LOL Cobra - scary thing is you're probably right!!!
Ripsnort, the point I was trying to make was to compare the potential lethality of a swimming pool compared to a firearm, from the view point of an unsupervised child. Like yourself, I believe a child should never be left unsupervised with either.
The thing that has always disturbed me is how easily you can conceal a handgun; makes ideal for crime at any level.
Anyway, I don't think guns should be illegal - but they should only be kept in registered shooting clubs. That way their ownership and use can be more effectively controlled; you couldn't shoot under the influence for example. Surely no-one could be against that?
Eagler - if we can't take objective criticism (at least from the viewpoint of location) on a subject, then perhaps something they say strikes a chord. No-one is seriously trying to tell you how to run your country, just how it looks from the outside.
Instructing people in how to run their country has been an active policy of the US (and Britain) for many years, by the way.
Udie - you got to admit how easy it is to kill someone with a gun - the sad thing is a child could do it. The thing that has always disturbed me is how easily you can conceal a handgun; makes ideal for crime at any level.
[This message has been edited by Dowding (edited 09-18-2000).]