probably vote yes on a proposition that required parental notification for any child under the age of 15. If this makes me wishy washy, so be it.
I admit it would be better if the law treated 12 to 16 year olds different then 17 and older, but I just can't get past that a 12 year old could go have this done without the parents knowing.
I think to most young teens this would seem like such a easy out, and they prolly wont tell their parents if they can avoid it. Leave the parents out of such a decision really seems wrong.
It is like the government helping kids hide from the problem. Yes in a sense by making the abortion call they are taking responsibility for what they have done, but its like signing up for summer school on their own and going all summer to hide bad grades they got, and the school helps them hide it.
Most parents are not monsters, and even good parents and good kids can make mistakes, as a young teen everything seems so, important at the time, young love seems like it will go on forever, and kids do stuff they shouldn't. Parents should be part of the decison on what to do about it. What if it is a 16 year old girl who doesnt want to tell her parents her 25 year old boyfriend nocked her up, should she be able to hide it?
I am not one for teaching no birth control either, I think the schools should be teaching not having sex is best but if you do it do it with a condom and do not agree with the Bush admins current restrictions on how birth controll is taught. (though I do think parent should be able to op out on having their kids in the sex ed classes on this stuff)