Author Topic: Gay marriage - why?  (Read 3128 times)

Offline Chairboy

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #120 on: June 07, 2006, 02:40:56 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
avro... where does it say you can't have laws based on sexual preference...  goat lovers are discriminated against...  pedophiles and necrophiliacs are discriminated against....


Easy, each one of the examples you provided have the same thing in common: They cannot give legal consent or enter a contract.

1. A goat cannot give legal consent for marriage or teh sex.
2. A child cannot give legal consent for marriage or teh sex.
3. A corpse cannot give legal consent for marriage or teh sex.

A "gay" (as you put it), on the other hand, presumably can (if they are of legal age, alive, and not a goat).
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Offline BluKitty

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #121 on: June 07, 2006, 02:52:04 PM »
marriage most assuredly discriminates against single people or those who are raising relatives without being married...

You get a tax break for "dependants" weather young or old.

Sorry try agin.  Your sides so called 'logic' fails agin and agin.

 It seems you can't use your brain to get past your baser instincts from my POV.  Careful or your medulla oblongata might take over when your NOT drinking (rollseyes)

Offline lazs2

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #122 on: June 07, 2006, 02:57:59 PM »
gays are able to enter into any contract they want... they simply are not allowed to marry another person of the same sex.    Single people can enter into a contract with and your relatives can enter into contracts but you are still "discriminated against" so far as marriage.

So if your arguement is that so long as two adults are involved marriage is discriminatory if it dissallows the union is.... bunk.   Lots of adults are discriminated against in marriage based on their preference... it is not just gay adults.

For instance.... my daughter and I are raising my grand daughter.   We are a family unit supporting family values and an asset (grand daughter is cared for) to the community..... yet.... married couples get many more benifiets than us and.... we can't marry each other even tho two of the people in this relationship are adults.

Of course, I have no interest in marrying my daughter but would love all the bennies such as tax deductions etc.


Offline lazs2

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #123 on: June 07, 2006, 03:01:01 PM »
blukitty... anyone can get a tax break for a dependent...  you can be gay and do the exact same thing so..... try again.

What I can't get is say.... the capital gains deduction of a married person.  The SS benifiets say... lot's of things.  Any more than a gay person.

Who are you trying to kid... it aint the rice and wedding cake you want it is the MONEY.


Offline BluKitty

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #124 on: June 07, 2006, 03:36:03 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2

What I can't get is say.... the capital gains deduction of a married person.  The SS benifiets say... lot's of things.

Then agin, I think that is wrong too.  But I think alot is wrong with the so called rules of this society.

Offline deSelys

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #125 on: June 07, 2006, 03:39:02 PM »
Lazs, what if the gay couple like guns and drive gas-guzzling hotrods??
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Offline Jackal1

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #126 on: June 07, 2006, 03:39:21 PM »
Gay marriage - why?

That about sums it up. Why?
Why even attempt to promote something as something  that is impossible?
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Debonair

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #127 on: June 07, 2006, 07:08:53 PM »
"If we can put a man on the moon..."

Offline Nash

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #128 on: June 08, 2006, 01:19:39 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
chair... racial discrimination is quite different.  To say that gays are being discriminated against in marriage is simplisic and wrong in the extreme.

Anyone is allowed to get married... / ..... It matters not what color or race or religion they are... or even their sexual preference...  

In the south in the fifties (and it was going away even then)  there were "seperate but equal" ideas floating aroud... colored drinking fountains and back of the bus sort of thing.  A person could not drink from a fountain based on color.


This is not the case with marriage.. anyone can participate... no one cares what your color or whatever is.

Oh what the hell....

From driftglass:


"And if the only rationale you can conjure is... that “Marriage is the most fundamental institution of civilization, and it should not be redefined by activist judges” -  then I commend to your attention the opening lines of the June 12, 1967, Loving v. Virginia decision, which gets referred to a lot in Left Bloggylvania, but not cited verbatim nearly often enough for my tastes, because here's how it begins. (Emphasis added):

"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix."

The law in Virginia as it read provided...

"Punishment for marriage. - If any white person intermarry with a colored person, or any colored person intermarry with a white person, he shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than five years."

And the penalty for leaving the State to evade the law was...

...If any white person and colored person shall go out of this State, for the purpose of being married, and with the intention of returning, and be married out of it, and afterwards return to and reside in it, cohabiting as man and wife, they shall be punished as provided in 20-59, and the marriage shall be governed by the same law as if it had been solemnized in this State. The fact of their cohabitation here as man and wife shall be evidence of their marriage."

What more needs be said?

When the cultural Gladys Kravitzes on the Right stomp into the public square dragging Gay Marriage along behind them, this is what’s really on the menu: Their insatiable appetite to impose their witchbag of hate, squeamishness and childish idiocy on everyone else in the Universe for no reason other than they are hateful, squeamish, childish idiots.

And since there is absolutely no quantifiable harm they can point to (In Loving, the “harm” cited was found in the language of Naim v. Naim which “concluded that the State's legitimate purposes were "to preserve the racial integrity of its citizens," and to prevent "the corruption of blood," "a mongrel breed of citizens," and "the obliteration of racial pride”…), time and again - from slavery, through Jim Crow, through “Loving” and now with Gay Marriage - you see the same democracy-loathing Red Statists thumping the same Bible, from the same pulpit, to the same squealing mob of culturally malnourished knuckleheads.

Generation after debased generation the disease is passed on, because regardless of where this moral cancer has geographically metastasized over the years, the continuous line of divinely-sanctioned White Male Christian Supremacy that runs from “God, Nooses and Negroes” to “God, Guns and Gays” comes straight out of the spiritual heart of the old Confederacy.

And because there are no tangible, measurable negative consequences, when you take it upon yourself to tell two consenting adults who and how they may marry you will always end up playing the “Almighty God”-card. Either explicitly, or by cowering behind such hollow, bigot-coded and patently ridiculous threats as, "Changing the definition of marriage would undermine the structure of the family."

On this issue - however icky you might personally find the whole idea of boys kissing boys or girls canoodling with girls - you can either be a Good Republican or a Good American, but you cannot be both.

Because when you insist that your perverse view of the Bible gives you the right to smash open Schrodinger's box and dictate who and how two consenting adults may marry, you will always end up standing on the gibbet, slipping the “Loving” rope around Liberty’s throat.


And that is no place that any decent American would ever want to be."


I know how much he gets some of y'all's nipples all twisted up...

So chew on that. :)

40 years ago interacial marriage was illegal. A mere fourty years ago!

Anyone opposing this has already lost.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2006, 01:33:57 AM by Nash »

Offline Holden McGroin

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #129 on: June 08, 2006, 01:31:21 AM »
Originally posted by deSelys
Lazs, what if the gay couple like guns and drive gas-guzzling hotrods??

(answering for Lazs)

Then they wouldn't be gay.
Holden McGroin LLC makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information. Since humor, irony, and keen insight may be foreign to some readers, no warranty, expressed or implied is offered. Re-writing this disclaimer cost me big bucks at the lawyer’s office!

Offline Jackal1

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #130 on: June 08, 2006, 06:22:17 AM »
As far as I know Pachmayar doesn`t make paisley grips and pink sidewalls never did go over real well.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline AVRO1

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #131 on: June 08, 2006, 08:52:14 AM »
avro... where does it say you can't have laws based on sexual preference...  goat lovers are discriminated against...  pedophiles and necrophiliacs are discriminated against....

Animals, children and corpses cannot consent while gays can.

You cannot have laws based on sexual preferences because the constitution gives EVERYONE equal rights. Right now gays do not have the right to get married according to there sexuals preferences while heterosexuals can.

Why should gays be the only group that gets a pass on the marriage rules?   Why not single people?  marriage discriminates against me as a single person... many places, a married couple get a higher health benifiet than me.... they get a 500k capital gains instead of my 250k...  

marriage most assuredly discriminates against single people or those who are raising relatives without being married...

A gay can marry a person of the opposite sex and get all the goodies at least... A single person can not stay single and be married.... a person who is celebate can't consumate a marriage so.... the laws discriminate against him...

nope... can't use simple rules that apply to everyone to somehow make them seem like some sort of minority discrimination.  A black person couldn't change his color to drink out of the white fountain but a gay most certainly can marry a person of the opposite sex.

Gays are asking to be treated the same as heterosexual couples, since that is what they are. The single person argument is contradictory since being single means you're not a couple, so why should you get privileges assigned to couples when you aren't one ? You're comparing apples and oranges again.

If you want want fairer treatment for single people who are raising relatives you have the right to lobby for it just like gays do.  They asking for something does not hinder you're right to do the same for another group just like gay marriages do not affect heterosexuals marriages in any way.  The constitution defends the religious freedom of the people so they cannot be forced to perform ceremonies they do not want to.

If the rules can be broken based on sexual discrimination then you might as well not even have the institution of marriage... it is worthless.... allmost everyone of any bent will be able to make a case for discrimination based on something or another...

Gays are not asking for any rules to be broken, they are asking for the same rights as other couples.

Offline lazs2

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #132 on: June 08, 2006, 09:17:16 AM »
nash... even in my most biggoted early years of white power I never believed that discrimination based on color was fair... I certainly do not now.  That goes for reverse discrimination like affirmative action and so called hate crimes.

A persons color is not changeable.  I would not support any ammendment that said coloreds could not marry or... that they were the only ones allowed to marry for that matter.

Gays are not a minority in any real sense they are not denied any rights.   They are also not asking for everyone to get the bennies they want from marriage... they are only concerned for themselves.

If discriminating against them in marriage is wrong then any rules in marriage are wrong.  Marriage has no right to discriminate against any consenting adults for any reason.   No discrimination based on sex should be allowed then... no men and women locker rooms... no male and female bathrooms... no boy scouts and girl scouts... no girls soccer and boys football....  

men and women are different... marriage celebrates that union.  It provides for a healthy way to raise offspring.... most of the people from countries on this BB that support gay marriage have illegitimacy rates in the 50% range... I want to listen to them about what is best?

and... no one has responded... if the rights were given by the people to a goup who had rules and then the rules were changed so that what was voted on or given freely is now 180 degrees different... then the voters were betrayed.

Ask yourself... would the majority of the people vote to give incentives to marriage if they knew that it was any contract between two adults no matter if they were of the same sex or blood?  Of course not.  


Offline Goomba

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #133 on: June 08, 2006, 11:22:58 AM »
I personally think that I could not possibly care less if two gay people want to marry.

Let 'em.  

How in this world could the "quality" or "sanctity" of my marriage to my wife be even the slightest bit affected by the marriage of two lesbians, or whatever?  Not in the least.

I've known enough people in my life to have come to the following conclusion...decency, compassion, reliability, loyalty, common sense and intellect are hard enough to come by, regardless of what 'flavor' of human you are.

I'll judge people by how they behave, what they do to and for others, how they contribute to society.

I know gay couples who are far more fit to raise a child than several hetero couples who are so selfish, status-centric and negligent that I wouldn't let them watch my dogs for a week.

Furthermore, to make this a Constitutional issue defies every value I ever thought was part of being an American, and seriously dimishes the integrity of what an Amendment should be.

Leave these people alone, let them live like the rest of us, and save your venom, righteousness and bile for the sorts of people who really deserve it.

Careful, lest someone decide some aspect of YOUR life is not to be'll go from holier-than-thou to hunted in a heartbeat.

I'm not a particular fan of that lifestyle, and don't choose to wallow in it...but 'tolerance' doesn't mean I have to love it or live it...just let it be.

(PS..I use the words 'you' and 'your' in the generic sense, not specifically directed at anyone)

Offline lazs2

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #134 on: June 09, 2006, 09:45:57 AM »
goomba... I recognize your sentiments.  I agree with your sentiments.  I would in no way wish to see gays discriminated against...  This is not the case with gays changing the rules of marriage.... no more than men and womens bathrooms or locker rooms are discriminatory..

As for how you and your wife feel about gays not diminishing your marriage by their participation... that is admirable and... correct..

However... it is not about you and your wife and how much or little it diminishes your perception of marriage.  

It is about money.   It is not about having a cake and rice thrown at you or wearing wedding rings... it is about getting a tax break... It is about making everyone pay for a gay partners health care....  

These rights were fought for/given to you and yours (you and yours meaning married people) by voters and citizens because we felt that your lifestyle was worth rewarding.   That their was a good chance that you would raise the future of America.  We might not have done so if the "rules" didn't count.

Now... it is the same with schools... why should a childless person or family pay property taxes on schools?  He can't use em... he is being "discriminated" against?   Nope... if he has a kid then his kid get's to use the school.... If a gay marries a consenting adult of the oppossite gender... he gets to get the tax and health goodies...  everyone has the same opportunity.

You and yours (married people) are not the only ones involved here... just like people with kids are not the only ones who should have a say in our schools.

If there are no rules for marriage then everyone should get exactly the same benifiets as you and yours (married people)... those raising a dependend or even single people...

Your arguement only holds water if marriage is nothing more than a piece of paper and a wedding ceremony with no special rights.

I simply say... let gays get their own form of marriage and fight for/or be given extra rights one at a time.   Gays can have a contract... they can have a wedding... they can even marry opposite gender.

They don't want that.... they want the MONEY... It is not about respect and rights.... It is about money.
