Author Topic: The Blue Knights and you.  (Read 18611 times)

Offline AKWarp

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The Blue Knights and you.
« Reply #120 on: April 07, 2006, 02:52:46 AM »
"The problem as has been stated about a billion times is a handfull of these 'dedicated toolshedders' can keep fights killed to a point where there is basically no protracted fights of any kind at all for hours and even days on end. The moment a fight starts to heat up, here they come with 25-35k b24/Lancs or screaming down in heavy jugs to *womp* the FHs down. There's really no way to stop them with bombing as simple as it is, so long as they are either willing to die or climb over 20k to kill FHs/CVs"

  This is such total BS.  It's amazing how he continualy tells BS lies about the planes that are flown and such.  First it was 15K, now we're up to 25 and going zazen, we'll soon be 50K....

"It's simply that the toolshedders can and do quite often completely prevent us from playing the game we enjoy and having fun. What makes this worse is a sizable portion only toolshed specifically for the intent purpose of preventing furballers from furballing, Fightertown killers are a prime example, but they manifest themselves on every map"

  It's simply that the furballers are nothing but a waste of bandwidth, they contribute nothing to the intent of the overall game in the MA.  Their numbers distract from strategic planning, and they can not be counted on for team play.  Instead they prefer to use revisionism ideas of how "their" personal fun needs to be accomodated in an arena that is clearly not designed for such.  They conveniently ignore the arena(s) that are, citing still more ridiculously ego-centric reasons for not using them and instead prefer to whine vehemontly here in the BBS about it.

They persistently attempt to tell the rest of us how the game should be played and insist on specific tactics or manner of play "they" think is fitting.  They, of course, don't like it when many others don't play that way.  

They are too lazy to fly 5-10 minutes to seek a fight, or to engage in fights anywhere else on the map....evidently having to look at the map to find them is too stressing for them or the particulars are not to their personal liking.  Alternatives for them already exist, as mentioned, but they refuse to use them, and instead prefer to engage in BS in the forums with attempts to denegrate anyone that doesn't play the way they want them to.  They make claims that everyone else is infringing on "their" fun, when in fact it is they who are trying to hijack the arena to fit their personal whims.

They often make ridiculous statements about what actually occurs in the MA concerning aircraft types and numbers and who is doing what.  The truth is every team in the game has toolshedders and hordes and everyone of them "does their thing" everyday.  Apparently the LCA has just been a bit more effective over recent times and this has garnered certain attention by the whiners.  And to be sure, this is nothing new.  This has been happening day-in and day-out since AH first came online.  It's a typical response.  It's interesting how hypocritical they are when a team or group begins to get the best of them.  Since many have switched sides, they are seen daily now providing fighter support to their team's hording.  So much for the "all we want is our little FT"....

Of course, none of them whine about the Bish taking tank town (or attempting to) twice this last week, but of course not, they fly fighters only and could care less about anyone else that is into GVing....why am I not surprised?  So much for their BS "community"'s all about them only, so don't let them fool you.

FT or TT bases will get taken.  It has happened since the very first day the maps were created.  No one is out to ruin anything for anyone intentionally (no matter how upset you get over it and want to villainize someone).  "Toolshedding" is a viable strategic option considering the manner in which the game was designed.  Taking down FH's or any hangars or any base resources is a tactic used as needed.  Honestly, we'd prefer to take a base intact, but if that isn't viable, then you take down the hangars too.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.  

I have never done anyhting intentionally to ruin anything for anyone (no matter how misguided your feelings are).  Some people just have a hard time accepting defeat, on any front.  Some players just can't accept that the game isn't setup to their personal liking.  Some players PM you with insults when you kill them, regardless of the situation, some insult you for shooting them down when they are landing (especially when they are trying to land a lot of kills), etc, etc.   The funny part is, those same people have done the same thing to me and others, so they have nothing to whine about.  Apparently some people take great pride in their score, k/d, rank, etc, etc.  Great, go for it, it's your $$$$ and you have every right to work as hard as you want on that score.  I personally could care less about my score, or rank or any of that, and I will play the game accordingly.

Offline Schatzi

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« Reply #121 on: April 07, 2006, 03:43:16 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
Leyel, twice you've posted, twice you've contributed nothing.  I asked a question here, which very few people have even been able to answer with a modicum of seriousness or thought, and all you can squeak out is "troll! he r makeing fun of me!~".

Get lost.

Hub, i disagree. He contributed a LOT. You just dont seem to get what.

Due to behaviour of your squad (im generalising here, even though i realise its certainly not all 32 individuals having the same opinion/thoughts) on this BBS in the past (MOAT; other trolls - dont make me dig up links ;)) its hard to take what ANY of you guys post at face value. Youve proven you cant be trusted at first sight in your posts. You dont like that image? Though luck, because its what youve created.

You want to see yourself as a fun group, thats humorous and doesnt take itself too serious. OK, fine with me, but then live with it when WE dont take you serious (on that regard) either.

And no, you guys still havent convinced me this isnt a troll either.

Edit: and dont take that in a BK-bashing way. I might not agree with some of what you guys say/do, but as you, i dont take this game serious in that way. You do what you want to do and live with its consequences, I do what I do. We get along. - Now youve asked what i think about it, i told you.

And I fully agree on the BKs helping out whenever you ask. Sometimes you dont even have to ask! >>S<< and a big thank you!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 03:55:09 AM by Schatzi »
21 is only half the truth.

Offline Bear76

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« Reply #122 on: April 07, 2006, 04:14:43 AM »
Originally posted by Gato

 that is only my opinion, and we all know what those are worth.

exactly $14.95:D

Offline Trikky

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« Reply #123 on: April 07, 2006, 05:46:50 AM »
lol Zazen you crack me up. I genuinely want to read your posts but keep finding my forehead slamming against the keyboard. Guess you'd call that a quintessential dichotomy ;)

Cant contribute much more except anyone who regularly private messages me after getting shot down to share their feelings on how I'm a lucky/warping/cheating/gangbanging/hording/I was afk/vulching POS shirt lifting homo tends to reflect badly on their squad.

Offline SuperDud

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« Reply #124 on: April 07, 2006, 07:30:47 AM »
I'm just glad this thread is starting to turn into a "bashing" thread(sorry Zazen but it's nessicary)! Using/involving the BKs and no dirt being stirred just didn't feel right.
++Blue Knights++

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #125 on: April 07, 2006, 08:47:59 AM »
All I see is... "they are good but.."

As probly the worst stick and oldest member of the BK's.... We really don't care about "good"..   We look for the fun fights, and no... that isn't the exicietment of climbing for an hour to shoot at some fluffer controlling 3 fluffs with his mouse and a gods view of the world.

some of us help others and go to the DA or whatever and some don't.  I have never gone... even if I had any skills I really don't know what they are or how to teach em... don't really learn except in the MA either... Drex used to try to teach me stuff but it was hopeless.. I only learned by fighting him.  Don't be offended if I don't go into the DA with you...  I am not picking on you nor do I think you are special... plenty of BK's will if you ask tho.   If you want to fight me I am probly the easiest guy in the game to find.   FM2 (how mnany of those do you see?).... never over about 2 or 3 k.

In the arena we call sixes for anyone.... mostly... depends on which of us or what the situation is...  

We probly allready have the best 2 or 3 sticks in the game.   If not... it doesn't matter and if you think you are the best stick you probly will never be a BK anyway... We don't recruit for talent...

We have no rules save one.... if even one BK doesn't want you in then you don't get in.... We don't care about skill.... only that you have the right attitude and gameplay.   That does not mean being a good stick or being obnoxious....  I would vote for the guy who was barely able to hold his own but was allways fighting us at low alt over any guy who had ever "won" the whatever it is called (tour?)

It is fun for us to steal each others kills.

We have allways felt that the toolsheders and little generals ruin the game and are beyond contempt.  griefers and nutjobs.   No fun to be around or to fight.   We exist to avoid them not to fight em.  

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

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« Reply #126 on: April 07, 2006, 09:05:16 AM »
I miss Morpheus. Oh yeah...Lev is a Temp dweeb :rofl

Offline Ratnick

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« Reply #127 on: April 07, 2006, 09:34:47 AM »
I don't monitor ch200 so I can't comment on that, in the game no problem. Individuals may send private messages when killed but that should never be considered a trait of any squad. A person that's inclined to do that will do it in whatever squad they are in. The worst that can be said of them as a squad is they tend to be forum bullies - but that's not a big issue, just seems a little childish at times. A good group of pilots that like to have fun.

Offline indy007

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« Reply #128 on: April 07, 2006, 10:50:04 AM »
Opinion of the BKs? Pretty good actually. Always down for a fight & don't toolsheed. Some with a really high skill level... watching the videos, it's like I'm playing a different game or something. Never been cherry picked by one either, so that's a bonus. Nopoop has written some of the funniest stuff I've ever read. I feel his pain with the "wittle guys", having a 1/28th scale warhammer 40k army that people make fun of (to hell with them, I spent hundreds of hours painting & kitbashing my orks, and damnit they look good). Furball & Lazs have both gotten me to shoot coke out of my nose at least once.

I even have a picture of Furball somewhere around here... ahh, here it is...

Offline 68DevilM

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Re: The Blue Knights and you.
« Reply #129 on: April 07, 2006, 10:55:50 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
After reading some rather unflattering remarks directed at my squad, I started wondering, "What does the community as a group think of us? What are you experiences with the BKs? Would you recommend this product/service to friend? Would you consider us helpful?"

I know a lot of the guys have been playing for ages, many starting in AW, or WB, and have been flying, interacting, and drinking with perhaps hundreds or thousands of people in the communities of this genre of games over that period of time. Surely we can't be all that bad.

So, anyway, what do you really think of the BKs?

yall need another squad, been itching to join up for a while now, winged with a couple of ya, fought a couple more.....all good times......

Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #130 on: April 07, 2006, 11:05:45 AM »
Schatzi, I respect your opinion, but I disagree that posting "it's a troll. who are you making fun of this time" repeatedly is any sort of a contribution. In the infamous 'BK trollz', I don't think I've even been a part of them.

 I have posted none of these infamous BK trolls, nor did I post in them.  To say that I always troll, and therefore cannot be taken seriously... that doesn't hold water.

If anyone wants to be bothered to confirm that this isn't a troll, look at Ren's posts in the now epicly pointless LCA thread(or Ghosth's remarks in Filth's thread). The whole point of this thread, whether anyone wishes to accept it or not, is that we were identified as the root cause of all that's wrong with the game, from someone who's interaction with us is slim to none. Since I like to consider myself above just saying "your a retard, you suck", I thought I'd post in this fashion, and let the community speak for us.

While I respect that trainers provide a service for the community, attacking squads and identifying people with whom they have no interaction as the fundamental problems in the game is just a load of ****, in my opinion, and using the access both to HTC and to the newer player base to further a personal grudge is anything but respectful, or positive, and serves the community in no manner whatsoever. At that point, it's grown men acting as petulant children, and no one participating in such nonsense is a fit representive for the community's opinion.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 11:17:49 AM by hubsonfire »
++Blue Knights++

Proper punctuation and capitalization go a long way towards people paying attention to your posts.  -Stoney
I was wondering why I get ignored so often.  -Hitech

Offline Nwbie

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« Reply #131 on: April 07, 2006, 11:20:53 AM »
Who are the BK's ?
Burger King employees?
I am so confused.

Good peeps one and all.
great sense of humor, blah blah blah.

Skuzzy-- "Facts are slowly becoming irrelevant in favor of the nutjob."

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #132 on: April 07, 2006, 11:37:43 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
I don't think I've even been a part of them.

Come to think of it, you are not even on the roster.  You are not really a BK are ya? :O
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #133 on: April 07, 2006, 11:41:26 AM »
Originally posted by Furball
ded, not until someone cuts off both of my arms and gouges out both of my eyes with ice cream scoops will i be in the same catagory as you.

get some rank and then smack talk, tard.

You can't even drive on the right side of the streets and you are talking?  Even your stearing wheals are on the wrong side.  There is a reason you were exiled in Europe you know :furious
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline JMFJ

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« Reply #134 on: April 07, 2006, 12:09:39 PM »
Hub- You asked so please don't be upset with my response

Majority of the BK's are good sticks and generally helpful.

But there is a few most notably ones that post in this forum that are arrogant, and close minded to others opinions.  Not to mention if you retort there righteous opinions you will be tag teamed by every one of these extreme BK's.

But there is more upstanding, constructive BK's then not.