Author Topic: EZmode bombsight  (Read 2806 times)

Offline dedalos

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EZmode bombsight
« Reply #45 on: February 21, 2006, 01:34:15 PM »
I dont know poo.  Buffs are not as easy as you think.  The other day I took up some B17s after a year and a half.  Was too tired to fly so I put them on autoclime and came back when I was at 20K.  bla bla bla long story, I came back with 4 FHs down and 5 kills.  If it was as easy as you think, I would have never missed the VH on my last run.  You really think it is easy holding Y down for 3 seconds? :eek:
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #46 on: February 21, 2006, 01:53:57 PM »
I still say Simaril has the ultimate solution as far as dive bombing is concerned. Here>>>>>Give Us Bomb Bays [/color]
While this is likely to require some in depth programing code, i do hope we see it down the road. And i think we will actually. :) i lied about not posting to this thread again... :D i am done. :aok

Offline Pooface

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EZmode bombsight
« Reply #47 on: February 22, 2006, 05:06:48 AM »
Originally posted by Mugzeee
aahhaaa. Now i see your posistion on the issue.  Isnt this really more about not being able to stop them before they blow up you Hangers, CVs and such?
And a lot less about what you think is proper and realistic bombing procedure?
PS...dont bother answering those questions if you dont want. I personally will not be replying to this thread anymore. There is another thread that is more than ample to address your "Concerns" that has been active for 3 days now. As BlueJ said.. Its really a matter of Time involved and not much more. Regards.

no, thats not it at all. what im saying is, if the AH gunnery and flight model is so good, why is it that the bombers have a self calculating bombsight?

what i mean is, that fighters are modelled properly, so why shouldnt bombers?

Offline LLv34_Dictonius

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EZmode bombsight
« Reply #48 on: February 22, 2006, 07:13:22 AM »
For me there is this basic principle: if I want to have some sense of realism (at least the illusion of such) I switch games entirely and go to play IL-2. If you guys like realistic bombing, IL-2 got LOTS! to offer. AH does too much compromises in the name of "gameplay" but then again, offers lots of other important features, like ALT+X (in IL-2, you cant go to have a beer in the middle of the flight, damn it!) and you might score some kills even when totally wasted :D

I too agree with Poo about the challenge bomber runs needs to offer. If you learn it too quickly, you become bored and might for once go and make your wife happy instead of sitting by the computer whole night. If HTC is directing these aids to the noobs / potential payers, then it is a very short sighted policy. One part of the addiction in the simulator hobby, is the fact that one can never really learn to master the flying. There is always a challenge, always someone better, some better plane to pop up when riding an emil. Making things too easy is not necessarily a way to attract more players...
Current handle: Tikto
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Offline Flayed1

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EZmode bombsight
« Reply #49 on: February 22, 2006, 09:15:46 AM »
Challenge is a good word...
     With the old method of bombing it took some practice and yes I understand HT dumbing it down so more people would fly them but for me it took something away.

    Just befor the change we made the MERLINS into a bomber wing and collected those of us that were really practiced in the old method and when ever a squad member would request that somethig go down we would up a few flights and smash the target. I remeber after one of the first requests that the bomber wing hit somethig we went, did our job and one of our squad mates said
  "Now thats why we have a bomber wing."   I haven't heard anything like this after the change.  There really wasn't a need for a specific bomber wing any more because now everyone with just a few minuits practice can be just as good as someone that worked for a much longer time perfecting the old method.
  Kind of like if they had taken the Jug or P-38 and made them fly like the Spit-16 or LA-7, Right now they take alot of skill to really fly good but if you made them fly like the spit or LA everyone would fly them.
   Really the only challenge for us bomber lovers any more is just getting there. With maps like festerma and the like that have all the fields so close togeather that there are few radar holes to fly through and make the bad guys wonder whats in the sector. As it is now you can spot a bomber comeing once it hits NME territory so then the only challenge is to shoot as many planes down as you can befor you die.  Actually I'm wrong there is one other challenge for a true bomber pilot and that would have to be sinking those pesky CV's in the bomb sight, some people can hit them others cant.

  Oh and Mugzee I have been on and am still on dial up as Thndregg and I can get nothing else where we live and we have never encountered these vidio lag and screen stutters that you refer to as far as callibration go's. If we do get lag like you talk about it's usually so bad that it forces us to relog as it affects flying in all aspects and callibration is the least of our worries at that point :). Unless our dial up service is just better than yours was?
From the ashes of the old we rise to fly again. Behold The Phoenix Wing!

Offline Saintaw

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EZmode bombsight
« Reply #50 on: February 22, 2006, 11:32:42 AM »
I agree with Jackal (aargh!! insert green death icon here) however...

the 'hard' calibration method took me about two runs to get right, and we all know that even after 5 years, I'm probably the 2nd worse pileit in this game.

How about EZ bombing mode for a month after sub starts... then 'hard' mode after that?
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline ChopSaw

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EZmode bombsight
« Reply #51 on: February 22, 2006, 12:21:33 PM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
Make the bomb site right again, and add some freakin wind for godsake... This static enviorment is far too gamey and easy to bomb in. I was bombing feild ack from 20k with my salvo set to 1 with a load of 100lb bombs with the new joke-ez-mode bomb site. No F'in way is that close to be real. Its like we're flying around in F117s that look like B17s.

I didn't know Blue Knights flew bombers.  Accessing your web site( shows the following quote on the cover page.

"This squad has no ranks, no chain of command, no officers, nor do we have a squad night..  We don't fly missions, we don't drop bombs, we don't take bases...  We fight...  We're good at it..."

I've noticed you and your group have a lot to say about how bombers should be changed or not changed.  Usually with the goal of reducing their effectiveness.  I suspect you find them superfluous and would like nothing better than to sideline them.

Offline ChopSaw

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EZmode bombsight
« Reply #52 on: February 22, 2006, 12:36:36 PM »
Originally posted by Flayed1
I find bombing is way to easy and I believe I was one of the bigest oponants of the easy bombing method when it came out.  Did you know now that with this easy mode you can calibrate while in the pilot position?  Press U hold Y for 10 seconds and poof. Heck with this method I learned the other day how to program a macro into my X52 that gives me a perfect calibration every time unless my speed changes.  I took a newb to the TA when he asked how to bomb and I explaned what to do on the way to target and he hit what he was aiming for on the first try dead on and yet we still have the dive bombing buff dweebs.
  We also have the furball guys complaining about buff guys killing the hangers so HT changes the bomb blast radius and makes them so weak that it's just silly.
 The other night I lined my 15K 24's up on a medium field to hit the hangers (far to many red guys coming out of that base) I had a perfect calibration and dropped 12000 lbs of bombs on both sets of hangers and nothing happened. The craters were in contact with the hangers and not one went down as if the FH's now have some form of shielding.

   So my question is this if the bombs are so weak now that we need perfect direct hits on hangers and such why did they mess with the bomb calibration mode? Seems to me that they just went in a loop.  Used to be harder to calibrate but if done well with some practice you could bomb fairly well, now we hardly have to try to calibrate and now it's almost impossible to kill things with a perfect calibration.

 I have to ask HTC staff what is the point in going in a circle like this?

Personally I feel the reduction in splash damage of the bombs is a response to the addition of B-24’s.  They carry two more of the 1K bombs.  In AH1 I could drop a single salvo of 1K bombs on a hanger and drop it.  With 8 salvo’s available I’d be able to drop all the hangers on a large field including the VH.  Or a more likely scenario, be able to drop hangers twice on a small or medium field.  Now I have to take up hanger bangers (2K bombs) to reliably nail the hangers.  No way to do it with the 1K unless I drop two salvos.  The end result of this has been to make the B-24 less effective in AH2 than the B-17 was in AH1.

Makes you wonder what they’ll do if we ever get the B-29?  A bomber with a payload of 20K.  Reduce the effectiveness of the bombs again?

Offline dedalos

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EZmode bombsight
« Reply #53 on: February 22, 2006, 01:19:21 PM »
Originally posted by ChopSaw
Whaaa BKs squeeeeek BKs whaaaa BKs squeeek squeeeeeeeeeek BKs
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline ChopSaw

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« Reply #54 on: February 22, 2006, 01:40:15 PM »

I’m not sure what you’re driving at by misquoting me.  Perhaps you could make yourself clearer by using grown up words.   Come on….you can do it.:lol

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #55 on: February 22, 2006, 02:00:14 PM »
Originally posted by Flayed1

  Oh and Mugzee I have been on and am still on dial up as Thndregg and I can get nothing else where we live and we have never encountered these vidio lag and screen stutters that you refer to as far as callibration go's. If we do get lag like you talk about it's usually so bad that it forces us to relog as it affects flying in all aspects and callibration is the least of our worries at that point :). Unless our dial up service is just better than yours was?

Correct me if i am wrong. But your quoting me has implications of calling me a liar or written all over it. Are you are implying that i am the only one that claimed that connection and video lag caused inconstant results with the Calibrated bomb site? Or is it that you are questioning my ability to calibrate the Bombsite the "Hard" way? Im just explaining it like it was. I could go to my Brothers house during the time we had the so called "Hard" bomb site ( his ID was "RoyG" and he was on roadrunner cable Internet.) I could bomb the watermelon outa things with very consistent results. But at my own home on dialup and a lesser computer i couldn't get even close to the same result (Bombs would end up 1/4 to half an airfield off target). So we decided hey...let take my PC to his house and see if it's my computer, the connection, or a combination of both. I took my PC to his house and hooked it up to his Cable connection and  I could bomb  much better than i could at my house on Dial UP but still not quite as well as i could on his Computer.  :)
I also tested this at my cousin house in PA (ID Tman) 3.5 hours drive from my house. He was on dialup. Same result as at my own home back in OH. Off Line problem. So my point and conclusion is that PC performance and connection can and does play havoc with the "Hard" bomb site results. I went through all the BS testing to make sure i knew what i was saying wasn't BS because at that time there were plenty of players online telling me the same thing you are now.
Maybe you didn't have a problem with it. But i know many players did (Offline Mode= No trouble in accuracy at all.) We chatted about it on many occasions. Comparing results and drawing conclusions. IIIRC i even called Skuzzy on the problem. The case in point was obvious for me. "I" the same player....on different Pcs and different connection got  very different results. So does/can your PC performance and or Connection cause inaccurate results in an Multiplayer arena where the Server and other Internet connection issues along with PC performance all play a part. Not just the Dumb guy playing. ;)
PS...As long as you have been playing i cant believe that you cant remember the radio text of the guys saying that they couldn't hit watermelon with the bombs all the while the "Hard" bomb site was running in the game setup. Maybe this is because you weren't having trouble with it and assumed anyone that was, just didn't know they were doing? Either way now you understand where i am coming from now.
PS...i got Cable soon after the testings and had no trouble at all. :aok
Make it hard.. I can do it now.. MUCH better PC and Cable connection.
But thats being selfish isnt it?
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 02:05:26 PM by Mugzeee »

Offline DoKGonZo

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EZmode bombsight
« Reply #56 on: February 22, 2006, 02:00:56 PM »
If they make it difficult again people will just go back to full-time use of NOE Lanc's and 24's on the deck. You still see them now, of course, but maybe 1-in-5 heavy bomber groups is below 5K where before it was more like 4-in-5 were.

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #57 on: February 22, 2006, 02:20:54 PM »
Originally posted by ChopSaw

I’m not sure what you’re driving at by misquoting me.  Perhaps you could make yourself clearer by using grown up words.   Come on….you can do it.:lol

I really don't think I misquoted you :rofl  I do however use grown up words whan I am talking to grown ups.
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline ChopSaw

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« Reply #58 on: February 22, 2006, 02:28:36 PM »
Originally posted by dedalos
I really don't think I misquoted you :rofl  I do however use grown up words whan I am talking to grown ups.

Try again.  You're getting closer. :cool:

Offline dedalos

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EZmode bombsight
« Reply #59 on: February 22, 2006, 02:47:08 PM »
Originally posted by ChopSaw
Try again.  You're getting closer. :cool:

teH buffz are teh earsy modeZ.  Tey reprezzzent no teh challenz.  That better for ya?

Make them a little more chalenging and you may gain some pilots to offset the ones you think will stop flying them.  So, as the web site states, we dont drop bombs because it is really not a challenge and therefore borring.  We don't want the buffs removed but rather to become a chalenge and therefore fun to fly.  Do you understand why you got the responce you got or are we going back to whaaaaaa BK sqeeek BK and buffs,, whaaaaaa.

You dont think they are easy?  Get ina fighter.  I ll dog fight you in a B26 or b17.
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.