Author Topic: Poor Rush  (Read 1990 times)

Offline LePaul

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« Reply #75 on: April 29, 2006, 09:03:14 AM »
Asides the predictable Rush bashing and Nash rants, you guys are missing the bigger point...the one that even the ACLU sided with Rush on.  The authorities *seized* his medical records and went *fishing* for charges.  They werent properly taken...and law enforcement isnt supposed to grab your *ahem private* medical records and hope there are some charges that stick based on what they discover.  Basing their investigation on a National Enquirer article doesnt sound to me like a shining example of police work.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #76 on: April 29, 2006, 09:04:21 AM »
nash... are you saying that addicts are not the scourge of the earth?   Hell... when I was an addict I knew we were... stilll think so.  I think Rush proves his own point.... look how low he has brought himself over the whole thing.

If you were a heroin addict and didn't do things that most here would find unbelieveably lowlife and immoral.... then you either weren't a real addict of your parents supported your habbit... you were shooting from a silver spoon.   probly a little of both.  

drugs can be a minor inconvienience for people and society or they can be the worst thing that could possibly happen to a person and the people he comes in contact with... one real drug addict can ruin the lives of dozens or even hundreds of people..... nothing else has that potential.

what I find so disgusting nash is you pretending to be offended by a drug addict being a liar and a hypocrite when in your addiction you lied and were a hypocrite every single day...  maybe some of these people here are buying your outratge but I think is sucks.  I like you less every day.


Offline Stringer

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« Reply #77 on: April 29, 2006, 09:18:46 AM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
yes sir...good point.

and I have to say....

Those same people that are speaking out against rush would more than likely fully support a group of medicinal marjaiana users that got cought growing pot for medicinal reasons.

this is one thing that is true about the left.  The man can appologize.  He can pay the price.... but if they don't agree with him politically they will not stop with him untill they have run him through the ringer.  It doesn't matter if he is emulating one of their causes, if he is a conservative he's no longer a victom.

In my case, you'd be very, very wrong.

And Grun, you words can be used for both sides of the political cheerleaders, just substitute left for right and that last paragraph fits both ways.  Hell you guys still bring up Clinton.

Offline Mr Big

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« Reply #78 on: April 29, 2006, 09:20:24 AM »
Originally posted by Shuckins

As I said earlier, some of those who pride themselves on their sensitivity actually have convictions that are only superficial.

You just described most liberals. They have great compassion for everything and everyone, except those who don't think exactly like they do,

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #79 on: April 29, 2006, 09:41:38 AM »
LoL... as opposed to most conservatives who have no compassion at all?

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #80 on: April 29, 2006, 09:44:06 AM »
Originally posted by Hangtime
I'm anti-social. Lighting up gets rid of unwanted guests.

and, i enjoy eating smoking nazis.

"you don't like it, don't breathe or get the **** outta my house."


Haha, thats cool.  I never was an inside smoker tho, except at my girlfriends.  

One thing I really don't like is the way smokers are being treated nowadays.  My school stopped selling cigarettes (even though they were gouging to begin with, imo), and there is actually a proposal to ban smoking on campus altogether for "public health reasons".

It is enough to make me want to start smoking again.

Offline Mr Big

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« Reply #81 on: April 29, 2006, 09:44:44 AM »
Originally posted by Urchin
LoL... as opposed to most conservatives who have no compassion at all?

So you admit that liberals have no compassion for people who don't think exactly like they do?

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« Reply #82 on: April 29, 2006, 09:45:43 AM »
Originally posted by Mr Big
So you admit that liberals have no compassion for people who don't think exactly like they do?

So you admit that most conservatives have no compassion?  

Wow, I didn't think I'd ever get anyone to say that.

Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #83 on: April 29, 2006, 09:46:13 AM »
Originally posted by LePaul
Asides the predictable Rush bashing and Nash rants, you guys are missing the bigger point...the one that even the ACLU sided with Rush on.  The authorities *seized* his medical records and went *fishing* for charges.  They werent properly taken...and law enforcement isnt supposed to grab your *ahem private* medical records and hope there are some charges that stick based on what they discover.  Basing their investigation on a National Enquirer article doesnt sound to me like a shining example of police work.

Hey you forgot to mention that after they went fishing for a crime they sent Rush the bill for the investigation.  Again what private citizen has to put up with this.

Offline Mr Big

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« Reply #84 on: April 29, 2006, 09:46:45 AM »
Originally posted by Urchin
So you admit that most conservatives have no compassion?  

Wow, I didn't think I'd ever get anyone to say that.


Offline Mr Big

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« Reply #85 on: April 29, 2006, 09:51:18 AM »
Rush is human and he doesn't pretend not to be. Because he's America's number one rated radio talk host ( for how many years?), and because he is a conservative, he's a target.

Citizen Joe is not gonna get taken to the mat for the same  crime.

Nash, how would you feel if you were taken through the ringer  and investigated in the same way?

Offline Curval

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« Reply #86 on: April 29, 2006, 09:53:47 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
If you were a heroin addict and didn't do things that most here would find unbelieveably lowlife and immoral.... then you either weren't a real addict of your parents supported your habbit... you were shooting from a silver spoon.   probly a little of both.

The mighty words of experience.

So, can we assume you perfomed sexual favours for drugs then...being as you were a "real" addict and all?
Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain

Offline Mr Big

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« Reply #87 on: April 29, 2006, 10:17:50 AM »
Originally posted by Curval
The mighty words of experience.

So, can we assume you perfomed sexual favours for drugs then...being as you were a "real" addict and all?

Maybe you would choose to perform sexual favors, like women addicts.

Men usually just kill and rob.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #88 on: April 29, 2006, 10:19:07 AM »

Originally posted by lazs2
nash... are you saying that addicts are not the scourge of the earth?   Hell... when I was an addict I knew we were... stilll think so.  I think Rush proves his own point.... look how low he has brought himself over the whole thing.

If you were a heroin addict and didn't do things that most here would find unbelieveably lowlife and immoral.... then you either weren't a real addict of your parents supported your habbit... you were shooting from a silver spoon.   probly a little of both.  

drugs can be a minor inconvienience for people and society or they can be the worst thing that could possibly happen to a person and the people he comes in contact with... one real drug addict can ruin the lives of dozens or even hundreds of people..... nothing else has that potential.

what I find so disgusting nash is you pretending to be offended by a drug addict being a liar and a hypocrite when in your addiction you lied and were a hypocrite every single day...  maybe some of these people here are buying your outratge but I think is sucks.  I like you less every day.


blah blah blah.... same 'ol. Funny how you come directly at me each and every time I post, no matter what I post, and no matter what the subject is. As if I'm supposed to care. And as if I should be able to even make sense of your... your... I don't even know what to call it anymore.

I certainly don't buy your whole past drug runnin' addict drama persona bs.

You have two things to say, and you use the same 30 or 40 words to say them. Over, and over and over again.

You don't like me, you don't like socialists (which you are constantly getting me confused with), but you like things that go bang and things that go vrooom. That's about it.

And I get it, okay? You object to every single thought I may have. Every single thing about me. Everything I am. Fine! So the eff what? Who CARES? Do you want me to shut up until such time as I come around to saying things that please you? Jesious christ. You're like a gawdamned broken record to me. Or one of those annyoying little lap dogs that bite at your ankles begging for attention.

Again..... You disagree with me. Even object to me. Post after post after post after post after post of you getting all personal touchy feely towards me.... and I get the picture.  But what in the world do you expect me to do about that? Should I really be caring about this?

I'm making an exception here even responding to you anymore, sir, but I'll be sure to let you know if there comes a moment when I feel like shedding a tear over you "liking me less every day."


Offline Mr Big

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« Reply #89 on: April 29, 2006, 10:22:11 AM »
Nash, you seem like a chick ;)