Originally posted by viper215
I think if you hit someone elses plane you should both be hurt.
Lets look at the facts 2 spitfires lets say going 250mph right at each other. No shots are fired they just ram eachother right in the face. THOSE TWO SPITFIRES ARE NOT GOING HOME. If 2 planes collide they should both die or lose a part that will make them die.
Also if they do this it should say you rammed XXXXX so there is no b1tching about who did it. If someone rams someone its both you faults. You cant say someone hit you and its his fault. Its your fault too cause YOUR PLANE WAS IN THE way.
dunno why this needs to be explained YET again when there is a perfect tool a the top of the page called SEARCH.
but to anwser viper's question.
both people don't SEE the ram. What you SEE on your computer is not what the people around you SEE.
you SEE a ram, you take damage.
the guy you rammed doesn't SEE a ram, he sees a near miss so no damage.
it's what your Front End (your computer) sees that matters.
both Front End's SEE a ram, both take damage.
Only one Front End SEES a ram, only one gets damage.
due to internet lag, what you see and what everybody else sees is different.
Originally posted by hitech
Because if you fly threw a plane, only YOU collided, not what you naturaly assume should be you and the other guy collided.
Because when you refer to BOTH planes you are not taking into account there are in reality 4 planes. 2 on your computer, and 2 on the other guys computer. So when you say both, you are only refering to the 2 on your computer. Because the 2 on the other guys computer did not collide.