Originally posted by cpxxx
Ok, without going into details simply put: I accidently marked the first part from a lot with the coding for the previous lot. It was discovered at the inspection end of the line quite properly as that is their job. But in fact I would have realised it had happened once I reached the end of the current lot anyway once the figures didn't add up. But it was found and pointed out to me before I finished. I held my hands up, made no excuses and tried to figure out how it happened. This is medical equipment related so errors are taken seriously particularly when the FDA are on the prowl. However similar or more serious errors have happened before (not to me) without anyone being disciplined or suspended.
I believe a certain individual who has a quality function told my supervisor they wanted me pulled off the line or else! Leaving him no choice. Quality in there act more like fascist police than in any place I worked before. You actually have to be careful what you say around them. Even the supervisor is scared of them. Little people with power. It's always the same. I never clashed with any of them but I was singled out in a most subtle manner. Initially I thought they treated everyone like that until colleagues pointed out that they seemed to have it in for me and to watch my back. Well now they got their chance.
Why? I don't know.
Make sure every move that is made against you is documented in writing. DO NOT EVER IMPLY you are going to sue them or take any actions, you simply need the progressive discipline that is being taken against you documented for your records. If the documented violations are inacurate, file a complaint withe the HR department. (dont be naive, HR is pure company gestapo. They are just there to protect the company from lawsuits). Just say that your write-up, or whatever they call it there is, in your humble opinion, inacurate. Always act timid and humble. Once you get an accurate written description of your offense, check and see if this is a common error and others make these mistakes often, or even occasionally. You want to find someone before or after who has made a similar mistake and has no action taken against them. If your company is stonewalling you with the written stuff, file a complaint with HR, MAKE SURE YOU KEEP SIGNED COPIES OF YOUR COMPLAINTS. Say something like, "comapny is taking disciplinary action against Mr cpxxx, and is not providing mr cpxxx with any written documentaion." You, of course are completely confused with what is going on. You simlpy made 1 mistake, as all humans do. Once you get your written documentation, its time once again to go to HR with a complaint. A union shop would call this a grievance. NEVER ACCUSE ANY supervisor of haivng it in for you. Your whole mission here is to quietly step towards legal action, which is what HR is there to prevent. You want to HUMBLY accuse the company of wrongfully disciplining you for whatever it is they said you done, as others have done this or very similar to this and nothing has happened to them. It doesnt matter if you havent found anybody else who has made this mistake, you are sure there has been . If not the same mistake, then one similar or even more severe, If HR is stonewalling or stalling and as a LAST RESORT!! You can go to the labor baord and file a complaint there. Important things to remeber. Its scary, but you have to keep your cool. Losing your job is better than living a life in fear of abusive supervisors. BE HUMBLE AND CONFUSED. "why is this happening to me" Shed some tears. Keep in mind, HR will never show fear, if you challenge them outright, they will stay stone faced to the bitter end, it is best to quietly take steps towards legal action. Getting a lawsuit to the jury will mean the HR manager is crrapping his drawers. Winning one will mean the HR managers job. Good luck. BTW if you hjave to go to the labor board, at that point is is best to retain a cheap labor attourney to help you with the wording.