I back up Reschke's plans 100%. This squad has always been about the Corsiar, and it will continue to be the primary focus.
However, lets face facts. In the AvA, we rarely see the Hog. Matter of fact, only in the PTO maps will we even see USN planes at all. So while we are going to continue to use the Corsair as our main MA ride and symbol, and everyone will check out in it, we will focus for now mainly on getting people who enjoy flying together and having fun.
I'm not doing this because I want to be in charge of something. Its much easier to just join an established group. My free time is precious these days, and I'm making a commitment to free up as much of it as possible for this squad, if we can make it work. Not just because of THIS squad, but because the AvA needs allied squads in general.
So, that said........
Can you get a plane off the ground? Talk to me.
Need training? No problem. Talk to me.
Age is not so much an issue as maturity. I'm interested in finding guys (or gals) that have at least 1 night a week they can commit to squad functions, preferably more. Weekends are a bonus, but I know how valuable those are. I'll be glad to work with anyone who needs it in the TA or wherever on anything from basic ACM to Formations to landing on a Carrier deck. I'm not great at anything, but I'm acceptable at most things. Biggest thing is to improve the quality of your time online by sharing it with people who enjoy doing this. If its not fun, why are you here?