Author Topic: give perk points to the vet/senior member killers  (Read 1066 times)

Offline wrongwayric

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« on: May 10, 2006, 08:46:45 AM »
I just came from a battle for a base, we were in panzers and assorted planes. Pretty good fight. We decided, ok one big push! Up what you want, 3 guys up perk planes, myself and another up tigers. Funny when we up the tigers suddenly the senior members who had been online before (or do you call them low rankers) and at other bases, all bail and come to do nothing but kill the perk rides. I.E. temp, f4u1c, 2 tigers. Then when we come back in standard non perk planes they have landed their much valued perk kills and fled. WOW such studs!!! Maybe it's time to say, hey, if you've played this long and are that good, maybe the guy that kills YOU should get 3 to 6 times the amount of a normal kill! No matter if your upping in regular mission or not! If your score is that great and all you want to hunt is perk rides, then you should be able to put your skill up. I donn't know but i think the perk/low ranker concept is obsolete, maybe we need to have a system were if you shoot down a lesser plane you get nothing, an equal plane 1, and a perk plane 5. Is that what it would take to get the perk only killers to back off and let the rest of us enjoy? Probably not. Guess we must police our own and make a list of people who do this and start hunting them down, maybe to the point were they cann't up without 20-30 people gang shooting them. DRIVE BY SHOOTING SLAYS ACE/SENIOR  member!!! what a headline

Offline nark

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 09:01:40 AM »
how bout the redsox yankees game last night?-that was awesome

Offline Dead Man Flying

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2006, 09:07:55 AM »
As a perpetual high ranker, I am in favor of additional perk points for taking out "low rankers" whose skill far exceeds my own.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Pooface

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2006, 09:15:14 AM »
:huh :huh :huh

Offline soupcan

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2006, 09:32:37 AM »
sounds like someone shouldn't be upping
perk rides if its gonna cause such discontent
when u loose it.
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Offline bozon

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2006, 09:47:44 AM »
Maybe they came because someone upped something other than spit16/La7/N1k, just for the variety?

Now, more seriously. Rolling a "rare" planes mission attracts attention. Even if you roll 10 player Hurrican 1 or P40 this will bring a lot of opposition just because it is different and interesting. Veteran players are eager for such "out of the ordinary" events and will be flocking. Don't take it personally. It has little to do with the perk value as most of them can fly 262 exclusively for a year, crash every ride, and still have perks to spare.

I love these events - both as a participant and as opposition. Rolling themed missions is just that much more interesting than 110s with La7 escorts. In the old days I had set up some missions with silly themes like: "Only green planes" (before we had skins) or "only twin engines" or "BoB planes".

btw, the best place to fly a perk ride is where you are surrounded by other perk rides - that way you are not singled out in the crowd with your "kill me" icon tag.

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Offline Tilt

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2006, 09:53:33 AM »
its the plane silly.................. not the pilot!:cool:
Ludere Vincere

Offline DipStick

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2006, 10:09:50 AM »
Time to bring back Rude's "Whine of the Week" award. Some of the threads these days r teh suk. :rolleyes:

Offline Simaril

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2006, 10:10:14 AM »
The guys who have moved past vet into, well, ace status have a harder time finding a challenge, to be honest. (This does NOT apply to me at all, BTW...I figure I'm just becoming a vet about now.)

Guys like Lev and Morph can handle 1v6 without stress, just some adrenaline, which is why they love the furball.

Since furballs are hard to find and harder to maintain, dont you think that pitting a c205 against a tempest would be an attractive challenge for them? Dont be surprised; they're not after perks because they can earn em faster than they spend em. They're usually not after "attaboys" because many have moved apst the need to prove anything.

Your mission just gave them (whoever they were) a chance to have soem fun and test themselves against a challenge
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Offline Jackal1

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2006, 11:10:21 AM »
Let me get this straight. You upped perk rides and got owned?
 What`s wrong with this picture? Did you expect them to just fly around till you shot them down in your perk rides or what? I don`t get it.
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Offline jammer934

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« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2006, 11:37:36 AM »
:confused: So you were killed by better guys trying to save a base from tigers,typhs,so on to the guys that killed there fun

Offline Reschke

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2006, 11:54:43 AM »
Russian judge 3.5
Czech judge 3.75
USA judge 4.25
Canada judge 4.0
Japan judge 5.25

Avg score after tossing the highest and lowest scores is............. 4.0

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Offline GooseAW

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« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2006, 12:03:29 PM »
:rofl :D :rofl

Offline SlapShot

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Re: give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2006, 12:38:49 PM »
Originally posted by wrongwayric
I just came from a battle for a base, we were in panzers and assorted planes. Pretty good fight. We decided, ok one big push! Up what you want, 3 guys up perk planes, myself and another up tigers. Funny when we up the tigers suddenly the senior members who had been online before (or do you call them low rankers) and at other bases, all bail and come to do nothing but kill the perk rides. I.E. temp, f4u1c, 2 tigers. Then when we come back in standard non perk planes they have landed their much valued perk kills and fled. WOW such studs!!! Maybe it's time to say, hey, if you've played this long and are that good, maybe the guy that kills YOU should get 3 to 6 times the amount of a normal kill! No matter if your upping in regular mission or not! If your score is that great and all you want to hunt is perk rides, then you should be able to put your skill up. I donn't know but i think the perk/low ranker concept is obsolete, maybe we need to have a system were if you shoot down a lesser plane you get nothing, an equal plane 1, and a perk plane 5. Is that what it would take to get the perk only killers to back off and let the rest of us enjoy? Probably not. Guess we must police our own and make a list of people who do this and start hunting them down, maybe to the point were they cann't up without 20-30 people gang shooting them. DRIVE BY SHOOTING SLAYS ACE/SENIOR  member!!! what a headline

Connecting skill with score is ... umm ... foolish at best.

If the "vets" pwned you in your perk planes, using whatever plane they had, you can surely bet that they would then pwn you again if you returned in lesser planes.

They probably landed cause there was no more targets around and weren't sure if you were gonna return.

I hardly believe that they ... landed their much valued perk kills and fled

I gotta say WTFG  :aok  ... for coming back to give them a fight again ... we need more people like that.
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Offline jaxxo

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give perk points to the vet/senior member killers
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2006, 12:48:20 PM »
hub and I  ran tanks onto a field and killed ord and ack..we killed a WOT member and his whole squad Immediately showed up and launched 4 tigers and a handful of panzers against us..this is unfair..if your such badazzes you should let us kill you one at a time
