Author Topic: do knights like missions?  (Read 1636 times)

Offline Zigrat

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do knights like missions?
« on: August 06, 2000, 07:18:00 PM »
I was under impression that the knights liked me writing missions to capture fields or hit HQ etcera, but today I had several people actively discourage people from joining a mission, and even had 1 person cuss me out on private channel because of my organizational efforts. Do people not like me writing missions?


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do knights like missions?
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2000, 07:30:00 PM »
I love them zig. I rarely get in when you run them but I have taken to posting them as well. PLEASE don't stop!!!!  Missions are the best organizational tool- without people doing them we all lose out.

Offline wolf37

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2000, 07:33:00 PM »
hiya zigrat:

well i for one do like your missions, i get more kills well flying in a mission then i do flying some what solo. and i also like the nissions because they work a lot better when trying to take a field, with all planes going in together, as compared to going in one or two at a time. now i can see where they might cause some trouble for some people, and that is when everybody online at the time goes on the mission and we leave ourselfs open to attack from other side.

now i have an idea for a great mission but no way in hell i will put it on an open post so it can be used against the knights. I will talk to you about it later.


Offline Hamish

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2000, 08:37:00 PM »
Was this the mission i blundered into in my poor solo ROOK B-17 earlier? :P it looked pretty well organized from my point of view. I make a pass on the HQ, destroying 3 radar factories and a Gun emplacement, and i turn around to make my next run and lo and behold i see high dots at my 12. i hop to my nose gunner, blowing my run, and i see a group of knights ( B-17 P47, and a few others, making a pass on the HQ) very nice formation btw, looked very pretty as you all flew by me. no one makes a pass on me and i thinkPhew, maybe they gonna leave me alone, when i switch to my tail gunner and a P-47 is coming my way. The p-47 made a Beautiful pass on me, hitting my fuel lines, and then as he came back up i switched to top gunner and laid into him as my wing gets blown off. as i start to roll down, my gun arcs right into him and i nail his engine and wing with bullets. Lucky roll for me, sorry SAW. I hit the silk and got a nice view of the countryside preparing for a long walk home. <S> SAW, was a good run on me, i just got lucky.


[This message has been edited by Hamish (edited 08-06-2000).]


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do knights like missions?
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2000, 08:42:00 PM »
Zig, I'm not even a Nit now and I like your missions.  I had a blast flying them during 308's tour to Nitlandia.

None of the other countries have the faintest clue how to use the planner.

Keep up the good work.

If guys don't like your missions, they don't have to fly them.  It's that simple.

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 08-06-2000).]

Offline StSanta

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2000, 08:50:00 PM »
Zig, you have my support for missions, they're great fun.


JG54 "Grünherz"
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Offline AKDejaVu

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2000, 11:06:00 PM »
I don't have a problem with missions.  I have a problem with their strategic importance.

Saying "bomber mission to HQ in 1 hour... I'll be back then" means nothing.  What will really be benificial in an hour?  Thinking that the game revolves around missions is a mistake.  You basically asked people to stop 2 different attacks and to stop defending 2 bases that were under attack just to fly in your mission.  Do you see how that can be irritating?

Sure there is organization.. but there is little purpose.  Make the missions actually relevant and you may get less grumbling.

Also, there have been many times when I've seen knights with 25 players and someone plans a 20 man mission begging for people to participate.  That leaves 5 other players to hold down the fort while those 20 are off bombing HQ (I generalize because I seldomely see anything else planned).  Please learn to make missions effective.  Please learn to make them strategic.  Please follow them up with something.

Also, having 2/3 of our forces sitting around waiting for a mission to start is downright silly.  I seldomely see one of these things kick off without 10 minutes of "ok.. we still need more players".  That's 10 minutes that several people are still sitting around.

Start planning the missions like you are fighting a war.  Plan the missions like you want to win the war.  Try to contribute something.  Its really classless to log off because not enough people want to fly in your mission... instead of staying and contributing something.

Also.. next time.. don't spout off on private comms.  Everything I had to say I said on public channels.  If you want people to fly your missions... make them relevant.  If you want people to stop speaking out against them.. make them relevant.  Don't try to plead for me to stop speaking out.  I need that as much as I needed that mission you were trying to plan.

One thing that may be missed here:  I am not against missions.  I would have been perfectly happy with anything that would have supported the efforts that were going on.  Maybe a strike on one of the bases the enemy down south were launching attacks from... or something to help cover for the people hitting another base.  All of these on a much smaller scale than trying to suck up 80% of our players.

Organization is good.  It gets things done.  Try to do something productive with it.


Offline wolf37

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2000, 02:30:00 AM »
hi all:

AKdejaVu, i have been on a few missions zig has put together, hitting and taking fields from either Rook or Bishop. and one of the nice things about them are they are fast. and once the mission is done, we all land, hot refuel and head to the next field. i was on one night when we took four in a row that way, and we took them all fast. yes not every mission works, and yes i have been here when almost all the knights signed up and only left a few to defend with. but we where doing so bad at the time to start with, can see how it made a differance. and as for a mission against enemy HQ, i have been on one, and maybe it was a few planes more then we needed and all went for same target, but it happens some times. but remember one thing, beside trying to take base's and defend base's, we are also here to have fun, and i have found the missions to be very fun to be on.
Now i am not trying to flame you AKDejaVu, so please dont take this the wrong way.



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do knights like missions?
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2000, 02:40:00 AM »
I've flown Zigrat's missions, and they were most definitely helpful and strategic.  Everybody would be scattered all over, making half-assed attacks.  Zig puts one in the planner, and WHAM the iron fist takes a couple of fields in quick succession.  

If you don't hit the field all at once, you just end up chasing the rebuild clock.  I'll take any mission over the "need more bombers at field XX" clusterf___ I usually see.

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 08-07-2000).]

Offline AKDejaVu

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2000, 08:11:00 AM »
If that was what was being done.. there would not have been an issue.  It was the second "lets bomb HQ" mission in a row.  The first resulted in us nearly losing a base due to lack of defense.  It also resulted in zero bases being captured after the event.

The even took nearly an hour.. just to fly to HQ and drop bombs.  Then he began to do another one.

Sorry... but cite past experiences all you want.  This mission was simply stupid... and it was taking forever to set up.


Offline Ripsnort

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2000, 08:17:00 AM »
Whaaaaat?!?  Never heard of anyone discouraging missions in maproom, maybe the person in question was the Spy on friday nite?  See my Spy thread in general forum.

Offline AKDejaVu

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2000, 09:11:00 AM »
Nobody was doing it from the maproom Ripsnort.  I questioned the usefulness of that particular "lets bomb hq again" mission.  I didn't say "don't join!".  I simply said "it doesn't make any sense".

And no.. I'm not a spy.

Funny thing is.. it happened within 2 minutes of your child getting hurt.  I distinctly remember about 10 "what happened to Rip?" messages during the discussion.  Guess ya just missed it due to the real-world getting in the way again.  Glad to hear the child is ok though.  Now you have to think up a really good story to explain that scar.  "I tripped and fell while dancing" isn't going to cut it in jr. high


Offline Heater

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2000, 05:34:00 PM »
As a "NEW" Knight I enjoyed your mission (even though I got dumped half way) I say keep it up.!

!!! Heater !!!
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Offline Waxer

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2000, 05:46:00 PM »
Keep 'em up, Zig, they add a lot to the experience and they're a blast to fly.

I/JG2 Richthofen


"Nothin' up my sleeve...Presto!"

[This message has been edited by Waxer (edited 08-07-2000).]

Offline bloom25

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do knights like missions?
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2000, 12:30:00 AM »
I think the most fun I've ever had in AH is during the BIG (20+) plane multiple field captures.  I remember a truely great one Cave planned about a month ago.  We as a team swept from near our HQ all the way to 61, then destoyed the city and HQ.  When you get that strong of a force attacking one country, that country usually throws almost every available defender at you.  Since we flew in as a big group, they couldn't stop us.  Even with equal numbers only about 1/2 would ever be attacking at a time, this made the escorts job pretty easy.  (I've had some 5+ kill p47d-25 escort missions that were just a blast.)

On the other hand constant raids to bomb HQ is of only marginal benefit to a country if the cities and core of the country itself is not vulnerable.  Basically the country largely ignores the raid on attacks frontline bases, now only lightly defended.  On the other hand, if a county is pushed to within 1 field between HQ and the frontline, then a HQ mission makes good sense.

There is one type of mission I almost never see that I think could be very useful.  Long range fighter sweeps with 5+ fighters in 2 groups along the front lines.  IMO this would totally disrupt the enemies offensive attacks and force them into launching masses of fighters (one at a time of course) which completely takes the pressure off of a country.  I've tried this tactic once or twice, and usually it works quite well.  I have yet to see a country ignore a large force of fighters over a base that they are launching bombers from.  It's amazing what just a couple 20k fighters over a field will do to a country launching strike missions from that field.  All of the sudden nearly all the bombers and goons will stop flying (effectively ending the attack) and the enemy will launch light fighters to intercept.  These are usually easy prey because of their large E disadvantage.
