First off if he's took alive keep him alive
Just try him n lock him up
Make sure it's solitary confinement (think the general populas would make this neccesary !)
Absolutely NO conversations/chat EVER
Leave him be to fester without ever hearing another humans voice or ever having any contact with the outside world whatsoever (illegal i think ?)
No doubt over the years ahead it would give amusement to his captors to see him slowly mentally degrade into a drivvling demented dweeb
I am a firm believer in an eye for an eye in the case of outright murder one as i think it's called in the USA
That said i also believe that child killers/rapists and the likes should also face death, All this guff (good ole english word we likes to use) about rehabilitation (spl?) with these kinds of animals just don't wash with me, Time n time again we hear "previous" cases after their 2nd 3rd 4th time before a court and think damn they did this before, Death would of stopped many a reccuring crime
Now back from my meandering......
Yeah keep the #@*& alive (this goes so against my beliefs as i say but....)
After all what's the point in making a scumbag a martyr ?
It only serves to aid other #@*& that want to follow
What is it they believe ? 70 or 76 virgins will be waiting to recieve them.....Well tough watermelon os ya aint even gonna get another whiff let alone a taste of them there virgins, So let ya imagination run wild n may ya rot in a living hell for what's left of ya life
I envisage a living nightmare for him so what could be better
No glory and no martyrism Yeah makes sense to me
My dad saw some horrible things in his life but something he said a few times comes to mind "death is too good for em" in this case his words ring true for me
Have Fun