Hey all, I tested out a new City design in one of my GV maps to see how people would react to it and how they would enjoy it. Turns out, most of the people walking into my arena thouroghly enjoyed the design!
Here's a few reasons:
#1. It's spacious.
#3. Its a huge city with "Add-ons" that can be placed to the North, South, East, and West of the city design. (This add-onn includes a "Flack Tower" (headquarters building) with 4 flack guns ontop.. this makes for a pleasant surprise to C-47 pilots...)
Heres some pictures I think you will be intrested in;)
This is a picture of what the old city looked like:

This is a few pictures of what the NEW city looks like:

This is a few In-Game Pictures of the City. (Note the Re-arm Pads in the middle of the map)

That's all I took. And incase your wondering why I think the Aces High Community likes it. It's because Frank3 stopped by and gave me SEVERAL compliments on the map design, the arena settings, and especially the new city design. (Thanks Frank!:aok )
Now, if you would like to use this new city design, I have uploaded it to a server so you can use it. Just
Click Here and then follow the directions below:
#1: Once you press the button above, please press: Save, then locate your desktop and select it as the "Save In" destination.
#2: Once the file finishes downloading, Open the ".zip" file.
#3: Once you open the file, select to extract / unzip both files to a selected destination.
#4: Once you do this, you can select your map's "texsrc" folder (Ex. C:\Program Files\HTC\ah2editor\ahiiterr\mygvmap\texsrc )
#5: Now unzip the files to that destination.
#6: Once you have done that, re-start or open the AHII Terrain Editor.
#7: Now look for the object names: citycom1 and cityadd2
Citycom1 is the actual city design
Cityadd2 is the Add-On with the factories and flack towers. (Cityadd2 should be capable of being attached to the North, South, East, or West sides of the city, if rotated correctly)
And if you want the map that was showing the new city design
Click Here