Author Topic: Poor Rush  (Read 1989 times)

Offline Murdr

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« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2006, 09:45:10 PM »
Actually considering the guy broadcasts to over 20,000,000 listeners, talking for over 2 hours a day, five days a week, one would think you'd be able to find more than 11 year old quotes from one show to support your lame hypocrite argument.

Offline AlGorithm

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« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2006, 09:49:30 PM »
Nash, you really need to get with the program.
Conservatives develop unfortunate dependencies from the treatment of legitimate medical problems. Liberals are junkies that can only be helped by extended incarceration.
Liberals are corrupt and take bribes. Conservatives accept contributions to enhance the free market system.
Conservatives declassify "evidence". Liberals commit treason by leaking.
Liberals engage in illegal wiretaps. Conservatives protect you by monitoring dangerous communications of radicals.
Conservatives pro-actively make us aware of nascent threats. Liberals "wag the dog" to distract your attention.
It'll be clearer in a few months, when Karl Rove uses his new found free time to write a book.

Offline Sixpence

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« Reply #32 on: April 28, 2006, 09:53:15 PM »
Originally posted by eagl
I chatted with a lady who had 4 crushed vertebrae after a car accident, and she got hooked bad on painkillers.  She got caught shopping doctors when she sought treatment for the inevitable systemic problems you get from overuse of tylenol.

Instead of dragging her through the courts, she got a new doctor and now the federal govt pays for an IV drip that won't kill her kidneys/liver.  She's still hooked, but was treated by the courts and medical system as a victim, not a criminal.

Now THAT is hypocritical, treating those two people differently.

Yeah, I listen to her talk show all the time.

How would Rush treat, let's say, Donovan Mcnabb if he was arrested for doing the same thing? Consider him a victim? C'mon, we both know better than that. He would berate him to death to push his agenda, he would have no mercy. That would be great for ratings. After watching him spew hate for a buck for so long, yeah, I am enjoying watching him go down. I treat him as he would treat others. I guess that makes him special too.
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline Murdr

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« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2006, 10:08:47 PM »
Provide "hate" quotes please? Oh, never mind.  You'll unknowingly (or knowingly) just dig up some quotes from the middle of a sarcasm schtick.  Considering the Daryll Strawberry's of the world over the last 2 decades, your hypothetical is historically lacking.

Offline Sixpence

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« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2006, 10:10:25 PM »
Originally posted by Murdr
Provide "hate" quotes please? Oh, never mind.  You'll unknowingly (or knowingly) just dig up some quotes from the middle of a sarcasm schtick.  Considering the Daryll Strawberry's of the world over the last 2 decades, your hypothetical is historically lacking.

Yeah, i'm being sarcastic too, yeah, that's the ticket
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline Stringer

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« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2006, 10:22:11 PM »
Well here's how Rush feels about being tolerant of people who break the law.....

We are becoming too tolerant as a society, folks, especially of crime, in too many parts of the country.... This country certainly appears to be tolerant, forgive and forget. I mean, you know as well as I do, you go out and commit the worst murder in the world and you just say you're sorry, people go, "Oh, OK. A little contrition."... People say, "I feel better. He said he's sorry for it." We're becoming too tolerant, folks.

Of course we can tell Rush what to do with his body.....

Quote (8/18/03)    In the audio link below, I go into detail about these non-thinking talking points that "you can't tell people what to do with their bodies" and "you can't legislate morality." First of all, we tell people what they can do to their bodies all the time--no cocaine, no prostitution, no throwing yourself off a building. Second, laws are nothing but defining morality!

Of course this is how Rush feels about people who overcome their drug addiction..

Quote (6/27/03) .....All right. Joe Fernandez came to New York from Miami, ladies and gentlemen, to be schools chancellor.... Now he is embattled--he's got a book that just came out, an autobiography that's soon to come out, I think, in which he admits that he was a mainliner as a teen-ager. This guy [pretends to stick needle in arm]--pfsst--shot up heroin. And people are praising him. He overcame the scourge. He triumphed over that profound obstacle in his life and has gone on to become this great schools chancellor.... [Plays a clip of Fernandez saying that the message of his teenage drug use is "to not give up on our kids."] Whoa. The guy wants to be education secretary, folks. Watch out. Now why does he want to go to Washington? Probably because he's studied the case of Marion Barry. Here's a guy who got involved in drugs. You want to see my Marion Barry impersonation? Do you want to see that? All right. I'll do the Marion Barry impersonation. So what is he? He gets involved in drugs and ends up, ladies and gentlemen, as a newly elected official in Washington, D.C....  So I'm sure Joe Fernandez is looking down there saying, "Hey, there's a future for, you know, drug users in Washington, D.C."

In fact Rush says don't look up to guys like know..guys who break the law and illegally use drugs....

--Rush Limbaugh TV show (12/8/92)   When you strip it all away, Jerry Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he's being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks.

But let's treat Rush how Rush wants to be treated.....

--Rush Limbaugh radio show (quoted in the L.A. Times, 8/20/95  I want to let you read along with me a quote from Jerry Colangelo about substance abuse, and I think you'll find that he's very much right…"I know every expert in the world will disagree with me, but I don't buy into the disease part of it. The first time you reach for a substance you are making a choice. Every time you go back, you are making a personal choice. I feel very strongly about that."...

What he's saying is that if there's a line of cocaine here, I have to make the choice to go down and sniff it….And his point is that we are rationalizing all this irresponsibility and all the choices people are making and we're blaming not them, but society for it. All these Hollywood celebrities say the reason they're weird and bizarre is because they were abused by their parents. So we're going to pay for that kind of rehab, too, and we shouldn't. It's not our responsibility. It's up to the people who are doing it. And Colangelo is right.

I'm appalled at people who simply want to look at all this abhorrent behavior and say, "Hey, you know, we can't control it anymore. People are going to do drugs anyway. Let's legalize it." It's a dumb idea. It's a rotten idea, and those who are for it are purely, 100 percent selfish.

Yep....he's not a hypocrit....he's a role-model!!

Offline Toad

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« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2006, 10:29:07 PM »
The phrase "Hoist by your own petard" comes to mind.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Mr Big

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« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2006, 10:42:55 PM »
Originally posted by Stringer


Yep....he's not a hypocrit....he's a role-model!!

Yeah, he's a P.O.S.

It's tough being human.

Role model? Yeah, don't want to encourage anyone to follow in the footsteps of  Rush's screwed up life.

Offline Stringer

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« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2006, 10:48:34 PM »
You mean how he expresses his family values by being married 3 times?  Being a drug addict...stuff like that?

He fits right in with Hollyweird...

Offline Mr Big

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« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2006, 10:49:58 PM »
Originally posted by Stringer
You mean how he expresses his family values by being married 3 times?  Being a drug addict...stuff like that?

He fits right in with Hollyweird...

Yeah, what a terrible person.

Offline Shuckins

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« Reply #40 on: April 28, 2006, 11:28:35 PM »
I'm not buying what you guys are selling.

I've seen the pain my dad went through when his hip had degenerated to the point that it looked a piece of half decayed driftwood.  He was addicted to prescription pain-killers and other drugs that played havoc with his body, his nerves, and his moods.

My wife is in the early stages of degenerative disk disease...which is going to get progressively worse, and she is already having to take pain medicine and physical therapy.

Anyone who refuses to admit the difference between some thrill-seeking, goof-ball heroin addict and someone with an addiction acquired becaue of a debilitating physical ailment is a bigger hypocrite than Rush ever was. Sure, both may buy drugs illegally, but the ways in which they acquire their addiction are poles apart.

So from here on out save your protestations of sympathy for the masses of unfortunates suffering under the ministrations of an "uncaring" government.  You obviously don't mean it.

Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #41 on: April 28, 2006, 11:29:13 PM »
Originally posted by Nash

This man's sole source of income, his career, is to make you upset, to hate people, and hate things. To lie, and to bend logic to its absolute breaking point, so that you... the passive listener, are moved. One of his targets was drugs and addiction. And he's been as heavy handed as he is about everything else.

Wow you too have alot in more ways than one if you catch my drift.

Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #42 on: April 28, 2006, 11:31:49 PM »
Originally posted by Shuckins
I'm not buying what you guys are selling.

I've seen the pain my dad went through when his hip had degenerated to the point that it looked a piece of half decayed driftwood.  He was addicted to prescription pain-killers and other drugs that played havoc with his body, his nerves, and his moods.

My wife is in the early stages of degenerative disk disease...which is going to get progressively worse, and she is already having to take pain medicine and physical therapy.

Anyone who refuses to admit the difference between some thrill-seeking, goof-ball heroin addict and someone with an addiction acquired becaue of a debilitating physical ailment is a bigger hypocrite than Rush ever was. Sure, both may buy drugs illegally, but the ways in which they acquire their addiction are poles apart.

So from here on out save your protestations of sympathy for the masses of unfortunates suffering under the ministrations of an "uncaring" government.  You obviously don't mean it.

yes sir...good point.

and I have to say....

Those same people that are speaking out against rush would more than likely fully support a group of medicinal marjaiana users that got cought growing pot for medicinal reasons.

this is one thing that is true about the left.  The man can appologize.  He can pay the price.... but if they don't agree with him politically they will not stop with him untill they have run him through the ringer.  It doesn't matter if he is emulating one of their causes, if he is a conservative he's no longer a victom.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 11:34:05 PM by Gunslinger »

Offline Nash

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« Reply #43 on: April 28, 2006, 11:42:11 PM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
The man can appologize.  He can pay the price.... but if they don't agree with him politically they will not stop with him untill they have run him through the ringer.

Mpphht. Yeah, okay.

RUSH LIMBAUGH runs addicts through your so-called ringer.


Offline rpm

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« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2006, 11:44:57 PM »
You guys just hate to admit that "Mr. Conservative" got caught with his hand in the "I'm Human" jar. Yes, it's difficult to be high, mighty and better than everyone else, when you are just like everyone else.

Lemme guess, if he got caught smoking pot for a medical condition you dittoheads would be all for medical marijuana. What a bunch of lemmings.

Oh, Eagler, you might want to delete that post asking for the illegal transfer of a controlled substance. That is a felony.
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