Author Topic: Best AH Pilot  (Read 10043 times)

Offline B@tfinkV

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« Reply #135 on: February 24, 2006, 08:37:31 PM »
I'm in total agreement with yucca here.

1) Blukitty is very polite, quiet, inoffencive (not to mention deadly)

2) some people in life just enjoy being mean. these people must have a complex.
 400 yrds on my tail, right where i want you... [/size]

Offline Wadke

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« Reply #136 on: February 24, 2006, 11:52:32 PM »
all your killz, are belong 2 me!!

Offline sniper68

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« Reply #137 on: February 25, 2006, 05:17:04 AM »
Who Let Wadke Out Of His Cage?????????

Offline WMLute

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« Reply #138 on: February 25, 2006, 05:52:23 AM »
nathBDP (nath was mime right?)

my top 3 in no particular order.  Of all the people I have dueled/fought 1 on 1 repeatedly, those three were the toughest fights for me.  

next batch would be (also in no particular order)


with nods to stang, creton, Delirium, wilbuz, wadke, and a couple others that I can't place right now, sorry it's late.  All of 'em great sticks.

USED to have wldthing and fester up there as well.  

Not fought drex that I recall, so can't comment on 'em.

Took one round in BluKitty's 1st KOTH to spot it was ManeTMP.  Wasn't just the flying (which was obviously ManeTMP's fighting style), but Mane always hung out in the same area at the start of the fight's, at a certain alt.  Was a dead give away when BluKitty did the same.

(btw wetrat, let's da soon.  was fun.  I was finally getting the hang of ya' on the last 3-4 fights. GREAT fun!!)
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Offline TW9

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« Reply #139 on: February 25, 2006, 09:49:57 AM »
BUwaaahAHHha I PWndD tHEm @LlLL!!!
« Last Edit: February 25, 2006, 09:53:45 AM by TW9 »
Quote from: sax
The community lacks personality , thank #@# for TW9 or
there would'nt even be anyone --------- left .
Quote from: Krusty
Edit2: BAN the ass-hat. That's not skuzzy, that's a tard named TW9

Offline Widewing

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« Reply #140 on: February 25, 2006, 12:04:23 PM »
Originally posted by WMLute
Not fought drex that I recall, so can't comment on 'em.

Drex....  I used to watch him take a P-47 or an F6F and fly around low and slow, a magnet for dweebs... Few of which survived for more than 15 seconds after they attacked him, even in pairs or small groups.

Over the years, I've had some long, good fights with Shane. A few years ago I was flying in the Combat Theater. Shane was on the opposing side doing his motor-yap routine. Drex and Leviathn were with us in a group that headed over to the nearest enemy base.  We engaged about an equal number and killed all but one. That one was Shane. Drex dropped down low and Shane took the bait. As Shane bored in, Drex went this way, Shane went that way...Drex went this way and Shane went boom.... Maybe 10 seconds elapsed.

Early this month, I flew a series of duels with a fellow of superior skills. I had never seen his handle before or since and he was as good or better than anyone I have fought 1v1. I could at least match him and usually beat him on the initial reverse. However, after several head to head passes, he always managed to retain a bit more E than I was keeping. It was barely noticable. But, after several minutes, he began to show enough of an edge in E that I was forced to break out and extend or go for a high-risk shot, often getting pinged up some in the process.

Our initial duel was predicated on him playing the n00b.. I had a P-38G, he had a L model. Almost immediately, he sent a check 6 and nosed over to gain speed. At that point I realized that I had a ringer in shades.

I had no trouble reversing faster, but he immediately took the fighter vertical when he saw that the G was a better turner. From that point, all I could do was keep my lift vector on him, and even though I could gain angles, I could not get the nose high enough for a shot. All the while, my E state is degrading faster than his as  the G model simply lacks the suds to compete for very long in a climbing fight against the L.

Eventually, I had to hammerhead reverse out and try to recover some speed... But he was on me quickly and all I could do was evade and give him the worst angles I could manage. I grabbed a P-38L and we went at it again.

We later switched to the P-51D. The resulting fights were very close over the first several minutes, no one getting a significant advantage via maneuvering. But, as I mentioned earlier, the other Mustang seemed to be holding E ever-so slightly better than mine. I could see that the fight was edging his way, so I took chances to get a shot in while I could still get an angle. Invariably, doing this burned off a lot of speed, so that if I missed, I would be in trouble real quick. Once I was dead slow, the fight was essentially over.

Afterwards, we discussed the fights and the fellow pointed out something I never noticed before. He saw an instability in my plane while we maneuvered. He thought that was killing my E. He asked what Stick I was using. I told him that I had just switched to all CH Products gear, FighterStick, Pro throttle and Pro pedals. He asked about my slider settings. I told him that I hadn't changed them from my previous X-45 set-up. There, he concluded, was at least part of the problem.

First, he told me that it usually takes two to three months to master the CH gear and find the optimal settings.

Second, he advised me try differnt slider settings and pay particular attention to adding some damping.

We had a nice conversation and I discovered that this fellow has been flying this type of sim for many years, probably dating back to AW DOS. He also knew Dale (Hitech) for a long time. I didn't press him for his identity, if he wanted that known, he would have told me. As far as I can tell, the handle he used is already changed... or cancelled.

Anyway, I filmed one of the fights and watching it carefully, I was able to recognize the instability he referred to. I took his advice and reconfigured my sliders and set my damping higher in both roll and pitch axes. Finding a dueling buddy of mine, we flew several fights while I ran film. The difference was subtle, but I found that I was, in fact, retaining more speed. The film confirmed this... the previously seen instability was gone.

Like any other thing, getting better at something falls under the rule of diminishing returns. As you reach the limits of your ability and that of your hardware, very minor improvements usually require a great deal of work, thought and practice.

I don't who this guy was/is, but I owe him a debt of gratitude for his assitance and keen eye. His advice circumvented the rule of diminishing returns for me.

There's little doubt he one of the best I've encountered in Aces High, and I've tangled with the best of them.

He was a gentleman throughout the fights, but got a bit upset when I beat him on the reverse with the P-38L and hosed him before he could get his nose around. He complained of being HO'd, but on my FE I was a good 20-30 degrees off his nose when I fired. Well, rather than argue, I eased off a bit on the initial reverse and tried to beat him in a sustained fight, and that proved to a lot more difficult as this guy was very, very good.

Well, who ever he is, a big to him for the duels and his valuable advice.

My regards,

« Last Edit: February 25, 2006, 12:10:40 PM by Widewing »
My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline betty

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« Reply #141 on: February 25, 2006, 01:14:47 PM »
ok, there r a few things.....first off....

levi..............have nothin over me, they might b the best pilots, but..i'm the best at dyin...haha..take that:D

secondly...everyone needs to just leave blu alone, she doesn't do anything wrong when she's on, i have personally flown with blu many many times and i don't care what anyone says, blukitty is blukitty, thats that.

just my 2 cents

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Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #142 on: February 25, 2006, 01:53:33 PM »
If I pretend to be a girl, will you guys stop harassing me about changing my gameID?

It's ironic that some of the same people in here defending shades accounts are also the ones bashing other's shades in game. Just STHU and fly your cartoon planez. No one cares how much you don't care. :aok
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I was wondering why I get ignored so often.  -Hitech

Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #143 on: February 25, 2006, 02:41:34 PM »
Originally posted by Widewing
Drex....  I used to watch him take a P-47 or an F6F and fly around low and slow, a magnet for dweebs... Few of which survived for more than 15 seconds after they attacked him, even in pairs or small groups.


Interesting ... that's the second or third time in a week I've heard someone talk about stick settings making such a big difference. The low-speed instability is what keeps me from pushing it in the "short game" ... planes just flop over on me while the guy I'm after does these mid-air 180's without a problem.

All that being said, I suspect there are a lot of returning veterans who have such pilot skills, 10+ years of accumulated SA and experience, but not the time to play enough to become a household name.

Offline Brenjen

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« Reply #144 on: February 25, 2006, 03:01:44 PM »
I don't care that you don't care that I don't care. I don't mind that you don't mind that I don't matter. I am the best pilot in the universe & am still the worst one on the internet!

 I am also the toughest guy on earth - the most handsome - the funniest - the most humble - the most charitable - the richest - the poorest - I've never met anyone from Aces High or HTC - I don't care if I ever meet anyone from Aces High or HTC - I drink - I cuss - I have no honor while playing stupid time & money wasting games on the internet - I can spell 99% of the english language correctly without checking a reference source - I never use infantile internet slang - I love my wife & children - I love my dog - I love my Saitek - I love my country - I love my weapon collection -  & I have two things no one else seems to have; the ability to recognize people who just want their ego fed; & the ability to recognize sarcasm.

 There,I feel better if only because I made myself smile.

Oh, I only have one account - my name here & there is Brenjen - look me up in the Main; I'm always a Knight. I would look forward to any civil exchange by P.M. or 200 after you kill me to discuss what I did wrong. All you have to do is catch me when I am in the air & not in a panzer or a gun which is not very often.

Offline wetrat

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« Reply #145 on: February 25, 2006, 03:28:43 PM »
hehe, sure lute... starting to get used to these fuggin pedals. I can sorta-kinda hit things now... as long as it's mounted on the nose and 30mm ;)

Everyone jumps on the back of all the shades in here... none of 'em get any peace, but when one d/l's a voice synth and pretends to be a girl, he's got a legion of fanbois defending for him. lolz :p
« Last Edit: February 25, 2006, 03:31:36 PM by wetrat »
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Offline Wadke

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« Reply #146 on: February 25, 2006, 04:32:48 PM »

Everyone jumps on the back of all the shades in here... none of 'em get any peace, but when one d/l's a voice synth and pretends to be a girl, he's got a legion of fanbois defending for him. lolz :p [/B]


BTW...I've fought all these guys. Have beat almost all of them at times and been wipped like a dying animal but i hold my own against anyone. Wanna duel? Just ask. I'm gonna hafta start flying a lot more again :)

Offline Apar

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« Reply #147 on: February 25, 2006, 05:40:14 PM »
Originally posted by BluKitty
Wow ..... Get a life.

Nice edit....feel better?  But still can't help being rude I see.  At least you still play AH, and aren't yelling how much you don't care.  Because you obviously care too.

Hi Mane :)

Offline wetrat

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« Reply #148 on: February 25, 2006, 06:50:47 PM »
Originally posted by Apar
Hi Mane :)
Army of Muppets

Offline sniper68

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« Reply #149 on: February 26, 2006, 12:04:09 AM »
jesus lord apar ccame out of the basement for this one lol