Author Topic: 'Day Without Immigrants' under way  (Read 6515 times)

Offline Eagler

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2006, 09:04:36 PM »
crap, I thought the same thing as sandman when I read Toads 1st post ...

it wasn't just the illegals that "protested" today .. my guess it was just as many legals

I still do not know what they thought walking out would do but show their arse and dis the person who pays them.. always good for ones career )

I think it didn't do anything positive for their "cause" - whatever that may be

my garbage was picked up b4 noon today and I mowed my lawn last Saturday :)
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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #46 on: May 01, 2006, 09:12:59 PM »
Just saw on the news that "Goya" stopped shipment of all its products in all states cept Florida and how X amound of products sat on warehouse shelves instead of being shipped.

Made me laugh.

Now they boycott to hurt themselves too. the proverbial cutting off ones own nose to spite ones face
How many people buy alot of Goya products that arent hispanic?

And in most major supermarkets around the country how much space is dedicated to Goya products?

Stores by me, maybe a 3-4  foot square area in 1 isle
Doubt the delay will even be noticed

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Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #47 on: May 01, 2006, 09:16:33 PM »
I stopped by my old shop today... a boat building operation; last one on Long Island. Mostly illegals working in fiberglass layup. The layup shop was empty with the exception of the two legals.. guys that've worked there for 15 years.

Had a beer with the boss.. he was pretty annoyed. The guy has always been generous; always paid a fair wage, white, black or latino. Over the years, the layup shop has become some kinda little havana. We tossed back and forth ideas about what to do. I suggested that this was an outstanding opportunity to straighten out what could become a very expensive problem... without being a salamander. Ol Big Al want's to be everbodys friend, has always cut disadvantaged guys additional slack. He's big on self image. The crew usually took advantage, and today was no exception.

I told him to fire every guy that didn't come in today. Suggested that he let them re-apply for work and to let them know he'd accept applications with resident documentation. Told him to photo copy all the documentation and submit copies to the appropriate INS authority.. due dilligence and all. ;)

I think that's what he's gonna do.. his secretary called and said she's working up 'folders' on every one of 'em. (she was pissed, "Thanks.. havent seen yah in years and now I need a spanish dictionary!") hehehhehheheh. The bastard never listened to me when I worked for him.. lol !!

So, I did my bit on 'a day without criminal tresspassers'.

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Offline Nwbie

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« Reply #48 on: May 01, 2006, 09:25:08 PM »
ok, lets get rid of all the illegal workforce

and when the prices of services and goods get to about double what they are now, take a guess if I'm right..
which genius that has posted so far will be able to figure out what the actual economical impact of this kind of "gun toting - blow harding " quick fix mentality will create?

ijots all of ya, cuz you guys wil be the first to stomp your feet and cry when the price of everything in the US goes through the roof... getting cheap labor to create goods in th eUS is a tradition, if it costs a buck to sell something then the smartest thing to do is make it cost 75 cents, so the ijots can buy it for 2 bucks instead of 2.25.... that is where our economy in the US is right now...
get ready to pay 4 bucks for what used to cost 2 bucks if something like this passes.... and kiss that Hummer goodbye


its a dumb way to deal with a bad economical situation... politicians creating an economical climate... and ijots supporting it...
kee rist - Americans are ijots... and if we keep reproducing .... think of how well we will screw it up for our Grandkids... lol political economists and cow pie slinging republicans ... god help us
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Offline bkbandit

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #49 on: May 01, 2006, 09:26:21 PM »
There was a similar post like this before.  It was closed and blocked. WHY? The "illegals" r protestin, that sounds like a big joke.  There walkin off work mean while me aswell as 50 million americans between 20 and 34 are unemployed. Thats why im stuck in h2h.  Im born and raised in brooklyn new yok and illegals are all over.  All of them are workin but me and many other guys that i noe are just sitin wasteing away.  Fine the employers heavy for useing illegals and without work they will disappear.  I noe alot of businesses that make there pockets real fat useing illegals.  Why would he pay an american 75 for a job when he can go to the corner and get an illegal for 35.  U should dee it out here.  They camp out by rent a truck places and 7 am in the morning they stand on corners on the main aves and just wait to get picked up.  And on top of the 50 million unemployed how many more americans are homeless.  I walk the streets of manhattan and see them sleepin on benchs and eatin garbage but these guys that jump the border illegaly work and arent sleepin on the street.  If i didnt live with my mother i would be on the street aswell.  Somethin needs to be done.  U got them tryin to sing the nation anthem in spanish, its crazy.  U sing the national athem in ENGLISH.  RIght now im really editing myself cause this is a subject that gets me heated and just puts fire in my blood.  I would just ship them all back and take those 50 million(and i noe theres more, 18 19  year olds need jobs too) and get them off the street and give them some work.  

 Alot of hispanics are mad at me and say im a racist(my skin is a cinnamon shed of brown, grandmother came here from puerto rico 60 years ago, i am an AMERICAN.......I dont fly planes in the game if it dont hav stars and strips on it). but america is for americans and people that come here live by our laws.

Funny thing is that it doesnt just hurt us it hurts mexicos economy.  There tryin the revamp there counrty and need workers.

Fine the employers, arrest illegals...... i dont noe only thing i noe is that somethin needs to happen.

Offline Mr Big

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #50 on: May 01, 2006, 09:28:14 PM »
Originally posted by Hangtime
The guy has always been generous; always paid a fair wage, white, black or latino. Over the years, the layup shop has become some kinda little havana.  

He pays such a fair wage, the place has become a "little Havana"

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #51 on: May 01, 2006, 09:30:44 PM »
Originally posted by bkbandit
There was a similar post like this before.  It was closed and blocked. WHY?

When threads degenerate to name calling, they usually are locked.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #52 on: May 01, 2006, 09:48:29 PM »
Originally posted by Mr Big
He pays such a fair wage, the place has become a "little Havana"

The work is literally brutal. I've worked that shop for hundreds of hours.. nobody touched new molds but me. The layup shop is in a 'greenhouse'.... massive hanger-like building covered with plastic. Temps work up to over 120 degrees during the summer. The shop lead is a salvadoran, the music he plays is pure salsa. There's chickens outside the back.. **** fights on friday afternoons. It's basically 'his shop', he's been with Big Al since the start and has the last say on who works out there... Naturally, he's filled it with guys that are comfortable working in that kind of enviornment. We used to run all the new guys through that shop for two weeks.. understanding layup is critical to finish work on a boat. Luis is makin about 25 bucks an hour. Lowest paid guy in that shop (grinder) when I was there was at 12.50 an hour... and the guy was an Irishman. He's running the deck shop now. Still grinding too. ;)

But, Nuke; if yer point is ol Big Al couldn't make it with 'cheap labor' yer wrong... Big Al knows he can't make it if the boats don't float... and where the quality starts is when the layup starts.
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Offline Debonair

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #53 on: May 01, 2006, 09:55:55 PM »
it'll be a sad day when the drug dealers bookies & hookers go on strike

Offline Mr Big

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« Reply #54 on: May 01, 2006, 10:01:12 PM »
So Hang, you advised "Big Al" to report all his great illegal workers  to the INS, and he agreed?

You say that not many people could handle the job conditions? I'm sure you are correct. At the money Al pays them, most legals would never work there under those conditions. Al would go under trying to keep up with Union pay, union demands and union workers. Of course, I'm just assuming they would be union.......maybe not.

Instead he gets good labor at below market value because he's able to hire illegals at a lower wage than a legal worker with the same skills.

The funny thing is that you took a cheap shot at my post, then hold Al up on a pedestle for hiring illegals, THEN tell Al to fire the illegals and report them to the INS.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 10:05:19 PM by Mr Big »

Offline Gunslinger

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #55 on: May 01, 2006, 10:06:22 PM »
This might get the thread locked but I thought it a good read:


A Day Without an Illegal Immigrant
An imaginary exercise.

By Tom Tancredo

What would a day without illegal aliens really be like? Let’s try to imagine it.

On May 1, millions of illegal aliens working in meat-processing plants, construction, restaurants, hotels, and other “jobs Americans won’t do” are supposed to stay home from work to show the importance of their labor to our nation’s economy. Doubtless, there will be some inconvenience if that happens, but there is another side to the story that is not being reported.

A Day Without an Illegal Immigrant 05/01

We are talking about illegal aliens, not mere “immigrants.” If legal immigrants stopped working for a day, we would miss the services of physicians, nurses, computer programmers, writers, actors, musicians, entrepreneurs of all stripes, and some airline pilots…as well as the CEO of Google. That would be more than an inconvenience, but it won’t happen because legal immigrants are not out marching angrily for rights that are already protected by our courts.

But if illegal aliens all took the day off and were truly invisible for one day, there would be some plusses along with the mild inconveniences.

Hospital emergency rooms across the southwest would have about 20-percent fewer patients, and there would be 183,000 fewer people in Colorado without health insurance.

OBGYN wards in Denver would have 24-percent fewer deliveries and Los Angeles’s maternity-ward deliveries would drop by 40 percent and maternity billings to Medi-Cal would drop by 66 percent.

Youth gangs would see their membership drop by 50 percent in many states, and in Phoenix, child-molestation cases would drop by 34 percent and auto theft by 40 percent.

In Durango, Colorado, and the Four Corners area and the surrounding Indian reservations, the methamphetamine epidemic would slow for one day, as the 90 percent of that drug now being brought in from Mexico was held in Albuquerque and Farmington a few hours longer. According to the sheriff of La Plata County, Colorado, meth is now being brought in by ordinary illegal aliens as well as professional drug dealers.

If the “Day-Without-an-Immigrant Boycott” had been held a year earlier on May 8, 2005, and illegal alien Raul Garcia-Gomez had stayed home and did not work or go to a party that day, Denver police officer Donnie Young would still be alive and Garcia-Gomez would not be sitting in a Denver jail awaiting trial.

If the boycott had been held on July 1, 2004, Justin Goodman of Thornton, Colorado, would still be riding his motorcycle and Roberto Martinez-Ruiz would not be in prison for killing him and then fleeing the scene while driving on a suspended license.

If illegal aliens stayed home—in Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, and 100 other countries—the Border Patrol would have 3,500 fewer apprehensions (of the 12,000 who try each day).

Colorado taxpayers would save almost $3,000,000 in one day if illegals do not access any public services, because illegal aliens cost the state over $1 billion annually according to the best estimates.

Colorado’s K-12 school classrooms would have 131,000 fewer students if illegal aliens and the children of illegals were to stay home, and Denver high schools’ dropout rate would once again approach the national norm.

Colorado’s jails and prisons would have 10-percent fewer inmates, and Denver and many other towns would not need to build so many new jails to accommodate the overcrowding.

Our highway patrol and county sheriffs would have about far fewer DUI arrests and there would be a dramatic decline in rollovers of vanloads of illegal aliens on I-70 and other highways.

On a Day Without an Illegal Immigrant, thousands of workers and small contractors in the construction industry across Colorado would have their jobs back, the jobs given to illegal workers because they work for lower wages and no benefits. (On the other hand, if labor unions continue signing up illegal workers, no one will be worrying about Joe Six-Pack’s loss. Sorry, Joe, but you forgot to tell your union business agent that your job is as important as his is.)

If it fell on a Sunday, Catholic Churches in the southwestern states might have 20-percent fewer parishioners at Mass if all illegals stayed home, but they would be back next Sunday, so the bishop’s job is not in danger. The religious leaders who send people to the marches and rallies will never fear for their jobs, because illegal aliens need their special “human-rights” advocacy and some priests and nuns seem especially devoted to that cause. The fact that most Catholics disagree with the bishops’ radicalism doesn’t seem to affect their dedication to undermining the rule of law.

All of this might be a passing colorful episode in the heated national debate over immigration policy if it weren’t for an odd coincidence: The immigration-enforcement agency responsible for locating and deporting illegal aliens is also taking the day off today. Of course, they didn’t call it a boycott. It is just (non)business as usual.

Offline ujustdied

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« Reply #56 on: May 01, 2006, 10:19:25 PM »
lol like Carlos Mancia said if they bulid this "Berlin wall". Whos going to bulid it? hahahahahahahahah thats a great point. personaly imagrents who want to come to this country is perfectly fine when they get there license to be in this country its perfeclty fine. IMO all thoughs illegal Aliens are comming over here for a few bucks an hour just to live in our wonderful country doing all our dirty work work for us that personally none of us really want to. now i know that it is making less jobs for people. but cmon guys. none of these imagrents have a degree better a high school deploma. so its not like there going to take over a huge corpret office. plus im sure if you want a constuction job its not very hard to find one. alls im saying is maybe these illegal imagrents might be doing something good for us. you never no. just that these illegal aliens have never bombed 2 of our most important bulidings.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #57 on: May 01, 2006, 10:21:59 PM »
Nope.. I told Al to clean house and get his employee records taken care of and explained that the guys that have been taking advantage of him he didn't need any more.

He could easily fill that shop with illegals at or well below minimum wage at any time he chose; every day. And he's been turning a blind eye to luis passing out jobs without involving Al in the interview process. And he's aware he had a problem or he wouldn't have hopped on sheril after i left to get the paperwork straight.

The national situation has proven to be a godsend to guys like Big Al.. In the past, society and the INS could give a crap about who worked in there, and he's always let his shop leads run their buildings as they wished as long as the quality was up to snuff and the boats floated out on time. Now, he's got an opportunity to sweep out the 'liabilities', remind the other shops who the hell the boss really is, and do the 'right thing' as an American and an Employer. And, he's well aware he'll have that shop staffed fully by wednesday.. by legals, at the same decent wages he was paying the illegals.

If what's going down at Al's tomorrow is repeated by a few thousand (or more) small to mid sized businesses across this county... then a 'day without illegal tresspassers' will have been a resounding American success story.
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Offline Nwbie

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« Reply #58 on: May 01, 2006, 10:27:53 PM »
Tom Tancredo

isn't that the incredibly bright congressman that suggested we nuke Mecca?


Do you think you could come up with a list similar to that of natural born American Citizens

Lets start,
if John Wayne Gacy ......
If Jeffrey Dahmer.....
If yada yada yada

the guy is a nut.... he comes up with a list that is nothing but incendary, he has no other agenda than to get national attention.. without coming up with a realistic solution to an economical problem...

Skuzzy-- "Facts are slowly becoming irrelevant in favor of the nutjob."

Offline Mr Big

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« Reply #59 on: May 01, 2006, 10:39:10 PM »
Originally posted by Hangtime
Nope.. I told Al to clean house and get his employee records taken care of .

The national situation has proven to be a godsend to guys like Big Al.. In the past, society and the INS could give a crap about who worked in there, and he's always let his shop leads run their buildings as they wished as long as the quality was up to snuff and the boats floated out on time. Now, he's got an opportunity to sweep out the 'liabilities', remind the other shops who the hell the boss really is, and do the 'right thing' as an American and an Employer.

God, I am glad I can go to bed laughing tonight. Thanks Hang!

Poor Al just needed a little nudge to realize that he was breaking the law. Now Al is happy, because society and the INS now seem to care about his plight.