Author Topic: Sign Those Union Cards  (Read 995 times)

Offline Suave

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Sign Those Union Cards
« Reply #45 on: December 26, 2005, 05:56:19 PM »
Yes there have become many negative things with the unionization of the worker/consumer. But the alternative is worse.

There, I have spoken. There should be no further need for debate.

Offline GtoRA2

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Sign Those Union Cards
« Reply #46 on: December 26, 2005, 07:11:11 PM »
Most people are not union.

I will not take a union job if I can avoid it.

My dad was union and hated it. They also screwed my mom out of his retirement.

Having never worked a union job, I fail to see why they are needed. I make good money and have great benifits.

All my friends but one are non union and all make good money and have great benefits.

My only union friend goes out of his way to screw his employer because his union hack buddies and him do not think they are paid enough( he makes twice as much as I do, without overtime, and digs ditches).

You should have heard him crying over the props Cali tried to pass on unions, he was going around telling people his union was going to be disbanded because thats what his shop foreman told him.

Offline SirLoin

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Sign Those Union Cards
« Reply #47 on: December 26, 2005, 11:05:23 PM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2
Having never worked a union job, I fail to see why they are needed.

The same Toyota worker that mentioned the "new hours of work" also relayed the terrible working conditions there...Each line worker is responsible for knowing/doing 5 jobs...He had no problem for 7 years then developed carpo-tunnel which prevented him from doing one of the five jobs...You think the company would show some compassion?

Nooo...He is being threatened with termination and now he has to get a lawyer...You think that's fair?

A union shop (CAW/UAW) would NEVER allow this.That's one of many examples why unions have a purpose.

Offline lazs2

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Sign Those Union Cards
« Reply #48 on: December 27, 2005, 08:42:35 AM »
when I was a contractor I paid off fat assed buisness agents so that my guys could paint a room with a roller instead of a.... a friggin brush...  this was in frisco and the unions wanted us to do every job like we were in the 19th century... the union drove up the cost of building anything in frisco because they wanted it done in an inferior way in order to put more of their useless members to work.  

Most had no real skills other than avioding anthing that entailed work.

I was in Femont when GM closed down... I knew a dozen people that worked there including my girlfriend... the parking lot glittered with broken booze bottles and hypodermics...  about every third row of cars was a drug dealer and the union members were stealing everything they could when they weren't too loaded to function.
